The Brazilian government uses direct taxes and indirect historical form aimed only raise as Lion, that is, a predator of production and consumption that often leads to bankruptcy of entrepreneurs with their draconian invisible hand.
The state should ask entrepreneurs what the rate for maximalizar your profits?And I can help descomplicando and how can afford to boost production without seasonal circumstances it is unfavorable because in these circumstances often do not pay income? Therefore an income tax has no other effect than simply fatten state coffers and reduce savings capacity and as the Earth production improvements with new technologies that increase the productive forces of the earth?
And the more municipalized the center of the frame revenue with a small group of people specialized and their community and their representatives will be closer to these effects may alter the most beneficial contribution capacity to minimize the loss of revenue and no regret and "gossip" that such empresario got it wrong because no learned to manage your Laissez-faire and the more municipal be better .
These have been that there is no way to unload on someone else unless reduced production and disservicing and leaving unproductive land. Its dividends are now not generate production and employment and competition is to limps because only those who have not gone through unfavorable circumstances like rain that has technological advances can for example use irrigation and thus leads the competition and the consumer loses another producer and not to benefit from their real incomes, but the sacrifice of this, reducing the ability to survive and many sell the land to cover the expenses of these misfortunes?
for this, you need an expert task force to see such facts and not only collect to collect draconian . Take the owner of the land the state simply do not know the reasons and transfers to the state spending on "other" activities that this tax should be apricado, or diverts purposes, since the tax is to help and recover the taxable event, ie, increase capacity and not reduce the income that leads to tax cuts.
This is a direct tax is the one charged exactly the people that are planned or whether you want to pay without taking into account Brazil probable climate tragedies or slide in choosing the production of a culture, eg. a wind can destroy a couple min productive algueires, no matter if it spent on seeds and pesticides and paid taxes before harvest ie real contribution capacity
This is one of indirect taxes that are collected from a person in u forward with the intention of this is to makecompensation at the expense of another, thus poison dispenser gets the same manner if the Goods check the failure or not.
the taxation on improvements are mostly short-term, taxes must be collected before these, so many prefer not to because it is inconvenient failing to make improvements not find a face and secure means for a future nominal payment and not prescribed before the realization of technological improvements, the period gathering should be extended or elastic according coma production.
seaming between the distributor that sells inputs and machinery in nominal future tax which at the beginning could be the possible minimum would help a lot, I would give 0% percent in six months and then gradual.
So respecting the uneven contribuitiva capacity and not the same that Brazil adopts called fiscal equality collection disrupts production and decreases the contribution.
This is also the famous property tax a lady who won in 2000 real and has a property on Avenida Paulista heritage fruit and what she likes and happiness have to pay a property tax per meter equal to the meter of FIESP , and the principle of equality is compromised and the lady probably suffered unfortunate refezes and will certainly have to sell or withhold the tax or sublet your property and live in a less prestigious place. and the people too. What tax you pay and what better time / So, the tax would be from the bottom up, not the draconian Lion exists today.
Inverting the presumed charge for a real ability to contributions and increase competition both in micronomia as in macroeconomics that the "neo-liberalism" of Keynesianism where matters is hard currency that can be made at any time due to "stability" generated by external consumption and commodity s , keeping their buffer stocksuntouchable. the principles of a system of taxation that guide Liberalism.
1- People's Republic should contribute to the government's maintenance, the maximum extent possible, in proportion capabilities and taxpayer earnings, ie in proportion to the income they enjoy, where the state protected and rendered account and it does not is, their rulers are not selfish, with complex and bureaucratic acts, repetitive, uncritical and without infringing the rights and obligations and do not use for philanthropy or charity and only achieve security, education, health, housing. The contributions to be pr OMOTION pleasure and no pain to the possible minimum the people of the Republic.
2. The tax which each individual is required to pay certain, and not arbitrary can not worsen for the purpose of any gift or gratuity of resources measured by agents who administer them, but there will be corruption and insolence, the power to collect can not cover the allocation of resources errors giving priority to education, health, safety and housing, if a tax is unsympathetic ha higher incidence of tax evasion.
3- Every tax should be so charged where convenience and likelihood of the taxpayer to pay for this, should be flexible in times of greater stability and mostly they are all paid by the consumer convenient for him. Pays little by little merchandise purchase, however, when talking about health and the state must make clear where does the revenue thus security, education and housing and the less preference operating costs made by the private sector or task forces that does not involve a huge number of people "with government jobs" that burden and often serve more to philanthropy. (one works and 4 are looking).
4. The collection of tax may require a large number of employees, whose salaries can consume most parde of tax revenue and whose bonuses may impose an additional tax people should also have forces jobs with private companies specialized in the Brazilian case there taxes excesses cascade and this may divert part of the labor and capital of the community in a more productive employment to a less productive that can lead a less productive company to go bankrupt or vice versa, equity can not be philanthropy, but accuracy contribuitiva capacity of enterprises, can take time to recover for this competition, but not stop charging.
3- Every tax should be so charged where convenience and likelihood of the taxpayer to pay for this, should be flexible in times of greater stability and mostly they are all paid by the consumer convenient for him. Pays little by little merchandise purchase, however, when talking about health and the state must make clear where does the revenue thus security, education and housing and the less preference operating costs made by the private sector or task forces that does not involve a huge number of people "with government jobs" that burden and often serve more to philanthropy. (one works and 4 are looking).
4. The collection of tax may require a large number of employees, whose salaries can consume most parde of tax revenue and whose bonuses may impose an additional tax people should also have forces jobs with private companies specialized in the Brazilian case there taxes excesses cascade and this may divert part of the labor and capital of the community in a more productive employment to a less productive that can lead a less productive company to go bankrupt or vice versa, equity can not be philanthropy, but accuracy contribuitiva capacity of enterprises, can take time to recover for this competition, but not stop charging.
5- For the fines and penalties they incur those unfortunate individuals who try to evade the tax, this can often lead to ruin and thereby end the benefit that the community could have assessed the application of capital fromthem.
6 little Taxes judicious can lead to evasion of temptation and scattered, as in Brazil there are progressive taxes and regressive in excess and a few judicious and requires a hundred papers that the taxpayer is lost and requires an expense in "counters" to circumvent and seek "gap" for tax evasion and done in stages. Below the tables
If you look at the consumption of public administration is always at zero consumption, but the end appears 3,724,807 and when the product is not directly to household consumption is also zero, but in the family consumption they spent 200 in products direct consumption is a mess that every time the government can change rates at will, so the producer runs out north to gauge their true profits and how to pay and many try ways to not fall in taxes, for example, export minerals and import steel plates from countries that have 0% rate. the famous commodities.
6- The odious inspections of collectors frequent visits can expose corporate contributor to annoyances that can affect the slander of competitors and own employees think that the company is not long the "obligations" which leads to lower production and "gossip" and exposing the company to be "maligned".
So Brazil subject professions and manufactures insuperable and sacrificativos obstacles to business.
However Brazil has always used to benefit a minority of protectionist businessmen and the rulers and the ruled find that State is that it must do everything, even a poorly designed bicycle lane that fell in Rio de Janeiro is theresponsibility of "government", but the people still mostly play a can on the ground is normal and still speak "to provide jobs for Brazilians. "
Now for the beneficiaries of Brazil's taxes, as there is a neoliberal and statist State as some companies were able to benefit from these Philanthropy. First the tax in Brazil or a set tax s should the freedom of entry and laissez faire ie barriers absences that hinder or preclude the entry of a new company in a sector.
6 little Taxes judicious can lead to evasion of temptation and scattered, as in Brazil there are progressive taxes and regressive in excess and a few judicious and requires a hundred papers that the taxpayer is lost and requires an expense in "counters" to circumvent and seek "gap" for tax evasion and done in stages. Below the tables
If you look at the consumption of public administration is always at zero consumption, but the end appears 3,724,807 and when the product is not directly to household consumption is also zero, but in the family consumption they spent 200 in products direct consumption is a mess that every time the government can change rates at will, so the producer runs out north to gauge their true profits and how to pay and many try ways to not fall in taxes, for example, export minerals and import steel plates from countries that have 0% rate. the famous commodities.
6- The odious inspections of collectors frequent visits can expose corporate contributor to annoyances that can affect the slander of competitors and own employees think that the company is not long the "obligations" which leads to lower production and "gossip" and exposing the company to be "maligned".
So Brazil subject professions and manufactures insuperable and sacrificativos obstacles to business.
However Brazil has always used to benefit a minority of protectionist businessmen and the rulers and the ruled find that State is that it must do everything, even a poorly designed bicycle lane that fell in Rio de Janeiro is theresponsibility of "government", but the people still mostly play a can on the ground is normal and still speak "to provide jobs for Brazilians. "
Now for the beneficiaries of Brazil's taxes, as there is a neoliberal and statist State as some companies were able to benefit from these Philanthropy. First the tax in Brazil or a set tax s should the freedom of entry and laissez faire ie barriers absences that hinder or preclude the entry of a new company in a sector.
According to the Brazilian is accustomed to welfare charges and centralizes its actions in "state" technicians to enter a product or do a work, companies that provide services through bidding under the will of a ruler to make your taste of well-being , want quick and often come with problems.
Settled progressive taxes and regressive giving an exaggerated incidence of indirect taxes which is lost in the accounts true integration and separation of what is
Municipal, State and Federal.
" Because of the multiplicity of taxes and rates and the incidence on inputs, the final effect of the indirect tax system in Brazil on prices for the consumer is far from transparent. Using a method that incorporates the multisectoral effects of indirect taxes, we estimate the effect of taxation of intermediate goods on the taxation of final goods. "
Taxation that more to the composition of GDP and a future of uncertainty unplanned investments or planned according to the colonels of the oligarchies of Congress and their representatives at various times, deputies and senators monopolized "their" product, or help "one" deputy, closed the market for other international companies, so, how the Votorantim had the monopoly of cement in Brazil from 1950 to 1982. Brasilia with cement Votorantim and groups (it does not) that are involved in scandals Brazil, Camargo Correa and others. the Itaipu power plant
The cement had!
• The total volume of concrete used in the construction of the plant would be enough to build 210 football stadiums like the Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro.
• The iron and steel used would allow the construction of 380 Eiffel Towers.
• The maximum flow of the Douro verte Itaipu (62,200 cubic meters per second) corresponds to 40 times the average flow of the Iguaçu Falls.
• The flow of two turbines of Itaipu (700 cubic meters of water per second each) corresponds to all the average flow of the Falls (1500 cubic meters per second).
• The height of the main dam (196 meters) equivalent to the height of a building of 65 floors.
• Brazil would have to burn 434 thousand barrels of oil per day to obtain from thermoelectric plants the same production of Itaipu energy.
• The volume of earth excavation and rock in Itaipu is 8.5 times greater than the Eurotunnel (linking France and England under the English Channel) and the volume of concrete, 15 times higher.
Besides this despropriados way over 5000 farmers who then formed the No-Earths connected to the PT and theCUT .
Or directly participate in support of oligarchic social groups in the country domain: are closed and small groups who control the power, generally formed by families of large landowners. Changing tax policies according to their neoliberal interests or nationalist. In Brazil, the agrarian and industrial oligarchies already enjoy this economic power.The big mistake that do not follow international prices lower for competitiveness and lower cost and higher production and attract companies that make the product here making it cheaper for consumers with a light and flexible final tax at the producer pocket.
Example of the taxation system in the United States. n eoliberal other results is the performance of the Federal Reserve and has philanthropy, but could also ask how much can you afford?
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