segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2016


Author: Adílio Jacinto Filho

First I will conceptualize neoliberalism at the point of Anthropological view and then give ideas of how to understand liberalism mainly of John Stuart Mill trying to diminish the importance of liberalism of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Neoliberalism Maynard Keynes making an analysis and seeking clarity in some saving concepts.

1 Neoliberalism that says the social, political, economic system based on the defense of freedom of the individual in all aspects of his life: Religious, Economic, Cultural, Political and Intellectual, however, is the individual action, the game uses and customs is that makes an action and the freer and bring happiness to the majority, gives the work and a new social situation, therefore, the freedom to be is oxygen to Neoliberalism.

"Neoliberalism of our day can actually be seen in this way is a movement of ideas that parallel guard with its predecessor -.. And seeks to highlight such parallels, even as a way to legitimize through the age of ideas and is also a new movement, compared to the times and responding to new issues - and calls, where appropriate, to this side "innovative and contemporary", once again as a legitimation strategy "(REGINALDO C. CORREA dE MORAES). 

However the difficulties for man topple both in religious, economic, cultural, political is not so easy for humans to be freed from daily oppressions which the sign, stereotypes of the time is given in the media and other media and the conventions religious and ideological based on utopias and dogmas and propagated illusions and ideals over the logic of success, example: a player is projected as one of the best, a singer with only a song is millionaire, so the illusory common sense this has more value than a nurse, psychologist, teacher, police officer who takes care of the emotional, physical and intellectual life, and in the case of Brazil is the worst sense of success in the world.

Thus man is a social cohesion already promoted by the action of the past and dialectically the subject balances on making it bad and making it good and the group is in political power defines the actions which may change, however, is to create a new contract, a new cohesion and not easy because most still live in common sense. 

Religious common sense: think with words would stop with the religious wars that still shows a utopia and seeking toimprove the lives of people of the time, we are fragile in the food chain and before the Earth orogeny transformations, it has its own dynamics.

Before Socrates rationality of how to understand the world has to question how we can live better in this world with explanations making problematic questions of art of living well (Philosophy).

Where the nature of man, both physical, psychological, religious, cultural and political and economic living in the interiority of being give different from each other and this made the premise "know thyself" first liberalism symptom to overcome ignorance and tolerate differences and seeking awareness of knowledge.

This is the pillar of neoliberalism, are sought in speculation and answers: the awareness to know and learn from the mistakes trying to better the limitations of the human condition. Dogmas, doctrines, ideologies and utopias appear to explain our weakness.

However there are so many answers that some become it almost impossible given the renewal of questioning generations of uses and historical customs, giving birth to new knowledge in the dialogical dialectic of existence and convince a universal setting where individuals are so different in the arguments of conflicts of opposites to find the truth, but everyone wants happiness, however, money is needed and everyone is looking for him.

Groups form prevailing ideas of his historical time, yet there are immeasurable and violent dualities of opposites that can be clear as a war or concealed in backbiting, and does not convince all that is called good sense, but the dialogical speech is overcome and abandoned or radicalized by groups that prevails selfishness and not negoismo.

A minority through your group can manage conflicts, but never have the truth polished and so was and will be.

Neoliberalism seeks only freedom of thought from one individual solutions to improve the way of life it and others, so was the invention of fire, the wheel, or the art of its action seeks to chance to win the diversities that Earth it imposes, it is a body that does not obey the laws of man.

After all, we are one of the weakest links in the food chain and if it was not our opposable thumb, even with our "rational intellect" would not be here now and I writing this article.

Neoliberalism is a discourse constructed to convince, but rather part of a dialogue, opposition ideas, duality of speeches, clashing, are being "drawn", taking shape by the very conflict of opposites, as if polished to meet the truth, which leaves the sphere of discourse and returns to the atmosphere of being.

But very often they are alone in the specialization and the impossible limit cover the whole historical truth because the habits and customs change and their training and their conviction is a constant struggle of art of the new with the old knowledge

Because when formed the use and custom of the time, let's say, in the 1920s had rules and laws governing the uses and customs, but in the 1960s there were major changes in 1990 also, which revolves around changes in average 40 years in human actions in their behavior with himself and with the others was so in ancient times and now.

It is this concept that analyze liberalism, the action of the man in the art of renewal of thought that seeks with his intectualidade improvements for you that can benefit a generation and modify it and uses and customs.

Economy is more cornered by it is difficult for the common dogmatized sense, idealized, utopizado, religious, there will be soon a popular consensus some positive points of neo liberalism .

As democracy , equality before the law, the right to property to buy social function and respect for individual freedoms that are confused with "debauchery."

And escapes the conventions of customs and morals of the collective to individual hatching the first time with a new concept that can be a repression or frustration of libido or lack of opportunity to win to survive in the world.

2- liberal approaches in the economy and its classical terms.

First let's assume that you have everything for your well-being, as an island, yet the insects and other predators click there and own.

Earth has its dynamics and therefore you build with your intellectuality a set of utopias, lives not alone of course, their children were born and acceding thereof, however, there comes a time that this island does not fit so many people.

Thus the concept of Thomas Malthus is still valid according to this explanation of the island, only that this island is larger - Earth and still need birth control is current population continues to grow, to stop would have more goods and less calamities the advancement of technology we could live better.

But many "liberal dicta" confuse profits and their well-being in the unrestrained struggle for dividends of competition and this needs demand.

There are various types of demand in this competition;

- One of the classic Liberalism that says the social, political, economic system based on the defense of freedom of the individual in all aspects of his life: Religious, Economic, Cultural, Political and Intellectual.

However difficulties in religious, economic, cultural, political is not so easy for humans.

Religious: in order to stop the religious wars still shows a utopia and seeking to improve the lives of people of the time, we are fragile in the food chain and before the Earth orogeny transformations, it has its own dynamics.

Before Socrates rationality of how to understand the world has to question how we can live better in this world with explanations making problematic questions of art of living well (Philosophy).

Where the nature of man, both physical, psychological, religious, cultural and political and economic living in the interiority of being give different from one another and it made the premise "know thyself" First of neoliberalism symptom to overcome ignorance and tolerate differences and seeking awareness of knowledge.

This is the pillar of neoliberalism, are sought in speculation and answers: the awareness to know and learn from the mistakes trying to better the limitations of the human condition. Dogmas, doctrines, ideologies and utopias appear to explain our weakness.

However there are so many answers that some become it almost impossible given the renewal of questioning generations of uses and historical customs, giving birth to new knowledge in the dialogical dialectic of existence and convince a universal setting where individuals are so different in the arguments of conflicts of opposites to find the truth.

Groups form prevailing ideas of his historical time, yet there are immeasurable and violent dualities of opposites that can be clear as a war or hidden in backbiting, and does not convince all that is called common sense, but the dialogical speech is overcome and abandoned or radicalized by groups that prevails selfishness and not negoismo .

A minority through your group can manage conflicts, but never have the truth polished and so was and will be.

Neoliberalism seeks only freedom of thought from one individual solutions to improve the way of life it and others, so was the invention of fire, the wheel.

That is, in the art of their action in pursuit chance to win the diversities that the earth requires it, it is a body that does not obey the laws of man.

After all, we are one of the weakest links in the food chain and if it was not our opposable thumb, even with our "rational intellect" would not be here now and I writing this article.

Neoliberalism is a discourse constructed to convince, but rather part of a dialogue, opposition ideas, duality of speeches, clashing, are being "drawn", taking shape by the very conflict of opposites, as if polished to meet the truth, which leaves the sphere of discourse and returns to the atmosphere of being.

But very often they are alone in the specialization and the impossible limit cover the whole historical truth because the habits and customs change and their training and their conviction is a constant struggle of art of the new with the old knowledge

Because when formed the use and custom of the time, let's say, in the 1920s had rules and laws governing the uses and customs, but in the 1960s there were major changes in 1990 also, which revolves around changes in average 40 years in human actions in their behavior with himself and with the others was so in ancient times and now.

It is this concept that analyze neoliberalism, the action of the man in the art of renewal of thought that seeks with his intellectuality improvements for you that can benefit a generation and modify it and uses and customs.

Economy is more cornered by it is difficult for the common dogmatized sense, idealized, utopizado, religious, there will be soon a popular consensus some positive points of neo liberalism .

As democracy , equality before the law, the right to property to buy social function and respect for individual freedoms that are confused with "debauchery."

And escapes the conventions of customs and morals of the collective to individual hatching the first time with a new concept that can be a repression or frustration of libido or lack of opportunity to win to survive in the world.

2- liberal approaches in the economy and its classical terms.

First let's assume that you have everything for your well-being, as an island, yet the insects and other predators click there and own.

Earth has its dynamics and therefore you build with your intellectuality a set of utopias, lives not alone of course, their children were born and acceding thereof, however, there comes a time that this island does not fit so many people.

Thus the concept of Thomas Malthus is still valid according to this explanation of the island, only that this island is larger - Earth and still need birth control is current population continues to grow, to stop would have more goods and less calamities the advancement of technology we could live better.

But many "liberal dicta" confuse profits and their well-being in the unrestrained struggle for dividends of competition and this needs demand.

There are several types and demand in this competition; A - options Demand: is the existence of choices, even if you have this demand does not enjoy the alternative options that would be possible, but according to the interests of "liberal country" find impossible or expensive or interest in not changing economic policies. I will now present a cattle management model photo intensive.

Places where food needed to feedlots will be planted.

Which can be combined with milk production and decrease when production can both of fattening could be slaughtered on the spot.

So are other cultures, pigs and others. Which also gives milk and cheese, sheep, goat, etc.

But in Brazil few do still are still in the speculative demand for currency concerned with the interest and gains of other currencies and sell or outsource to other companies and make extensive management with large expanse of land is only planting and the Commodities.

Commodities (goods means in English) can be defined as commodities, mainly minerals and farm products, which are produced on a large scale and marketed worldwide. The commodity is traded on commodities exchanges, so their prices are set globally, the international market.

The commodity is produced by different producers and have uniform characteristics. Generally, they are products that can be stored for a certain period of time without loss of quality. The commodity is also characterized by not having undergone industrial process, ie, are generally materials.

There are four types of commodities: 

Agricultural commodities: soybeans, frozen orange juice, wheat, cotton, rubber, coffee, etc.
Commodities mining: iron ore, aluminum, oil, gold, nickel, silver, etc.
Financial commodities: currencies traded on multiple markets, government bonds of federal, etc.
environmental commodities: carbon credits

Brazil is one of the largest producer and exporter of commodities. The main commodities produced and exported by our country is: oil, coffee, orange juice, iron ore, soybeans and aluminum. On the one hand the country benefits from trade in these goods, on the other makes it dependent on the prices set internationally. When there is high international demand, prices go up and companies producing much profit. 

But in a global recession frame, commodity depreciates, hurting corporate profits and the value of shares traded on the stock exchange. A - options Demand: is the existence of choices, even if you have this demand does not enjoy the alternative options that would be possible, but according to the interests of "liberal country" find impossible or expensive or interest in not changing economic policies. I will now present a cattle management model photo intensive. 

Places where food needed to feedlots will be planted. Which can be combined with milk production. And when production can decrease both the fattening can be slaughtered on the spot. 

So are other cultures, pigs and other and also give milk and cheese, sheep, goat, etc.

First to better understand the proposal must follow the link displayed, if you want to make good use.

A phrase my grandmother Phoenician "child money is not grass, those who believe in any dogma and any faith or ideology, even atheist not live without it, all they want preferably in abundance."

Talk about sazona adjustment l, leverage , marginal tax rate, cost analysis - benefit trade balance , traps liquidity ,barriers of entry , non-tariff ,Cartel in the economy these are the terms of the economy and its current science should be with caution because most still use Keynesianism . And besides all the "transparency" of public companies that still have the curve of indifference demand have the function that shows combinations of goods in the amount which makes the consumer indifferent. So he has no preference between a combination against each other, since each provides the same level of satisfaction (the utility does not change). Indifference curves are very used to represent consumer preferences.

The broken demand curves have the following functions;

Market dominated by a few sellers

Interdependence between the vendors in the case of bids in tenders may be collusion with "both gazetted staff as assigned."

Products can be homogeneous or heterogeneous, but the foreign company protectionist tax rate and demands that affect the demand and more expensive the product.

Barriers to entry moderate or high

2. Difficulties in analyzing oligopolistic markets for this are due to have a specialized department of Revenue with a task force.

The actions of an individual firm affect the market as a whole was the case of Petrobras.

The demand curve of a firm is affected by the actions of other firms, Mitsuy and Sansung could help better if it was not the "interests". Both brown and red.

3. The model of the broken demand curve

If a firm lowers its price, other firms to follow, but in Brazil this competition is marked cards ..

But if a firm up its price, other firms do not follow to win a competition in the state's bidding, so many companies "collaborate" with several candidates.

Practicing the second theory - where best companies to get the best results in the remaining markets.

4. Collusion

Firms collude on price and production decision, eg coffee, in some places 0.50 cents others arrive up to 4.5 reais.

The industry is a shared monopoly

4.1 Problem

Incentive to cheat and earn higher profits is still a secular trend an activity for a long period 

5. Price Leadership

Stunt Species

The lead firm sets the price, the others follow and combines among them the bids.

5.1 Problem

It may take the price wars that would be good, but the bids as we have seen often is collusion.

6. Game theory

Strategic decisions by firms

6.1 Dilemma of the prisoner of the Nationalist and oligarchic companies.

Two firms in the industry or the so-called "national long time that is protected by former presidents in Brazil."

The profits of each firm are determined by its price and the price of rival and the bid-rigging we see today are common practices long in Brazil.

Both firms charge the lowest price and earn lower profits than a collusive situation, but never an international company manages a 100% rate of return can be protectionism.

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) in English IRR (Internal Rate of Return), is a hypothetical discount rate that, when applied to a cash flow, causes the expenditure figures to present value, to be equal values of returns on investments also to present value. 

The concept was proposed by John Maynard Keynes , in order to classify various investment projects: Projects whose cash flows have an internal rate of return greater than the hurdle rate should be chosen. The opportunity to present value shall be calculated on the communication plan, sales, marketing and market potential. So, we made the sales potential. .

Thus, the IRR is the rate needed to match the value of an investment (present value) with their respective future returns or cash balances resulting in each period. Being used in investment analysis, means the rate of return of a project.

For example, using a financial calculator, we find for the project "P" an Internal Rate of Return of 15% per year. This project will be attractive if the company has a TMA less than 15% per year. The solution of this equation can be obtained by iterative process, ie "trial and error", or directly with the use of electronic calculators or spreadsheets.

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the refresh rate of the project that gives the VPL null. IRR is the rate that the investor gets on average for each period (year, month, ...) on the capital that remain invested in the project, while the initial investment is recovered gradually. The IRR is a criterion that meets the value of money over time, valuing thecash flows present more than the future, are with VPL and PAYBACK updated the three major project evaluation criteria. The IRR is not suitable for selection of investment projects, except when it is determined from the relative cash flow.

The internal rate of return of an investment can be:

Greater than the Minimum Rate of Attractiveness : it means that the investment is economically attractive.

Equal to the Minimum Rate of Attractiveness: the investment is economically an indifference situation.

Less than the Minimum Rate of Attractiveness: the investment is not economically attractive because their return is surpassed by the return of an investment with little return already set.

Among various investments, the best is the one that has the highest internal rate of return. Mathematically, the Internal Rate of Return is the interest rate that makes the present value of cash inflows equal to the present value of the investment project cash outflows.

Thus, the IRR is the discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of the project is zero. A project is attractive when its IRR is greater than the cost of capital project. 

And we see in Brazil, where an oligopoly without collusion, in which competitors follow any lower prices that it makes, but do not follow its price increases, the breakdown is given the prevailing price and that all state do not follow the national market, but international prices to approve it and not "take damage" and to hell with the domestic consumer, these cases are of most of the "Brazilian companies" so they can become ineffective or used for other purposes, as we saw in Operation Java Jet.

Already envelope curve is based on fixed cost and it could make a profit or not according to the demand.

We are seeing the scandal of pension funds of these companies, therefore advocate privatization have, however staff can participate as shareholders and employees with allowances made by privatization or request voluntary dismissal with compensation.

Throughout Brazilian history the formation of unions was linked to what is called The pelego pelego term was popularized during the Vargas era, in the 1930s Imitating Charter Del Lavoro, the Italian fascist Mussolini, Vargas decreed the Unionization Act in 1931, submitting the statutes of trade unions to the Ministry of Labor.

Pelego was the union leader of government confidence that guarantee the linkage of the entity to the state. Decades later, the term came to the fore with the military dictatorship. "Scab" became the union leader indicated by the military, the maximum representative of the "brown unionism". The word that formerly designated skin or cloth that softened the contact between the rider and the saddle became synonymous with traitor and ally of the workers of the government and the bosses.

Now we have the red scabs linked to the PT through the CUT and scabs of the fifties of Fiesp brown and Union of Landowners, CNA ( onfederação of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil ). The ANC system works as follows: the Agricultural Federations work in the States, the Rural Trade Unions within the municipalities and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil - CNA acts in the interests of Brazilian farmers with the Federal Government, the Congress national and upper judiciary courts, in which hardly a producer alone could get answers to their demands.

On the other hand the MST and CONTAG , nothing seems liberal, we are almost a Union Republic, will take beginners and people are not disappointed again.

For this reason, Michel Temer is it's not a new physiologist or liberal or continue the old policy of the colonels and the neoliberalism of Keynesianism , interfering in everything, Temer make liberalism with perfect competition , market with many buyers and many sellers, none of them individually influence the price (at least not influence considerably), there to interfere with the improvement of the ministry of health, education, safety and housing.

Now I shall outline liberalism without Keynes.

Is not small d number and students who ask us teachers: and now, CUT turned pelega? There's a reason for that question, because the CUT has always been identified with a combative syndicalism, and the same with the Workers' Party; It was often seen as the "union arm E". 

Despite being an inaccurate view, there is some truth in it and it was seen by most of society, since most of the ACFTU leaders is linked to the PT. But remember that union members from other parties also share the same central. It is important to highlight that a union should be independent of any political party, must represent all workers, regardless of their political affiliation or ideological definition. 

The CUT has always been seen as a defensive move of workers' interests and, accordingly, as a movement of "opposition". Opposition to what? Opposition to the policy of several previous governments, defined as not committed to the best interests of workers, from the conservatism of Figueiredo and Sarney, to neoliberalism Collor and Fernando Henrique; opposition to employers and imperialist interests, taxes to the country mainly from the IMF requirements.

But now that the PT's government and most of the union leaders "CUT" are linked to the PT, which will be their behavior? simply support government measures, or consult the workers? Will continue to advocate and practice a trade unionism "combat" as in origin? 

However it is also still attached to Keynesianism and state interference at all, may be even liberal, he has even pronounced the reduction of ministries, but the state machine also can under his command makes a little more efficient or not, because it is swollen and certainly friends of parliamentarians adopted the colonels .

Dentarei demonstrate liberalism that only has the health goal, security, education and housing, not neoliberalism economists formed to be technocrats.

First I will talk like this came as "absolute truths in their" so-called orthodox economists or simply called well-trained technocrat manager preferably at Harvard. After further discuss the terms of Keynesianism.

The current liberalism established by the agreement Bretton Woods with the end of World War I and World War II (1914 and 1944), which in the words of the great writer Stefan Zweig the world would not be the same. 

The gold standard ceased to be the main indicator of wealth of a country and the currency effect by intellectual work, scientific body gave new note for the current liberalism, where the US is still the major beneficiary, but China and other countries are uniting the coins is the case of the BRICS and UNION are coming with everything. (it is worth noting that Brazil still did not wake up to this Union)

Yesterday, US Spokesperson IMF tuned speech as if Brazil can not do Democracy and needs their endorsement, the economy and politics, is that this is the complex "mutt" that Brazil has because of oligarchies?

Zweig write "Europe and the world would not be the same, now requires to passport, I recognized internationally and know my reputation as a writer, now it has to be searched and some of my books do not get order in some countries." 

Thus, the transit of immigrants was natural, even Islamists had not so much demand was a world that seemed a peace that would never be shaken and less religious intolerance, was the liberalism of David Ricardo , Adam Smith .

Less than Karl Marx by the Totalitarian State of Stalin and companions, increased disbelief, the xenophobia , thereligious intolerance with these wars to date, the European and Africa and Middle East is the scene of this liberalism policy.

Where David Ricardo one of the product distribution of mentors generated by work in society. That is, according toRicardo, the joint application of labor, machinery and capital in the production process generates a product, which is divided among the three classes of society: landowners (in the form of land rent), employees (under the form of wages) and the capitalist tenants (in the form of capital gains). The role of economics would then be to determine the natural laws that govern this distribution as a way of analysis of the current outlook of the economic situation, without losing concern for long-term growth.

His theory of comparative advantages are an essential basis of the theory of international trade . It showed that two countries can mutually benefit from free trade, even if a nation is less efficient in producing all kinds of goods than its trading partner. Ricardo argued that neither the amount of money in a country, or the monetary value of that money was the major determinant of the wealth of a nation. According to the author, a nation is rich because of the abundance of goods that contribute to the comfort and well-being of its inhabitants.

However today large companies can be installed in all countries and those that have more structures in both space and natural resources and human capital left and no interference from the barriers of "Draconian Laws of David Ricardo has some effect, but always with favors national oligarchies it is free. "

The characterized by monetary disorder and the absence of a clearly hegemon, while average potentiate sought a leadership position. Even during the war, the United States and Britain began negotiations for an economic restructuring, which resulted in the Atlantic Charter in 1941, a kind of precursor of Bretton Woods .

The conference Bretton Woods setting the Bretton Woods system of international economic management, established in July 1944 the rules for commercial and financial relations among the major industrialized countries.The Bretton Woods system was the first example in world history of a fully negotiated monetary order, aiming to govern monetary relations among independent nation-states.

Preparing to rebuild the capitalist world while World War II still raging, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations met at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire , for monetary and financial conference of the United Nations. The delegates deliberated and finally signed the Bretton Woods Agreement (Bretton Woods Agreement) during the first three weeks of July 1944.

The Bretton Woods agreement lasted until 15 of August of 1971 , when the United States unilaterally ended theconvertibility of the dollar into gold , which effectively led the Bretton Woods system apo collapse and the dollar has one fiat currency . The decision, referred to as the Nixon shock (Nixon Shock), has created a situation in which the US dollar became the reserve currency , used by many states. At the same time, other currencies , which until then were fixed (such as the pound sterling , for example), are now floating .

So the dollar began to dictate the rules of "liberalism" that has been renovated by a new chain called Neoliberalism.

Neoliberalism is a term that has been used by a wide variety of scholars within the social sciences , as well as by critics to describe the resurgence of associated ideas to Capitalism laissez-faire (presented by Classical Liberalism), which were implemented from early 1970s and 1980s. 

It was in this period that emerged a strong group OPEC that raised many dollars, hardening creating profits calledpetrodollars originating in export oil . In 1973 , with the crisis of oil and the sudden rise of its value, the exporters of the product received an increasing flow of foreign exchange.

Given the limitations of their domestic economies, these countries have used these currencies in the international financial market, generating a period of great financial liquidity, which made the term popular and lent to various countries, including Brazil.

They bought many things from Brazil to urutu Toasted Sadam Hussein used in the war with Iran, which was one of the features of the "Brazilian miracle".

Since the Bretton Woods Agreement and its supporters advocate in favor of political economic liberalizationextensive, such as privatization , fiscal austerity , deregulation , free trade , and cutting government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy. Increasing interference of the IMF that with his plans always based on Keynesianism .

- Defense of state intervention in the economy, especially in areas where the private sector is unable or unwilling to act.

- Defense policy actions for economic protectionism.

- Against economic liberalism.

- Defense state economic measures aimed at ensuring full employment. This would be achieved with the balance between demand and production capacity.

- The State has a key role to stimulate the economy in times of crisis and economic recession.

- State intervention should be done through the fulfillment of a fiscal policy so there is no growth and uncontrolled inflation. 

Neoliberalism is a concept whose use and settings have undergone some changes over time. In the 1930s , neoliberalism it was an economic doctrine that has emerged among scholars liberal European and trying to set a so -called "third way" able to resolve the conflict between classical liberalism and planned economy collectivist .

This development was due to the desire to avoid a repeat of the economic failures that led to the 1929 crisis , whose cause was attributed mainly to the economic policy of classical liberalism . In later decades, neoliberal theory tended to diverge from the more laissez-faire doctrine of classical liberalism, promoting instead a market economy under the guidance and rules of an E stado strong - model that would be termed social economy market .

In the 1960s , the use of "neoliberal" term came into sharp decline, but when the term was re - introduced in the 1980s , its meaning had changed and became associated with the economic reforms implemented in Chile in the1970s during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet , which had the cooperation of Hayek , the Chicago Boys and theCIA ..

In this period, the term not only acquired a negative connotation on the critics of the reform of the market , as had also changed meaning - ceasing to be regarded as a moderate form of liberalism, to be understood as a set of more radically favorable ideas to capitalism laissez-faire that also did not work.

Scholars began then to associate neoliberalism to the theories of economists Friedrich Hayek , the Austrian School , and Milton Friedman , the Chicago School - as the term is currently understood. In the 1980s, the term is now used by academics linked to different social sciences, especially in criticizing this resurgence of ideas derived fromeconomic liberalism laissez faire of the nineteenth century . The use of the term has expanded rapidly over the 1990s, consolidating themselves in the 2000s .

Thus, once established the new meaning of the term among scholars of Spanish language, this has spread to the literature of political economy , in English, by associating the set of economic policies introduced by Augusto Pinochet in Chile , Margaret Thatcher , in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the United States .

The change in the consensus that took place during the decades of 70 and 80 in favor of economic theories and neoliberal policies, is considered by some scholars as the root of the financialization of the economy that would culminate with the 2008 crisis .

Thinking that the state should interfere according to Keynes.

Prior to Keynesian thinking, Microeconomics studies the individual relationships between the various economic agents. It provides that the supply and demand forces would cause adjustments processes for balance in all prices and values, full use of production factors, and an equilibrium price for the use of each. Deviations from these levels were considered temporary. In general, the earlier analysis of price and value was based on assumptions based on the " laissez-faire " and the application of this theory implied the perfect mobility of factors within a self-regulating economy. Power would exemplify how specific cases of Microeconomics demand for wheat or salary level of a particular industry.

For another view, Macroeconomics takes care of the total or aggregate. This total national income, and how it is affected by expenses and total savings. Microeconomics is incorporated into this. Observe the behavior of theeconomy overall and recognizes that the damage of one of the parties is detrimental to all. The idea of flow is of the highest importance by the fact that the total national income of the company must be kept at certain levels to ensure the desired levels considered by interventional investments, savings and jobs.

It is a kind of general equilibrium concept: every element of the economy depends on all the other elements. Contrary to Microeconomics, does not accept the laissez-faire, considering it, in fact, an entirely unworthy philosophy of trust and that can be judged largely responsible for the violent disturbances in the level of trade and the subsequent unemployment. However, Macroeconomics predates Keynes.

Keynes and economic policy.

JM Keynes disagreed with Say's Law , Keynes summarized as "supply creates its own demand." Just as Thomas Malthus , did not believe that the production of goods would generate, always and necessarily sufficient demand for other goods. Could occur overproduction crisis, as happened in the 1930s to him the free market can, during recessions, not generate enough demand to ensure full employment of factors of production due to "hoarding" of savings. At that time it would be advisable that the state create fiscal deficits to increase effective demand and to create full employment.

The theory of business cycles, whether monetary or not she on her way to consider the question, is interested primarily the problems of income and floating employment; These problems worried economists for many years.

Early studies on business cycles rarely employed much empirical evidence, but at least in the United States to macroanalysis existed for half a century. Keynes made the emphasis entirely fall on income levels, which he said affected employment levels, which is of course a different emphasis from that found in previous studies.

It is probably true that the whole Keynesian economics has been aimed to find the causes and cures for the periodic unemployment.

Keynes did not find any solution to the problem in any work on economics then existing policies, and their efforts thus greatly exploration.

It is clearly deviated from most previous economic theories, even from his teacher, Alfred Marshall , which was considered by most scholars almost sacrosanct. It is true that many of his ideas combined with those of previous economists like Lauderdale , Malthus , Rae , Sismondi , Say , Quesnay and others.

Keynes combined his own theories and previous developments in an analysis that led to changes in the economy accepted in degree that the revolution has dawned.

The goal of Keynes, to defend state intervention in the economy is not in any way destroy the capitalist system of production. On the contrary, according to the author, capitalism is the most efficient system that humanity has ever known (including the then socialism ). The goal is to improve the system, so that they join the social altruism (by the state) with individual gain instincts (through free private initiative). According to the author, state intervention in the economy is necessary because the union does not occur by natural means, thanks to the problems of the free market (disproportionality between savings and investment and "mood" or "[animal spirits]," entrepreneurs). It is also an anti-inflationary economist to declare that inflation is a confiscation of income from the government.

Investment and expectations.

For Keynes, investment depends on the interaction between the marginal efficiency of capital and the interest rate.Keynes does not, as many of the neo-classical authors, the interest rate as a cost of loan or financing, or even a cost-of opportunity to return provided by the assets invested in the financial market, in relation to investment in productive capital goods and or the price difference between capital goods and consumer goods. The interest rate, according to the author, is "a measure of the reluctance of those who have money to dispose of their liquid control over it." That is, the premium that an economic agent receives to divest itself of its liquidity.

This preference for liquidity of its assets by economic agents is justified because of uncertainty about the future of economic events and the future results of past and present investments. For this reason, people prefer to keep their wealth in the form of money.

Therefore, according to Keynes, the interest rate is a limit to productive investment, just by being an investor of the trade-off, when you apply your capital in a broad portfolio of assets between investment (productive capital) and liquidity (capital monetary).

They are quite arguable the reasons for which the marginal efficiency of capital must necessarily be decreasing as the volume of investment. What happens second Keynes, are expectations of declining returns to the level of investment for on the one hand, a given size (or growth) of the market, and the other an increasing financial risk associated with the debt and the loss of liquidity.

The decline in the marginal efficiency of capital stems from its scarcity decreasing with the volume demanded, as with any capital asset. For assets of productive capital, the limit for investment is given by the market of goods produced with such capital. The decline of marginal income is due to rising financial costs of depreciation and debts incurred by the investing company, or the flow of disbursements for the payment of those capital goods, which reduces the liquidity condition of the company. These factors increase the financial risks taken by investors, who make their return expectations are diminishing. The economist was also in favor of an expansion of the deficit only in times of crisis.

China is running these conditions and had growth of 10% in recent decades, but they have to change, but act like David Ricardo and Adam Smith Theory and Keynes.

In summary, Keynes perceives the investment as a monetary productive phenomenon rather than classical authors desvinculavam investment savings. The monetary connotation of investment Keynes also involves recognizing that the very definitions of productive investment and liquidity preference are linked by mutual dependence of expectations regarding uncertainty ahead to future events.

The peculiarity of the expectations of long-term associated with productive investment is mainly in longer duration of investor commitment period with durable productive assets, ie, low liquidity, which entails the difficulty or impossibility of error correction for lower costs, of forecast errors on the future of the economy and markets. It is therefore essential for economic agents to make informed decisions in order to minimize uncertainty.

China and Russia and India are innovating in renewed headquarters and quickly is only missing for China to trust in their first-line industries and not flood with second-line products, is on the way, as well as Australia and Russia and India and Singapore.

Japan is lagging behind, South Korea is already a great potential and so much that it was not the contract that protectionist Brazilian laws that probe Sansuy did not pass the shame what is happening today in the Petrobras corruption, he had and "enter" the game and pay more if it would cost 50% less.

But as Keynes considers uncertainty an endogenous power to the capitalist system, the solution adopted by economic agents that have active it is, rather than eliminate, circumvent the uncertainties of their expectations by the use of the adoption of conventional norms of behavior.

These behavioral norms convencionam second Keynes, consist of "assume that this state of affairs will continue indefinitely unless there is specific reason to expect change."

Long-term expectations are not subject to sudden revision, and therefore can not be affected by future results, or deleted. There can be therefore cautious behavior in the form of adaptive expectations (and much less rational expectations) that mitigate the uncertainties and stabilize investments. For uncertainty is an intrinsic characteristic of the capitalist system. That is, in short, the natural reaction of individuals to uncertainty about future economic developments be guided by a conventional behavior, which flattens the way of investment through a non-negligible inertial component of expectations.

His ideas and his followers have been adopted by several Western governments and also by many third worlds governments. Are, today, the essence of economic policy maintained in the Scandinavian states , whose populations enjoy the world's best living standards. Its influence began to decline from the 70s with the rise of monetarist caused by US dollar crisis of 1971 during the administration Nixon , when the United States were forced to stop the dollar's convertibility into gold, but resurfaces after 1986 with the publication of Greenwald- theorem Stiglitz and the emergence of new-Keynesian economists. In 1998, amid the Asian crisis , the economist Paul Krugman argued that "Keynes is even more important than 50 years ago."

Academic study of the neoliberalism of the phenomenon has grown, and the impact of the global crisis of 2008 in the global economy has sparked new criticism of the neoliberal model, seeking new alternatives that promote economic development , and this unfolding catastrophe.

After the war, when the United States emerged as a new world power, the West now has a new international monetary and economic order. By becoming the hegemonic nation, the United States impose on the world the dollar as an international currency and the supremacy of the country, in the monetary field and in the conduct of financial "rules of the game" prevailing gold standard system were simple: the amount of gold reserves of the country determined its money supply . If a country were a surplus in its balance of payments , should import gold from deficit countries. This would bring its domestic money supply, leading to an expansion of the monetary base , which would cause an increase in prices , which, ultimately, would take away competitiveness of its products in international markets, thus braking, new surpluses . Since if the country was in deficit in the trade balance, would export gold, suffer monetary contraction would lower their domestic prices and, ultimately, increase the competitiveness of their products abroad.

In short, the gold standard was aimed at a balanced position in the international economy so that each country maintain a monetary basis consistent with the exchange rate parity, thus maintaining a balanced trade balance.

The classical gold standard said it was the first international monetary system and ran from 1870 to 1914 ( thebeginning of World War II) period in which the United Kingdom was the hegemon, and its importance in international trade and the rapid development of their financial institutions imposed the world the gold standard, when London was the financial center of the world. The First World War led to the end of the gold standard pound and subsequently did not reach an agreement by Bretton Woods in 1944.

And no matter if you agree me is my freedom called liberalization or liberal ideas, if you follow my axioms , all right! I hope to clarify liberalism.

The theoretical complexities of the value of work has always been an individual with your neurons seeking improvements to your life counting with the appropriate natural objects that can be pleasant or not, but always have an occupation. Who does not work shall not eat or steals always in man's history it was so.

The working set of divisions within groups attempting a help another or did not always have the appropriate natural nature, we can even live today without the phone if any disaster happens, the capacity of the fits, and, exploding an H bomb or atomic.

Beings can get keep coming back to do the job, unless the earth end of time, something currently unlikely, can the Korean blast his ideological selfishness and reduce the world's population.

In fact, do not even have this hunger and murder are helping, if you do not work will be "bum" is the concept of theSocial Contract effected by groups throughout history, slaves were killed because they would not "work," Servant did not receive their share of Similarly and so both capitalism and " socialism ".

Admittedly through the customs and practices of academics in their theses as Adam Smith , David Ricardo , Karl Marx , and others say that resources are limited and being in the habit of limitlessness desires. But Friedrich Nietzsche are limitless desires of potential and limited by utopias and dogmas (See our link ).

For the Earth that there is no philosopher Baruch Spinoza (exposed by this newspaper on video in this link ), Baruch was clear in this approach and try through utopias create an improvement to the assets necessary for the well being, the Earth have nothing there with the customs and practices that make it is independent, for her not scarce resources.

We are predators, having a pet, he will be interested in me so I did not give "food" to him, surely he sought in nature with his instincts better for it.

When speaking of ilimitações is because we are a little social with the groups that participate in these utopias and paths to spirituality that is not by religious leaders as the Philosopher Hemann Hesse tried to explain in his book Siddhartha .

On the other hand, the theory of labor value of the idea that economic activity is essentially collective. No! It is individual done with hard work and study seeking ideas through an improvement to the "men" and say that resources are finite, nothing more fallacious when it comes to individuals " hummus economicus ".

Everyone wants a good life is here or dogmatization path "paradise"

You give money to me for free? Philanthropy and charity is a selfish way of showing that I am more capable than the one who did not have the "intelligentsia to use reason in the search for an object and negotiate to measure profits or luck to be born into a family of wealth and now winning the lottery"?

If my opinion does not echo to you, in my rhetoric, have no problem "can convince certain groups there to create anideology and can make a theory, it matters little to me if it works u no, my intellectual liberation.".

There were many ideologues, I will put a world of men Theological - "Jesus is the Savior or Mohammed or monks" or materialistic "united the reasons we can create a better world, humanized," two streams that use the rhetoric for a social contract hypothesis, if I have faith matters little to you, it may be different from yours, maybe bad, good, decide with his liberalization where the term freedom of choice is existential and special. ( See our video on this subject ). 

Everything has an intention to make customs and through the "equal" becomes true at one time and a leader of thegroup that had used a set of philosophies made by individual men, until Christ was ( see our video on it ). 

Are created mysteries before the design of mimetic this intentionality still exists just watch any religious leader to use his rationality to "give" a sense to the life of this same thing happens with the rationalist atheist leaders, all seeking a future happiness. And religious groups find themselves happier in the unhappiness of the dogmas of others.

To start like that you want to attend as art is forming the will and liberalism and freedom as spring of anthropologically historical transformation, this link that different from the thinking of Karl Marx .

So we go to the Keynesianism of contradictions.

1- what is good is a tangible commodity, eg wheat, car, shirt, now how is the human capital, it is a good, according to them, is the education and training that increase the productivity of the person, very dry vision, when children and older were unable or without physical and organic dependent on other people and they do not support the state as we see throughout history, they do not count as pure good public but impure and can be removed from the population as we saw in retirement time increases, work is 35 years or older and time to "take advantage" for their well being and have the remedies for health, resolve to change the game, running out of the external benefits that both promise.

2 free Well: a good or service whose price equals zero, because at this price the quantity supplied is at least as large as the quantity demanded, over time this law was not effective that is the liberal base, reason entry barrierscompany due to protectionism and nationalism to protect the effect of the Well of Giffen .

For example, we now have wind power s and plates capture solar energy that can be placed throughout Brazil, but opt for hydraulic and oil matrix, electric cars and cars to compressed air are already realities, imagine a way as to Castelo Branco with several towers of this capture the price would fall, demand increase in other activities such outings and decreased pollution and transport costs for small cars.

But we have companies "highly competitive" and oligarchic in Brazil and following the model of fast cars of big gas companies and think that this is not feasible may enter the country, but are accused of dumping , which claimcartelization , but in many cases they are even boycotts.

In Brazil some groups keeps cartelization and maintained over the centuries and grew, but not brought a normal good, this is when the price lower, based on the assumptions of the " ceteris paribus " that no national company may have a variable of other companies can sell at lower cost that affects the demand and occurs bankrupt, thus the consumer price is perforce not coincidence of wants coincides with desires for the same product is more expensive and has no option generating an imperfect competition created by tax barriers of minister of economic policy, these are the greatest obstacles to liberalism.

They think that it is unfair competition or imperfect competition and downplay the consumer, in fact there is amonopolistic competition and use and abuse of the effects of people 's ignorance through advertisements, alerting theconspicuous consumption whose purpose is to impress and envy in other consumers.

Thus neoliberalism that exposed based on parts by the study of liberalism Sturt Mill, where only the Education, Health and Safety is part of the state arsenal the remaining leaves to the private sector and this should not have the support of the same, to win the best in competition, Brazil can not be all the time the state being mother and father of the industries that are not competitive.

Roads privatization, airports, bank in Brazil, Petrobras and other companies that deal with economic values ​​and assesses some profit must be for yesterday their openings for the domestic and international markets, all that does not involve education, health and security should fall on initiatives private. 


In all conceptions of neoliberalism made until today always think that the state should not interfere and is a political philosophy and economic doctrine whose main characteristic is the defense of individual freedom with limiting thepower of the state by the rule of law. However, the uses and customs change and equality of all before the law and this change due to customs and should change is that I would point out that neo-liberalism, is releasing a new laisser-faire.

"The complete expression is laissez faire, laissez aller, laissez passer roughly means: let do, let go, let go." This expression says that one should let the person / company / etc. act freely without any interference.

In the Austrian economist work Ludwig von Mises coined the term praxeology is the study of factors that lead people to achieve their purposes.

For praxeology all human action is purposeful behavior, one that seeks to achieve a given end, far-reaching.

Mises says:

"Action is will put into operation, turned into a driving force; It is to seek to achieve goals and objectives; It is a significant response of the ego to stimuli and conditions of their environment; is the conscious adjustment to the state of the universe that determines his life. "And its potential as a human being would give you comfort in the choice of laisser-faire where their skills would give pleasure and not pain.

purposeful behavior is conscious in their potential is unconscious behavior of the opposite, ie, performed behavior by reflex acts, where the subject is modeled by the sale of its potentialities that would involuntary responses of cells and nerves of the body to stimuli that can lead to person to be useful or depressing and causes stress and mental health.

Man in a state of contentment or satisfaction seeks to accomplish actions. The man always seeks to replace a less satisfactory state by a more satisfactory in identifying the pursuit of your satisfaction where your mind imagines conditions which are more favorable (planning) and its action seeks to achieve this desired situation (implementation and development) and in the absence employment of their potential and insufficient gains is given to low personal esteem and potential.

The force that drives man to action is always a discomfort with their current status or situation in the world where consumer goods give them pleasure and encouragement to live. The man perfectly satisfied with their economic situation will always be a line and desires with aferia gains and encourages their welfare and would probably be perfectly happy.

Mises says, "I have neither aspirations nor desires, would be perfectly happy not act, simply live free from care.." (Mises, op cit, p. 23).

In addition to the discomfort and mental image of a better situation, there is the condition that the man wait - that is, have the expectation - that their purposeful behavior has the power to remove or at least alleviate their discomfort in this sense the Orthodox who call themselves neo-liberals are far and simply create expectations, which model the action of the man who happens to be a conformist.

This happiness in things and seek out new actions to achieve their ends, ie "is happier than he was before."

The man performs the action in pursuit of his happiness. The ultimate goal of human action is always the satisfaction of the desire for comfort and well this has always been so historically seeks new activities and uses and customs to greater satisfaction in the sales channels of capitalism consumption happiness are given in increasing family income.No other measure of greater or lesser satisfaction.

However, the questioners mainly State defenders in action if they think that there is no individual value judgment, different from one person to another, and for the same person at different times, tried socialism in Russia, Keynesianism in the States, whether in the United States or even in Nazi and fascist politics.

What makes a person feel uncomfortable or less uncomfortable, criteria drift due to his own will and judgment, his personal and subjective assessment which the state with its laws hold together the leaders occupying power a new action and doing not be able to determine the other person happy.

But the search action can not be identified with the antitheses selfishness and altruism, idealism and materialism, atheism and religion. There are people whose sole purpose is to develop the potential of your ego, however, comes up against the conditions of their modulations status of their social class and their awareness of the problems they cause so much discomfort or even more discomfort than their own needs that affect you pleasure.

Men desire to satisfy their appetites for sex, food, drink, good homes and other material goods and a country that provides always seeks equality among men, where the rich do not feel ashamed of their condition before their similar lower economic potential which laissez-faire depends on the person in a position to be modeled for his praxeology.

Mises argued that people demand money because of its usefulness as a means to acquire other goods , not because of any intrinsic value of this, and that any offer of expanding credit because economic cycles. Mises suggested that socialism failed in the economic aspect because of the economic calculation problem - the impossibility of a socialist government be able to make the economic calculations required to organize a complex economy.

Conservative capitalism supported in the state free stagnates initiative with their protectionist laws supported the false development of national industry that form barriers to efficient companies compete with freedom to assess the resources and invest without the backing of conservative industrial country. 

In politics, neoliberalism is a set of political and economic ideas capitalists who advocates non-state participation in the economy, ie, businesses, however, to Sturt Mill, it is necessary to undertake the maximum in education, health and safety, is it which differs, there must be complete freedom of trade, to ensure economic growth and social development of a country, providing education, health and safety. The State shall maintain the free market.
Neoliberalism defends government intervention little in the labor market, privatization policy of state-owned companies, the free movement of international capital and emphasis on globalization, the opening of the economy to the entry of multinationals, the adoption of measures against economic protectionism , the reduction of taxes and excessive taxes etc.

This economic theory proposed the use of the implementation of supply-side policies to increase productivity. Also they indicated a key way to improve the local and global economy and increasing the offerings to increase household consumption.

0 World, for each individual, means the part where he gets in touch: his party, his sect, his church, his class ... he transfers to his own world the responsibility of being right against discordant worlds other people, and it never disturbed by the fact that a mere accident which of these numerous worlds is the object of his trust and that the same causes that make him a cleric in London Buddhist or atheist in China or anywhere in the world. (Sturt Mill) 

11. The doctrine of Neoliberalism mostly highlights two common ideas:

1. Doctrine proposed by French, German and American economists in the first half of the twentieth, aimed to adapt the principles of classical liberalism to the requirements of a regulatory state and welfare, which should partially control the functioning of the market.

2. Doctrine, developed from the 1970s, which advocates the absolute freedom of the market and a restriction on state intervention in the economy, but should this occur in essential sectors and yet a minimum.

"Men are more zealous for truth than not often for the error and a sufficient application of legal or even of social sanctions generally able to stop the spread of either. The real advantage which truth has, consists in this, that when a opinion is true, it may be extinguished once, twice, or many times, but in the course of centuries people there will generally be found to rediscover it, until some of their reappearances falls at a time when favorable -circunstâncias escapes persecution until made head so as to support all subsequent attempts to suppress it. "(Sturt Mill)

What needs to be clear to the reader what is doctrine is a coherent set of fundamental ideas to be transmitted, taught that will be part of the habits and customs of an era.

In neoliberalism seeks to understand freedom and individual potentialities that since ancient ages sought new ideas to have both physical, moral and ethical progress. 

The struggle between freedom of individuals against the tyranny of groups who take over the power and which raises an idea where in often different and dangerous and oppressive.

However, for some governments where there is a statesman prevent the weaker were massacred by elements that use the state for their benefits and political freedom is with their altruistic justifications represents the most favorable conditions the people giving you the pleasure of living .

First, obtaining recognition of certain conditions where the acts of government power represents the decision of a more accessible country to model the human being in their interests and aspirations within the neoliberal doctrine.

In the Democratic Republic is occupied largely of, in theory, the welfare of the people with "autonomy" and "the power of the people over themselves," however, the person occupying the state in most does the will of people. 

To liberate the individual and collective action through culture and how worked so society as a collective unconscious through the dogmas to keep the living space for survival where the imagination of a better passing world the unreality of images and entertainment always seeking the freedom for happiness and this should release a new action, therefore, this is the axiom of Neoliberalism that will show you.

13- Political Economy 

1. Concept.

Economics is the welfare of searching, but some reverse happen by conflicts of interest of Capital forces seeking alternatives to generate quality of life improvements in territorial space suffering external and internal influences (macro and micro).

First - Economy is an action of capital forces applied by the subject on Earth that does not give satisfaction to the man, therefore, man is the subject and object at the same time for good.

Makes and remakes through the art of oral innovations, techniques and writing will bequeathing future individuals a set of "ideas" that become a historical moment the ideal of customs and seeking and practicing an improvement for everyone.

Vest goods which can be negative or positive for it in the actions of the forces that is one of the political economy of concepts, no one escapes the law, acting or not, suffer the impacts of capital forces the same way.

2. Concept.

Politics is the act of man with his power for good and evil that can give pleasure or pain. As actor and audience at the same time.

Example: Agriculture made the man "fixing" others do not, leading his forces to other locations and increased culture of how to rationally use the land for their welfare.

It is always seeking innovation by force and strength to the causes and effects, nothing is by chance, are intentional to man, it is formed customs and ethics of a social contract between the internal and external members.

Seeking a cohesion in a model to organize their welfare, as we are not the same feelings and emotions, we are unequal in nature.

There will always be inequalities to modify the well-being that in certain historical moments have models to organize and structure the process leaders who becomes majority.

Through a situation retraces the way of damage to themselves and their peers and this arises a minority that ruled the norms of customs and traditions.

3. Concept

Thus, economic policy is a set of actions developed by historical actors and will have a minority to regulate this.

14- Economic problems and economic goals

Since we are born we are potential forces of capital, the father buy diapers, medicine, clothing etc. We have actions to acquire it and change historically.

Both the leaders and made the feuds that could have an Emperor, Pharaoh King.

There will always be a leader in the forces that is called the state of a collective consciousness and create roles to play and act in the capital forces.

Today we speak of the rule of Democratic Law as a form of organization, yesterday other, man tries to seek the best way to organize that gives you status or stereotypes to act.

Today at birth involves a huge network of "cost" that moves the forces with roles and status differentiated yesterday too, can be abrupt (Revolution) or gradual (evolution).

Form a perpetual motion external and internal ideas (macro and micro) that affects the lives of the Earth and it for good or for evil.

Thus, economic policy are the forces of man in nature causes both external change and internal, in economics concepts are called macroeconomics and microeconomics, these are interconnected in the actions of capital strength and over time moved to seek their welfare .

Reader not I will quote "Class Struggle" of Karl Marx , as I said above, it was a historic moment that many thought his ideals the best for the well - being, yes, brought the discussion inequality of Liberalism gives time and Keynes ( neoliberalism), both wanted more "state" to decrease these.

In everyone wonder what the biggest problem for the welfare, the money response comes first and for this job or application in the production of goods. At birth there is a set of collective unconscious of how the subject will act, doctrines, dogmas, ideologies and utopias and sets of stereotypes ( "figurines") in the roles and status to be performed for the well-being and malaise, pain and pleasure.

To get the money through employment or applications come other early latent desires housing, health, education and security.

Pleasure is fully have them pain is not having them, getting these leisure is the escape valve that can have several signs in the cohesion of a society adapts a historic moment with freedom to change.

4- freedom

Nature takes as limited to humans, however, the man seeks to win its limitations through its freedom to think and act and as to extend to all.

Dogmas, indoctrination, ideologies, religions take place on the battlefield, but freedom comes gradually to the man, "limit" the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual and when it finds a way to benefit from other methods , changes, either by evolution or revolution.

So there is a capture of what will be best for them and can last a thousand years, ten, or two now.

Freedom is a subtle demand at any time and clear the limits of determinism, (I can not now go to Tokyo) but there is a possibilism (can go to Tokyo).

However John Stuart Mill said "it is clear that his concern for freedom does not extend to all individuals and all societies." Since the "man" was born he was already uneven.

Freedom is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, however, freedom does not harm others for this security, health, education and housing are essential.

It is acceptable to harm yourself, as long as the person doing it and not harm others. Mill argues that individuals should be prevented from doing lasting, serious damage to you or your property by the harm principle . 

Because there is no one in isolation, damage done to yourself can also harm others, and destroying property deprives the community as well as yourself.

The question is how a self-respecting action should be fundamental to an awareness of a social contract.

It notes that a new custom that breaks the rules is not considered liberalism, yet since that does not cause "damage" to the other little matter. But some extrapolate in their actions in violent wars by a pineapple to be sympathetic to a new behavior of pleasure.

The problem is that confuse liberalism with freedom of expression of new ways of pleasure by certain new standards of conduct within a society. Many confuse freedom with libertinism or equality.

Licentiousness is usual licentiousness, person of conduct that indulges immoderately sexual pleasures vices of any illicit drugs that cause addiction and disease to it and others may have irreverence regarding dogmas and beliefs officially accepted by the pursuit of pleasure.

Since "man" was found on the ground was uneven and still uneven, unequal combined law is more appropriate for liberalism.

Some like Y or X, other Z, W, and like your pleasure the more satisfied will have less anxiety and fear of living. There is equality of socialism nor communism, nor liberalism of Adam Smith and John MaynardKeynes .

Unequal combined the roles of "men" the state should act only in education, health, housing and other security doctrine of Leon Trotsky . 

So freedom is not restricted a while still, but dynamic in the act of thinking about the space in which he lives and live their descendants and also does not match with religious fanaticism, ideological, dogmatic that many mistake here in Brazil as "alienated" by a "certain " left.

Be liberal is to use their expertise to not overwhelm the other in his free pleasure option, be it at work, sex and entertainment.

Thus the world always walks to freedom and no matter doctrines, dogmas, religion and ideologies.

19- In Brazil all attempts of neoliberalism failed

The nature of the Brazilian production is not yet realized in full liberalism, beginning with the working year 1500,Pedro Alvares Cabral , Captain-General of Portuguese expedition en route to the Indies , reached the southern coastBahia , making the region colony of Kingdom of Portugal .

Thirty years later, the Portuguese Crown implemented a colonizing policy on land the grating disregarding the cultures of the people whose job it was handmade and had great knowledge of natural remedies later Anthropologists, especially the Germans, Curt Nimuendajú , Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, Karl Von den Steinen with thediscovery of fine chemicals was given birth in 1856 in England with William Henry Perkin and their active principles extended the industrialization of medicine and or derived from plants and minerals that have the prosperity of the "developed countries " .

The production requirements are twofold: labor and appropriate natural objects, in Brazil had slavery who tried first with the natives, however, these connoisseurs of local became easier for them to escape, brought blacks, alleging them conquerors they were not known, the historian Herodotus has these references.

The settlers appropriated natural objects with capital, land and means of production as slave labor employed to put the moving objects; the properties of matter, the laws of nature, did the rest. This view of work as Shifter physical objects is important, put Portugal and also Spain a new variability human labor and capital gains.

The Catholic catechism was the right arm until 1970, the Marechal Rondon held the final stage of Anthropology of "civilization", the newly inaugurated Republic, so the labor factor would receive the equivalent of their contribution, and the capital factor equivalent to its profit was good for aferiam the rent of land and today in commodities .

Captaincies were successful on the islands of Madeira and Cape Verde , was initially implemented in Brazil with the donation of St. John's Island (now the island of Fernando de Noronha ), here are notes that were already preparing for coming to Brazil prepared by the Charter Régia of Dom Manuel I (1495), dated 16 of February of 1504 , who donated the Fernando de Noronha , so already knew the lands beyond the sea, and the rent is the price paid for the use of a natural agent appropriated by the holders of captaincies.

The land natural agent is indeed indispensable as any other implement was abundant in the country; but have to pay a price for it generated the wealth of the Portuguese court.

The contributing factors in a ownership colonization vision gave as universalist of the production process in the " New World " as it was called , and the other people needed the European culture.

It began the first phase of capital ownership by the cities and caused confusion on the notion that has capital (means of production) throughout Europe, where this does not apply only to a wage labor economy toward obtaining surplus value.

And yet this economic organization model that prevailed until the constitution of the Republic. In his own wrinkles that workers always remain from the capital, in the case initiated by slaves, although the capital is not necessarily provided by a person called capitalist.

The grantees went to immigrants by Sesmaria was a Portuguese legal institute normatizava the distribution of land for agricultural production. The State newly formed and unable to organize food production, decides to bequeath particular this function. This system appeared in Portugal during the fourteenth century , with the Law of Sesmariasof 1375 , you see, there was not a slave, then one can not speak of feudalism the period 1500 to 1822 in Brazil.

Thus, any society would have a capital fund that enables the production conditions, or reproduction in subsequent periods. In this sense, all people would be capitalists.

There are simply large and small capitalists, the distribution of wealth ever in the country is said that this is a matter of the institutions, however, Sesmaria become less human conditions of those who came here after, they formed theCoronelismo and clientelism creating a " caste "ungrounded and should favor.

The distribution of wealth, therefore, depends on the laws and customs of society. The rules by which it is determined are made by the opinions and feelings that the parties establish and leaders are very different in times and different countries in the case of Brazil has created an oligarchy and could not be more different unfortunately.

Wealth is produced under natural laws; then it is distributed second agreed laws; finally it is changed, also according to agreed laws and consistent with the laws of distribution.

The exchange takes place in the market; the goods are exchanged for equivalent values. Hence the question of value is basic to understanding the change process in the country today influence the progress of society on production and distribution.

Most occupying the Senate Chamber is rural oligarchies origin, as a union and that there is no possibility to avoid, ultimately, a change in the economic political scenario in the country.

The economy is still building, not a stable outlook, ie a steady state of pleasure and well-being for the population of the Republic who have tried with several plans, including "leftists" of the PT charismatic Lula nor with oligarchic who are occupying the government now (2016). 

But, regarding the distribution of wealth is far from happening, steady state would, by definition, the economy that reproduces without magnification in the case without the barriers of state interference that without them Brazilian businessmen availed themselves fighting through non full competition by applying protectionism so far.

The stationary economy is still far from happening that is in the best state for human nature in which although no one is poor, no one wants to be richer, nor has reason to fear being passed back, because of the efforts of others to go ahead .

20- Economics Stationary

Finally, the government's influence government interference has good aspects and bad aspects; Therefore, the interference should occur in order to maximize the good aspects and minimize bad aspects. A key criterion of "good" and "bad" is the effect on the "freedom of the individual" and companies both multinational and domestic are restricted is bad; if expanded, it is good.

Income measured in Brazil is one of the most perverse and focuses on minimizing the undue work with a per capita income only for show in the state indicators is measured by family, that is, not individual result from the National Survey household sample Survey (PNAD) at least one or two workers to keep the house in 2015 reached R $ 1,113, ranging from R $ 2,252 Federal District - the highest across the country - and R $ 509 of Maranhao , the lowest weight.

So much lack for Economy Stationary Policy because the actors of the Cold War with his speeches of "vanguards and said left" and the sons of former colonels and new millionaires expansion they did in the 60s and 70s, "say they right avant-garde ", however, they are more is to neoliberalism .

Really need is learn to compete without a little help from the State, the only act in education, health, safety and housing. Therefore, the oligarchies not want a true liberalism.

21- "Freedom is a choice."

The ability to choose can be interior, that is, subjective or mentally possible: freedom of mind. It can also be outside, ie, objective or materially possible: freedom of action.

When more numerous are the areas that offer possibilities of choice and, in each area, the more varied and numerous are the choices, there will be more possibilities of freedom. The greater the importance of the existence of the type of choice, the higher the level of freedom, ie choice of means of transport, profession, residence life. 

In principle, it seems clear that under favorable conditions a human being has freedom of possibilities. Experienced subjectively our freedom every time we are given to choose between alternatives and decide.

There is a subjective illusion. We suffer the constraints of the environment to which we must adapt; we are subjected to by our genetic heritage, which generated and saves our anatomy, physiology, our brains and therefore the possibility of intelligence and consciousness; we are subjected to.

On the other hand, any objective consideration of our condition appears to reduce the freedom of culture, which inscribes in our mind from birth, norms, taboos, myths, ideas, beliefs; We are submitted to the society that imposes laws and prohibitions; we are even owned by our ideas, who take possession of us when we think that we have at our disposal. ". (EDGAR MORIN, Anthropology of freedom).

All freedoms are constrained by the doctrinal conventions by majority group modeled by the conservatism of the status of the power of operant mode of ideology that is most favorable to him, relegating no freedom to the new, however, there entering liberalism.

Liberalism that emphasizes mutual collaboration through open-minded individuals who bring new as opposed to what you want to save, institutions and people who come to power seek to release their "ideas" that may even use force to this, but when other groups come up with new releases, they saw conservatives.

I note that the use of liberalism is not a version of capitalism , whatever the revolutionary elements of the socialist school, liberalism that give emphasis on positive freedoms based on utilitarianism and the individuation and not intended to be a martyr of the disadvantaged of society who preach both capitalism and already exhausted socialism.

They seek to understand what is neoliberalism, could speak of other countries, but as living in the Brazilian geographical space, is part of my story, I mean, he's late in Political Economy, the State so far only served the interests of "private" in your majority were "rich" harm the Demo (people) Brazilian. 

"The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith and the "Capital" of Karl Marx , John Maynard Keynes and other intellectualhomo economicus liabilities.

The homo economicus liabilities are the trainers of previous ideas, the asset is the present they use and renew ideas.

Seeking a solution to the "capitalist crisis", there is no crisis in capitalism there are attempts to interests of ideas improvements and show it went wrong or right, but some want to "opportunities" that call turns luxury, only adapt ideas wrong for your interests and sorrows to the Demo (People). 

Demo is people and demon is mean person who does bad things, evil things against a person or animal, Greek drift and means one who hates the light. Since the Middle Ages, the name refers to one of many demonic entities.

Opportunities exist without the exaggeration of intellectual leaders tie trained at prestigious universities, some even call "Mutt Complex" is more "hot", just be Phd in Sorbonne , Oxford , Bonn , Harvard , these institutions "private" it is already higher in 'knowledge' blue blood 'or' turn-luxury '. "

The "intellectuals" Brazilians often occupied the ministry of economy or central bank, BNDES most your resume is a doctorate, Phd these. Then you enter the "complex Mutts" interested in "experimenting" equal to what they have learned in the blue blood.

But it has to go through a University of "front line" in Brazil, Getulio Vargas Foundation , University of São Paulo ,Brasilia , Rio de Janeiro that are public, while the other "private" PUC , Mackenzie Presbyterian University , which have in common that both they told in their training intellectuals mighty power of liabilities of time connected to the "State" had led interference from interested at the time.

Differences: - the Brazilian still has a strong nationalism and religious and centralizing management of interventionism thing Demo (people). Here also "left and right is serious," "religious versus atheist and religious versus religious is also serious," most are philanthropic. 

Philanthropy comes from Greek φίλος (Love) and άνθρωπος (man), and means "love of humanity". Its antonym ismisanthropy .

Donations to humanitarian organizations, individuals, communities, or work to help others, directly or through non-governmental non-profit organizations, as well as volunteer work to support institutions that have the specific purpose of helping living beings and improve their lives are considered philanthropic acts.

philanthropic educational institutions are maintained by non-profit organizations, which performs activities, parallel or in conjunction with the State, without being paid, unlike instituted For-Profit that are maintained by one or more individuals and / or legal entities of private law which constitute commercial character entities, this being only their most mission, not being forced to do charitable nature activities, though, if they want, can play them.

Charities can be Lay (no religious bond) or Confessional (run by religious institutions). The term was created byFlavius Claudius Julian (331/332 - 26 June of 363 ), which was Roman Emperor from 361 until his death.

One of Julian tasks, such as Emperor, was to restore paganism as a religion of the Romans, and in this attempt, mimicked the Catholic Church. So he created the term "philanthropy" to compete with the term Christian charity , which was one of the new religion and virtues that had never been part of paganism in Rome or Athens .

There is rather a complex "Mutt" is not as they imagine the realm of ideas, the country's intellectual economicus assets in large companies both here and out there interests are accumulated capital with ideas and freedom to leave the premises, if I can make more out there to get the facts aqui.Um marked my "excitement" was when Bill Gates was visiting the former president Lula to have a conversation was not possible, the president "did not breach the agenda," Bill took the plane back to his house and left.

Brazilian leaders have complex mutt afraid of entrepreneurs' active economicus "of course there are intellectuals mutts are not active.

22- Duty Sense of man "active economicus" liberalism.

Keynes, to defend state intervention in the economy is not in any way destroy the capitalist system of production.On the contrary, according to the author, capitalism is the most efficient system that humanity has ever known (including the then socialism ).

The goal is to improve the system, so that they join the social altruism (by the state) with individual gain instincts (through free private initiative). According to the author, state intervention in the economy is necessary because the union does not occur by natural means, thanks to the problems of the free market (disproportionality between savings and investment and "mood" or "[animal spirits]," entrepreneurs). It is also an anti-inflationary economist to declare that inflation is a confiscation of income from the government, many intellectuals were launched in these ways.

These days I played with an illiterate ice cream, he walks all day whistling and talking (his stereotype that call duty economicus man):

- "Look geladinho ice cream, gostosinho" tames his harmonica sound that every Brazilian knows and feels geladinho mouth.

- The government will collect his taxes by selling "geladinho".

He put his hand on the head, with furrowed brow, showing the wrinkles of time, their blackness turned yellow, concerned with the actual words, exclaimed:

- "Can not, or this may more, how will I support my family, but I have the goods (ice cream) my son is embarrassed to go out selling popsicles and has no job for them, the country has no job, if I lose this little mouth and government charge me ". 

He stopped talking and to scare him more, said:

- The tax will be 100%.

- "That way I will not sell anything, snapped, the ice cream will double in price, pull that freedom has." 

I saw the fall of sadness lips. I calmed him.

- I'm joking with you.

He laughed, always primes one with him.

In a contentious issue in the book of Hitler should or should not be published, we had a judge of a city banned its sale.

Now if it is bad or not is a minor issue, read it and make judgment of "commodity" like it or not, learn the becoming of freedom of choice.

"Speaking of the Nationalist book, he is one of the greatest examples of state interference for the purpose of interest that at his word" intellectual "wanted to show a peculiar way at the time that the people embraced the cause."

Stevan Zweig in his book "The world saw" reported with exatibilidade the Neo-Nazism of the phenomenon, called his mother (Jewish Heterodox like it) to go to Europe would not be the same with the coming of Neo-Nazis, sorry that she said " I will stay here I'm too old to get out. "

He left, "looking back, leaving his friends also called the tears chosen by your face."

In the book Fear of freedom psychoanalyst Erich Fromm points out "When a minority is dominated by an ideology against the established becomes oppressive equal the previous."

That was how Hitler activated the feelings of xenophobia with all who did not follow his doctrine "My fight my life" and told with a good Christian of both Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Lutheran, Calvinist etc.

The "Chico sweet" clubbed and deaths in opposing the ideology of the active intellectuals of the historical moment and showed how not to do an action based on the feeling of exclusion and duty of emotion.

Societies that have oppression generate unhappiness, man is a commodity with feelings, emotions and inherited patterns previously by the ruling classes.

In Brazil, the hand of the state benefited spurious wealth, certain "private" or had made spontaneously so this game intellectuals "tie the chair", that is, only to sign papers have settled a long time in power.

Take advantage long ago 171¹ and 155² undertake the distribution of wealth in which some were or get rich that makes spurious nature. a change in the paradigm of Brazilian trickery is required, which is called "Brazilian way".

Thus, an intellectuality that generates the State must take active and distributive mind in the capital of the deal of a nation in which John Stuart Mill says "The right actions as tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to promote the reverse of happiness. "

"The pleasure and absence of pain are the only things desirable as ends and all things are desirable" add the interest to be free. Thus there is a psychological mental law that instructs the social and human character of a people.

In this sense freedom is not filled with joy, missing the main, its capital (itself) becomes a burden and just love each other.

"In all areas of human life, the practice predates much science" ³, where most Brazilians and the media are linked to the propensity to think of easy money, just ask for one of these characters he wanted to win to change the fast life, answer: - preferably Lotteries accumulated Mega-Sena.

It is shown how the knowledge of the people feel the need to have money without the practice and lack thereof, absorbers false beliefs of Political Economy and the State having the provider of this knack. The relationship of this capital damage and interfere where it does not need.

The goods come from the capital that is made by the intellectual work put in practice is efficient moved all production, so the practice is conservative of emotional, psychological gains linked to the distribution of a nation's wealth, there is more pain than joy .

Without the practice of free enterprise as was Brazil so far is, the goods in and out not generating happiness.

Common sense there are only illustrations in the media only to do with "finger in the mouth" on the screens and panels and has always "considered the technocratic 171 and 155" that play and manage for their own benefit or intermediaries that use the State.

Example of past and present has to "heap", today Petrobras is one of the highlights, if listed all, I will not get to the end of this thesis.

22- Social interests and personal passes for free enterprise.

The "human" has its interests, but the earth with its laws not care about them, go empires, powerful nations both religious, atheistic, such as economic, all should have been based on the Safety, Health, Education, Transportation.

The merchandise is predecessor of knowledge, it innovates production is art that streamlines wealth who has practiced ally in the knowledge of the practice you can not be an education of "BE" advocated by the interventionists "Technocracy the state."

In the capital the nation's wealth distribution equivalent where the rich and who earn "less" do not feel uncomfortable.

Security not only "weapon bearers," but a place to live, food to ensure good living and leisure quality and free labor.

Rich in Brazil seems to be free, there is always a suspicion in the formation of their wealth by the discrepancy of state functions.

Practical purposes profits search is not as Karl Marx, class struggle, is too much and not relational gives to analyze the economic policy by the shibboleth of equality angle and class struggle by decreases the ability to be free in the sense of duty .

"One thing we all know that one thing is to be rich, another to be cleared up, brave and humane" ² the State that generate philanthropy, duty, class feelings.

Whether religious, social, psychological, and will persist if this economic policy, as the suits "economic model".

The sadness of not having generates atrophied and selfish behavior and inherited not worked in practice of liberalism are doomed to absurd inequality advantage of a minority in conjunction with the State lead to uncertainty of tomorrow.

Interest in duty is detrimental to related to free enterprise, I would point out here that the etymological sense of obligation.

"Free Brazilian initiative" feel that everything revolves in a state's attitude to the point that the central bank becomes parameters for its initiative.

Today in Valor Econômico newspaper (12.02.2016) gave the news: - "Global financial crisis is new risk Central Bank horizon" now, never had previous crisis! Never existed? In any time of crisis there comes the state give a little help in the 171 and 155 that is criminal article in Brazil.

This sense of duty is absurd in a free enterprise society. The Central Bank can not be an extension of these and who always drove has a new "plan" to help. I do not deny, the Central Bank of a 'way "becomes gift of duty of" free Brazilian initiatives. "

23- Utilitarianism base object of use where the subject suffers actions.

Bentham exposes the concept central utility in the first chapter ( "Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation"), as follows:

"On the principle of utility, we understand the principle that any action, whatever it is, must be approved or rejected due to its tendency to increase or decrease the welfare of those affected by the action. (...) Designed for utility tend to something in achieving well-being , the good, the beauty , the happiness , benefits, etc. The concept of utility should not be reduced to the ordinary meaning way of life to an immediate end. ".

The principle of greatest happiness does not pass through the closed mind where the avenues where love is a brevity rather than a reality measured by individuation and participation of the subject in action, therefore, to release its action and that what is at stake on the stage of survival from day to day, it's hard to poverty human action is reductionist.

Uses the word utility every moment in capitalism, a thousand verbs 900 are linked to the gain, is the simplest person to wealthy, are looking to win, but you need money, no he never at any time did and is necessary to monks in his monastery loneliness need the extra coming from outside.

However, use is not the same as futile or that something is useful, but the desirable of human action of a human situation that does not stress the pleasure of ideas and pain of the term that both demand the human being: happiness and or the conservatives with their interests but to be fair and appropriate use of human action, and even proper and universally desirable for human action, say, in any situation or state of life.

Yes the ability to judge the righteousness of human conduct in any situation whatsoever. This lack of a connection understanding of utilitarianism is not clear enough between happiness and pleasure of ideas proposed by an elite which measures "the consumerist happiness."

The acceptance of the principle above has encountered resistance in both doctrines with their dogmas and ideologies.

The have is sovereign, but the taste, only those who know what is true hunger, but many are alienated or modeled in your little world and seeks out the imaginary realities that drags to death.

During life the subject had opportunities or notes of what to do, however, find it difficult in the medium in which it is located, an American, German, Swiss has this means opportunities to right and wrong a chain of causes and effects, if one does not may cause the pain of sorrow, in the absence of buying the basics to survive.

What we talk about is that the rules the senses than you think and also demonstrates and confirms it. 0 man can claim to abjure such domain seek at all costs money, it is endless in its reality and remained subject to it at all times of your life ..

The concept of utility is since ancient times and dogmas and doctrines arise on this subject. Happiness arises grounds on any system whose goal is to build through reason and law. Systems that attempt to undermine this principle are mere words and not a reasonable attitude, caprice and not reason, dark and not light. But enough of metaphor and declamation that one day all beings be happy, no mere reluzes in a way that science morale can be improved, then yes should have good sense of men to drive the power.

24- utility Principle is the approval or disapproval of the tendency of any action that tends to increase or diminish the happiness of the person whose interest is at stake, within the rules of the gain or lose and to promote or undermine the happiness that you are looking for where both actions of particular individuals or of any act or government measure.

Have utility means that existing property at anything owned by virtue of which the object tends to produce or provide benefit, advantage, pleasure, good or happiness, and in the world of competition everyone wants to keep it from happening damage, which would be ideal, but it is not.

People try to prevent it from happening the damage, pain, evil, or unhappiness to the party whose interest is in the agenda on the stage of life since man is the principle of cause and object, and if that part is considered by ethical men with the community in general, treat yourself to happiness for a greater number of people in the community, whereas in the case of a particular individual, will be at stake happiness this first, first rule of personal economy " do not mess in my pocket. "

But what community? It is a a fictitious body, composed of individuals who are considered as constituting its members. What is, in this case the community of interest? The sum of the interests of the various members who are part of that community.

It is useless to talk of community interest, if you do not understand what the individual's interest? The actions that promotes the interest of an individual, or promotes the interests of an individual, when it tends to increase the sum total of his pleasures, or else what it say the same, when it tends to reduce the sum total of his pains by lack of gold.

In this sense, have gold has a tendency to increase happiness, therefore, tune up to a certain can increase happiness, so goes the government's actions where economic relations will be established that will decrease pain where there are fewer people who do not use dishonesty and have the tendency to reduce it.

A measure of government dictated by him when, similarly, the tendency which tends to increase the happiness of the community.

The game of gain and loss is the main term for utility thus can be said that a person and party of the utility principle when the approval or disapproval of the any individual action can increase or diminish the happiness of the community.

In many actions may be prohibited or compliance or non-compliance with the laws or the practical utility of dictates and mistakes should be corrected by another fair share to the community.

Shall the correctness of that principle was ever formally contested? It seems so, by those who do not know with demonstrations as impossible as superfluous.

Not that there is not or not there has been any creature, no stupid or evil it is, that has not yielded to this principle on many occasions of his life, or even in most cases. On account of the natural constitution of the human structure, he wants the gold and on most occasions of his life the men usually embrace this principle without explicitly think about it: if not to guide their own behavior, at least to judge their own actions as well as others. At the same time, there have been few, even among the most gifted of intelligence, who were willing to embrace the principle pure and simple, without reservation.

A few are also those who did not take any occasion to deny it, to the "socialists" do not know how to apply Io in concrete, or because of some prejudice or reason are afraid to analyze in depth, or because They can not accept all the consequences.

The rare human quality and consistency and constancy in the way of acting and thinking use arguments of the principle of misapplied the principle of utility can generate joy, yes, however, it is possible that in the long run, the person reconciles with the principle of utility with opportunities for all, as hand say no, it is still said people who are modeled and there is no alternative for them and are even less when a good number of people do not reflect within themselves and want to discard Total mind this principle by the amount of political actions that do not seek to choose alternative, but the alienating media that comes to them in the eyes of the model are reduced all his arguments, especially as regards policy.

By modeling and not the individualization could opt for a sensible reality and not make-up artist of the communication means, and if the person chose another principle, levemo-Ia to examine satisfactorily before itself the principle that believes have found is in reality a different intelligible principle, or perhaps would not only be a pseudo principle or mere play of words, a kind of stereotypical phrase which basically expresses neither more nor less than a mere recognition of their own opinions unfounded, that is natural, it can be argued in the socialist utopia, communist, anarchist or Keynesianism that states still practice. that that person would call a whim, if it were someone else.

If one is inclined to believe that the proper approval or disapproval of the idea of ​​an act without any consideration for their consequences is not liberal but despotic and hostile to all other men. To answer yes if this principle does not lead to anarchism, that, if so, there would be so many rules of right and wrong how many are men. It would be the perfect society.

But what today and tomorrow right could be wrong, without the slightest change in the thing itself. Also we inquire into, in this case, happen not necessarily one and the same thing would be both straight and wrong time, in the same place.

So can many people say "I like it", and "" I do not like it, "in this sense the ideological utilitarianism, and not as a reflection if the particular object related to the act of the utility for this reflection combat what do you think wrong in your private and not common sense and opt for a compromise, in part by adopting its own principle, as is characteristic of our time and adopted which decided to adopt the most right or wrong be useful reference for everyone and not all they adopted all there will always be a new private act that affects the community that sometimes does not match the truth.

What does not match the truth - that the right term can have meaning without reference to utility, ask the person mentioned can be the dictates of social rules and norms and the reasons, will he distinguish right and wrong or follows the dictates of common sense.

The company most often when they are declining to take any action by the asceticism of freedom of action. Thinking is distinguished from others by the superb and winning grace of divinity, why, as I said most are looking for the gold, be benevolent is only for religious and monks and because of this, the individual is distinguished from others by having, but nevertheless, They use to complete the sense of being in your group or in the future paradise and to see how the good or bad behave before Him and to have the satisfaction that He make us so happy and satisfied with our condition even though bad, so too can talk of divine utilitarianism, in which it is difficult to refute it in our action society because it is already in the collective unconscious, as in asceticism approves the actions in so far as these tend to diminish the happiness of the party concerned, disapproving them in as they tend to enlarge.

Accept what is wrong is one of the consequences of the creators and hasty speculators and takes this imagination through the arts, television, movies, books that is contrary to the principles of utility. that certain pleasures when harvested or enjoyed in certain circumstances, bring as a consequence the long term, greater pain than pleasure enjoyed, used this pretext to challenge everything that is presented in the name of pleasure.

After arriving until this point, and forgetting the point which had left such speculators they moved more to the point to consider meritorious fall in love pain.

The principle of utility (pleasure and pain) can be followed firmly and consistently; it can be said that with the greater constancy it is followed, the better it will be for mankind. On the contrary, 0 principle of asceticism was never followed steadily - and never will be it - by any living creature.

If only a tenth of the inhabitants of the land concerned and without seriousness and asceticism constancy and transformed into hell the lives of others.

Being helpful is to reduce the suffering and the greatest influence on this well-being is in the government, we feel sympathy and antipathy. By this term I understand the principle that approve or disapprove certain actions, not to the extent that they tend to increase or decrease the happiness of the interested party, but simply by the fact that someone feels willing to approve them or reprova- them.

Partisans from principle maintains that the approval or disapproval constitute a sufficient reason in itself, negating the need to seek any ground when there is pain assessed the degree of punishment according to the degree of disapproval, for this democracy is a well be followed and those who occupy the government should aim at the welfare, ie more pleasure than pain and not punishing the great modeled mass barely see his actions by a government that does not take the principle of utility (pleasure and pain ).

The inner convictions of approval and disapproval of political acts not important to know to what extent the punishment goes against the utility, or if the criterion of utility enters even in line consider action for the well-being because so hate the people, a certain action thus should be punished too harshly those who cause pain.

The noble sentiments of the soul should not be dominated and bullied by hard and ruthless dictates of vicious political usefulness, then, right and wrong can be reduced all the principle of sympathy and antipathy. They all have a common denominator that characterizes them. They turn the multitude of devices invented with the purpose to evade the need to go in search of an external standard and make the people why there will always be a minority who disagreed and not abide by the conviction or opinion of the author of the useful action to society.

We used to see it. Indeed, there can be no more natural and more general foundation for hate a practice of the inner malice of this practice. All men are willing to hate what is the reason for his suffering. However, this is far from being a constant rate because they feel down or modeled by the fact that someone suffering does not mean you know why this suffering.

May occur, for example, that a person suffers a lot for a new unemployment, without being able to identify the reason of his sufferings regarding such injustice from a neighbor that's also unemployed, this is the principle of sympathy and antipathy tends to maximum to sin by excessive severity. It tends to apply punishment in many cases where unfair and do it, and in homes where justified punishment, to apply more severe than deserved. There is no imaginable, however trivial and less reprehensible it may be, that the principle of sympathy and antipathy not find any reason to punish. Whether differences in taste, whether differences of opinion, always is reason to punish.

There is no disagreement, however trivial it may be, that perseverance can not turn into a serious incident. Each becomes in the eyes of his fellow man, an enemy, and if the law permits, a criminal who holds the power, many still uses the will of God as a standard to discern right from wrong, sometimes the pleasure of God is our pleasure, there is no fault in that we intend to be, no more, no less hard it is when hunger and poverty settles in the soul.

Thus the principle of utility follows the principles of antipathy and sympathy, do not like this or that is mere effect to the reality of the reasons that theologians and self-help books propose according to their interpretations, however, always give conservatism or neoliberalism and be morally obliged to do so, but because of one of two factors: either pain or pleasure.

The pleasures and pains we can expect from physical sanctions, political, or moral, we should expect the experience of all, if ever, so in this life; on the contrary, those who await the religious sanction can be increased experience of both in this life and in the future.

The pleasures and pains that we experience in this life can not be other, of course, but those human nature to door during the present life; now, the source is still the gold that still make sprout the welfare the rest will be pains that accompany its production.

Thus, for example, a suffering that affects a person in the natural and spontaneous course of events and things call shall be a calamity; in this case, is supposed calamity is due to a person's recklessness, we speak of a punishment deriving physical punishment. If suffering happen by direct interposition of a particular providence, we have a punishment deriving from religious sanction.

How disapprove a new moral character, we are where we are without sin in disapproval of the rules and you can not have punishment for the man concerned in pleasure and pain, he chooses, but will have advantages in a community where men of reason is theological or atheist no matter God's disapproval. During the present life, such pleasures and pains are the only hope object. Whether this hope derives from the natural religion or revealed by some ideologue atheist or not. We can not have any idea about the nature of such pleasures and pains, we neither know if differ from affordable pleasures and dares's our observation, without the minimum welfare conditions involving monetary actions like it or not.

This is what man seeks for his life and the best ideas we can get about such pains and pleasures are all vague and random, and, therefore, the new always come. 

Produced seven intensities of facts, namely: 1. Its intensity. 2. The duration. 3) Its certainty or uncertainty. 4) Its proximity in time or longinquidade. 5) Your fertility. 6) purity. 7) Its extension, that is, 0 number of people which extends their pleasure or their pain; in other words, the number of people affected by pleasure or pain involved. 0 process can be applied to pleasure, whether it might be named one wants to call out (0 which is a distant pleasure, or the cause or instrument of distant pleasure), or convenience, or advantage, benefit, reward, happiness and so against.

The mission of the rulers is to promote the happiness of society, therefore, a new action occurs release of pain and pleasure, and in this sense it is Neoliberalism, not economic sense where the state is thread of will.

Being neoliberal is to have more interest and subject clearly and not pragmatizar, ie the sense of an idea corresponds to all its consequences practical when no longer economically and socially matches and is dark. In liberalism, it becomes clear, and new knowledge takes new actions creating a new reality with more freedom and create arguments to be applied , and revealing a new reality of ideas in the space that coexists.

The theme of this essay on neo-liberalism seeks to understand freedom and individual potentialities that since ancient ages sought new ideas to have both physical, moral and ethical progress.

The struggle between freedom of individuals against the tyranny of groups who take over the power and which raises an idea where in often different and dangerous and oppressive.

However, for some governments where there is a statesman prevent the weaker were massacred by elements that use the state for their benefits and political freedom is with their altruistic justifications represents the most favorable conditions the people giving you the pleasure of living .

First, obtaining recognition of certain conditions where the acts of government power represents the decision of a more accessible country to model the human being in their interests and aspirations within the neoliberal doctrine.

In the Democratic Republic is occupied largely of, in theory, the welfare of the people with "autonomy" and "the power of the people over themselves," however, the person occupying the state in most does the will of people

Well if you would like to know the old stories of the attempts of neo-liberalism in academic design is below the concepts, have a good read why most of the time is to ask on the day of universities, make good avail.

There is need to economically maintain the newspaper and have no external sponsor and we count on your cooperation, agency 6511-0, account 34711-0, thank you 


Neoliberalism is a term that, especially from the late 1980s , has been employed by a wide variety of academic studies, especially policy and development economics , replacing other terms used, such as monetarism ,neoconservatism , the Washington Consensus or "market reform", for example, [1] especially in a critical perspective, [2] to describe the resurgence of ideas derived from capitalism laissez-faire (presented by classical liberalism ) and were implemented from the beginning of the 1970s and 1980 . [3] Its proponents advocate in favor of political economic liberalization extensive, such as privatization , fiscal austerity , deregulation , free trade , and cutting government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy. [4 ] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9][10] [11] [12] [13]

Neoliberalism is a concept whose use and definition has undergone some changes over time. [7] In the 1930s , neoliberalism it was an economic doctrine that has emerged among scholars liberal European and trying to set a so -called "third way" able to resolve the conflict between classical liberalism and planned economy collectivist . [14]This development overcame the desire to avoid a repeat of the economic failures that led to the 1929 crisis , whose cause was attributed mainly to the economic policy of classical liberalism . In later decades, neoliberal theory tended to diverge from the more laissez-faire doctrine of classical liberalism, promoting instead a market economy under the guidance and rules of a state strong - model that would be called social market economy .

In the 1960s , the use of "neoliberal" term came into sharp decline, but when it was reintroduced in the 1980s , its meaning had changed and became associated with the economic reforms implemented in Chile in the 1970s , during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet , which had the cooperation of Hayek , the Chicago Boys [15] and the CIA . [16]: 40 [17] during this period, the word not only acquired a negative connotation on the critics of reform market , as had also changed meaning - ceasing to be regarded as a moderate form of liberalism, to be understood as a set of more radical ideas favorable to capitalism laissez-faire . Academic passed then to associate neoliberalism to the theories of economists Friedrich Hayek , the Austrian School , and Milton Friedman , the Chicago School . [7] In the 1980s, the term is now used by academics linked to different social sciences especially the criticism of this resurgence of ideas derived from economic liberalism laissez faire of the nineteenth century [18] [19] [9] [20] the usage of the term has expanded rapidly over the 1990s , consolidating in the 2000s . [21]

Thus, once established the new meaning of the word among academics Spanish speaking, this spread to the literature of political economy , in English, [7] associating the set of economic policies introduced by Augusto Pinochet in Chile , Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the United States . [8] the change in theconsensus that occurred during the 1970s and 1980s in favor of economic theories and neoliberal policies, is considered by some scholars as the root the financialization of the economy [22] that would culminate with the 2008 crisis . [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]

The academic production about the neoliberalism of the phenomenon has grown, [28] and the impact of the global crisis of 2008 in the global economy has sparked new criticism of the neoliberal model, seeking new alternatives that promote economic development . [29] In June 2016 one of the greatest defenders of neoliberalism, the International Monetary Fund , published a study by three economists of the institution recognizing that the neoliberal, prescribed by the IMF itself to guide the economic growth sustainable in developing countries , can have harmful effects long-term since, instead of generating growth, some neo-liberal policies have increased inequality , jeopardizing a lasting economic expansion, ie, damaging the level and sustainability of growth . [30] [31] [32]

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