quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016

After Impeachment which way economically Brazil will continue?

Since 1500 the micro and macro have been always economic guided in agricultural exports and minerals, and in the technological field, was closed to a national elite group that included nepotism state that falsely protected entrepreneurs from international competition by creating barriers protectionist s closing decreasing possibilities technological advances. The nationalism of entrepreneurs and Brazilian politicians (only a few) did not get rich at the expense of the State, deny falsely that does not need the state, big lie, always hid themselves in the public money wings since Republic had protection of the nationalist populist politicians would not survive without these .

 One of those who wanted to change was the Baron of Mauá , in which the Empire of the time was innovative to put the railways in Brazil, to a national bank, it began to change the country.
I had a notion of development globalization , but the oligarchy 's prevented and banned his model, he about to change its strategy to borrow money and invest in Paraguay that has become dangerous example for the international and national elites. The British who did not want a model country in Latin America to and fostered the triple battle Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina to curb Paraguayan development.
On the other hand, the scientists who came to Brazil lacked perhaps with some alleged qualifications, combined with disregard for advanced research, which is more suited to menial jobs and still an intellectual is barely seen, there was a jargon of the land: - "daughter distrusts the man on the guitar and likes to book generally do not make good husbands because they do not pass the sale to bring food home every day, watch him."
Coupled with poor research, scientists did the best fit to the situation. Many came to Brazil for lack of opportunity in their countries, most European laboratories with their anthropologists, biologists, biochemists reaped revenue of healers of Brazil, there are now large corporations is due to the discovery of the active principles of Brazilian medicinal plants and returned with their research, others were because universities did not give ethical support and did not advance in the polls by dogmatization that the truth of the theological faith without reason impregnates the most advanced research.
The universities lay like USP and other state have managed some successes and advanced in recent embryonic laboratories that were emerging in Europe actually cataloged what was best in the country and perfected in non Catholic Europe, especially Scandinavian, Germanic, that is there gave economic conditions and wages and laboratories to advance their hypothesis, it is the brain drain that still happens.
 In addition, many had to pray the playbook Scholastic that leading the Roman Catholic Church imposed on them. Incidentally, today, dominate the main Brazilian universities, just talk in research trunks cells that Brazilian theological goggle eyes and downplay these sciences, is not only the Catholic Church, universities Protestants also and following lead the masses and being them succumbed by this existing decree today.
To understand the cost Brazil is clear evident that the increase of this characterizes not inadequate investments in the infrastructure of the country in micro and macro over time.
For the Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Netherlands have models efficiencies that could not copy their models? They are willing, but wary of Brazilian politicians who always want to make their ways. With their models and their technicians in the micro and macro to a fairer composition, they need raw materials that we have instead of we turn to countries that compete with us in the international division of commodity trade is a bartering six per half dozen.
Still the old exporter paradox before sugarcane, coffee, cotton, agribusiness (which as yet said supports Brazil in times of crisis since 1500) sells chickens, export minerals, shoot the subsalt keeping the North American model and Japanese and now Chinese only want our resources and send their goods to more heatable price, but many low quality, however, they are economically advancing and has an enviable health savings.
The great distrust with China as partners is the lack of democracy and lack of investment here in their industries and may rather increase our industrial park.
But the US is still with its protectionist policy and in the oil matrix and does not invest in the country for a long time, although the US may still change its strategy, as Barack Obama this delisneando.
It is with Brincs as partners are best in macroeconomics and microeconomic together Brazil, China, India, Russia, South Africa and wanting to enter this Indonesia, South Korea and Australia would be the best options moving forward, because the US and both Europe You do not see us as potential partners historically. there is a pharmacy and fill the coffers make the population remain at the mercy of this pharmaceutical speculation.
 If BRINCs   affiliating the Nordic countries that have not shown their provisions in this regard were back operating in Brazil, the living space we have, security is necessary to claim, however, lost the tram called Brazil and its natural resources.
  The Brazil along with MERCOSUR and BRINCs with the Nordic countries will be deploying cars powered by air or energy industries that attack less the planet by using alternative energy. But this should have a plot and opening facilities where earnings are balanced for both sides in the condition they should install their research centers and priorities in low taxes. The Brazilian labor is versatile and soon learns and we have a large number professionals trained in university centers that are idle and are working in other areas, and vendor or another profession that is not those who volunteered their gifts.
 See this oil policy and petrol car is already outdated, derivatives of these yet, the American model no longer serves to Brazil, the fear of domestic industries that still guided these should open partnerships with countries that spoke or the government open with cheaper taxes to settle here, they have firepower, money and need our living space and in Latin America to exchange is easy only just will and political will of the effects is that we in the industry petrochemical advance in elaborate mátrias and not just an exporter, it is absurd we have the most expensive gasoline in the world.
The need to create a direct tax on the box or in the distribution and non-cumulative taxes, the rates should be scaled according to the actual cost at the end of production is the consumer, it should be deployed direct end system to the consumer and has we have conditions for this computer.
This economic macro policy is suicidal, cross lead among giants dwarf and who loses is the Brazilian and totally insecure people and flattened in micro, one in the category salary that needs cheap products and the other that is contaminated in its resources, so it is difficult, solve the equation ledger that both economists try to give quality to micro with other external microprocessor through the oil model, building and car.
In the micro power consumption of the "poor" by far with economic plans and high rates of stemmed interest of countries and speculative capital people apply in Brazil that has one of the rates highest interest in the world apply for financial as The Crefisa that is the oil sheiks, Brazil is a good deal, however the large number of people who took loans are with their purchasing power to zero.
Look here if you have a loan rate of 11% in their countries have a rate of 1 %%, apply here in a month take out 10% at the time they want this call to be more speculative value.
After the impeachment and Brazil return to "normality" and democratic it's time to privatize everything in Brazil, less health, education, housing and security, but it must be put down and allying feet in the formation of BRINCs. Already been proven the incompetence of "commissioned" in state Brazilian companies, it is not the people (so they say, but ... that feeling of not belonging is great for the people), Brazil have reserves for this and a mass consumer who established their purchasing power improving microeconomic conditions, by the way, one of the obstacles to investment in Brazil, are excessive regulations and laws to companies compete with Petrobras.
The Brazilian government is too statist, we are privatizing all Brazilian companies, take care only of health, education, safety and housing.
To rescue these banks is no need for an independent central bank that operates in the speculative market, giving a moratorium on the debt through the State-owned banks should also be privatized in microeconomics we indebted family groups in a wheel cycle and will, lends paid, is must, in default, to return have purchasing power is necessary for banks to open accounts and give you the very long term credits and develop strategic lessons for people of how to spend a balanced way, ie family budget reeducation.
Moreover, it is necessary to rescue the small construction companies and giving long-term loans to build affordable housing at fair presses in the power of small wage can purchase your home for affordable and houses that are not Dovecote houses or "acertamentos".
 So take the naive Brazilian sweat not nearly know that there is micro and macro equation will we still eat egg more?

 And we are waiting who joins us, USA or we leave and increased participation in the BRICs.

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    Texto original

    Os ingleses que não queriam um país modelo na América Latin a e fomentaram a batalha tríplice Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina para frear desenvolvimento paraguaio.

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