sábado, 25 de junho de 2016

A brief overview of the Brazilian economic crisis.

Dear reader, the newspaper for being independent and liberal, does not use sponsor we are closing according to La Monde, but we do question, however, did not survive wind only those they deem to contribute thanks. The account is 347 116 6511-0.
If you ask what is better known for a long time in the country, he said unemployment hit and a long time that this indicator does not want to leave the podium.

You see, in the 1990s the population was 130 million had an unemployment rate of 5% 
Today 210 million, making a simple rule of three between the two dates there was a decrease of 440% of jobs are kept 5% from 1990.
Workers of São Paulo State education was 55, 83% lower than 2003-2016 period.       


It's been 13 years, is not only in São Paulo, but in Brazil in general. It also happened to the wages of workers in general, there are people who gets frustrated when entering a supermarket today, 50 real it takes a maximum of 3 kg of second ground beef cost in 2003- 4.90 reais today, nine years later, 18 50 a kg, an increase of 90% over the salary, ie, most of the people buying 10% today of ground beef in 2003, if divided by month eating ground beef from Monday 3 times a month, a family 4 people eat all day ground beef would be 600 reais a month.
When the IPEA or IBGE survey the basket is for family consumption sampling, a gain 880 Reais and it works only ate ground beef Monday only 3 times a month, this is also one of the faulty indicators on income distribution. 
 The economic progress of a nation is victory to reduce the poverty of its people generating well - being and material pleasure. One of the indicators that use is income per capita income per capita is the name of an indicator that helps the understanding of the degree of development of a country and consists of national income coefficient division (gross national product less the depreciation expense of capital and indirect taxes) for its population.Sometimes called the coefficient  of gross domestic product  is used.
In the original Latin, the term "per capita" means "per head", so it is an income per head, ie, considering members of particular population and its share in total income of the country.
Although it is a very useful index, because it is a medium widely used in the economic literature in general, this coefficient hides many disparities in  income distribution .
One country, for example, can have a good per capita income but a high level of  concentration of income  and great  social inequality . It is also possible that a country has a low per capita income, but there is not much concentration of wealth, and there is so great inequality between rich and poor.
It is also important to note that it is impossible to compare the per capita incomes of many countries precisely because similar product prices are not the same: eg the price of gasoline in the US is 1.25 reais.
The differences between the prices of products are disproportionate to each other, which makes it impossible to know for sure if a country X has a per capita income greater than one country Y, even using brokers GDP per capita.The per capita income statistics are used to get a rough idea of ​​the standard of living of the people of various countries and industrial productivity in those countries.
The per capita income or average income per inhabitant of a country, state or region, is calculated by dividing the total income accrued by the country 's inhabitants number, but, per gross capita income is in the amount of 18 000, however, dividing sample per person would be 1,113 reais for each Brazilian. 
The total amount of goods and services produced in a country for a year is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).GDP refers only to domestic production, that is held within the country.
Taking into account the goods and services produced in the country, the resources entering and leaving, we have the gross national product (GNP) per year measured in each country.
Therefore, the GNP is equal to domestic production plus resources from the outside but those who leave the country. In practice, however, with rare exceptions, the difference in value between GDP and GNP of a country is small.
Although Brazil is between 10 richest in GDP according to the IMF, the standard Brazilian is falling and forecasts are not encouraging
Today we are in depression the unemployment rate remains high since a long time and the salary does not follow.

It was announced the new minimum wage in 2016, the adjustment and high of 11.57%, which is basically the replacement of our inflation, the increase will be R $ 92.00 reais thus raising the minimum wage worker earned in 2015 R $ 788.00 to R $ 880.00 in the first day of the year. This increase also impacts the increase in the employee benefits and other services that use the floor as a reference.
From 2003 to 2015 the wage increase was 125.45%, taking into account the increase in ground beef purchasing power would be left only 31% for other ingredients of the food basket. Dear reader, enter this site and research the average value of the food products of the basic basket, you will see that so far we are to assess food security.  Http://ciagri.iea.sp.gov.br/nia1/precos_medios.aspx? cod_sis = 4 , inflation in many wins.
The high level of employment pointed out in Brazil in the period of the military regime, where several multinational received largesse to settle in the country, an example was the Kodak received in São José dos Campos, land and infrastructure by the municipal government, giving a grace 20 years of approval of property tax and ISS and at the end all the infrastructure and the land would be Kodak and so were with companies, for this happened the Brazilian miracle.
The miracle of economic of the United States occurred in the early 40s and took 4 years the reason was the increase of the defense industry and then  plans the Marshall Plan, a deepening of the  Truman Doctrine , officially known as the European Recovery Program, was the main plan of the  United States  for the reconstruction of the countries  allies  of  Europe  in the years following  World War II 
Reports that German exit to steal the high inflation did not steal money, but, horse, cart, food.
The countries of Europe were with inflation in the highest, the US flooded dollars which remained strong international currency today.
Why the lowest indicator of inflation in the US, they seek to lend to countries, Brazil is customer like other countries, this in macroeconomics, microeconomics one credit card or loan reaches 300%, an inflation rate of 10% is gained 290% for this, the bankers thank also the commodity sector thanks by high job search where you can pay low wages and benefit by an inflation rate caused by unemployment. 
low inflation creates a dynamic society because it transfers to the buyer the benefits while high for Seller. 
Today Brazil sees high rates of theft, inflation and unemployment, were what planted the Brazilian oligarchies and still want to support protectionism and loans through BNDES, the "economists" of Brazil and the way that the current President is going and Jose Serra with its approach policy via Europe and the US, both Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton waving little loans rides and advantageous holding Dollar as hard currency in a country with inflation of 1 digit. 
the country should macroeconomically narrow ties with BRIC countries , the Chinese are willing to invest very high in the country and Russia with its technologies can change the economic model currently implemented in Brazil, this protectionism by companies established in the country and excessive bureaucracy, both multinational old who entered the military regime and the Juscelino Kubitschek period hinders both micro and macroeconomic country. to 
believe in a single currency among the participants of the BRICs is the desirable way, increasing  Although the group still not a  bloc  or a formal trade association, as in the case of the  European Union  there are strong indicators that the four BRIC countries have sought to form a "political club" or an "alliance" and so converting "their growing economic power into greater geopolitical influence.

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