Newspapers and journalists mostly atheists exceptions weigh the Brazilian people give much value to science, but true Brazilian is devoted to some belief since 1500 religion squandered the main supporting the collective unconscious and social cohesion by the Catholic Church until the coming of the ideology of Karl Marx to Brazil and formation of parties "left" attached to EX-UniãoSoviética .
Like all religious dogma Family takes family cohesion, but from atheism propagated in secular universities and opposed the Protestant universities as ae Mackenzie , Methodist and Catholic as PUC throughout Brazil.
The dogmas and doctrines and ideologies and utopias who are owners of the truth to be spread more than the science that enters the stage as segundaria and not argue with dogmatic both evangelicals, Catholics and atheists mostly support the PT, together with Theology Liberation and the Charismatic Renewal as the "evangelical" to disagree with him he always uses the argument of a passage of the Bible, and radicalize "is written there is something of the devil" is difficult.
The groups opposed to atheism came together to prevent the coming of this, but the secular universities also have these groups, one of the prominent Brazilian philosopher Marilene Chauí helped set up along with Paulo Freire with his P edagogia the Oppressed the indoctrination of Catholics with Theology release a kind of opposition to Catholicism "capitalist" and that helped Snhor LULA come to power, this is one of the reasons for the increased counter these "evangelical" to power elected by his followers.
already in the 50 's called the Right called TFP that was and still is one of the most active linked to Freemasonry (Incidentally Michel Temer is Freemason and who presided over the impeachment Eduardo Cunha also and the " King of Brazil " living in Petropolis also ) the State of Rio de Janeiro, there is also the headquarters of the Academy of Letters and the headquarters of the CNBB .
From 80 to increase the "evangelical", as they like to be called here, is not seen represented with wealth effective in Brazil, for these groups
The connected TV "debauchery and nudity" that gave IBOPE Globo formed by Roberto Marinho also Masons, broke the uses and customs was broken and the modesty of the sacredness gave freedom as Erich Fromm in his book Fear of Freedom he said.
In fact, since it was launched the book by Stefan Zweig "Brazil, country of the future?" , Together with the bloodproud books Roots of Brazil , the nationalism spread ..
The singing of the fans and that was done in Congress , "I am very proud and Brazil as race, with much love" demonstrates this vainglorious .
When wanting to beat as they call some intellectuals " complex mutt " belittle our country that many intellectuals and the "developed" world such as Europe and other countries.
Relativize our qualities and exalt our problems with this jingoism living sitting on the couch in front of the television, enjoying the Sunday schedule, it is quite possible that you have never had time to go outside and see the best of Brazil.
When I left is because the business this brave even for this today, do not blow it in direct was commanded by Liberation Theology
Some foreigners fall in love with our variety of music and the "sexual freedom" of most girls under ownership and influenced by easy gain, combined with a television soap operas that sex is distorted and love Romeo and Juliet and the Dogma of Adam and Eve where they like becomes love must necessarily eternal or killed as Romeo.
Because of this emerged in Brazil a new "Protestantism" called "Evangelicals" whole explanation of the good or ma bliss arises the name of "God", only have one, but they come together when there is a Catholic or atheist questioning.
These "churches" occupied the catechizing of those who failed to better the lives and some can like it was in the US period of Adam Smith wrote " the Wealth of Nations ."
The Brazilian population jumped from 1980 to 80 million to 210 million today, poverty corners effected by these and gerecimento evil of public affairs led to frustration of the Catholic cohesion by 1980 made Charismatic Renewal in Brazil, another Catholic theology Liberation theology a counter Catholic reform against the "evangelical" and these hopelessness add new believers.
See this more traditional link
Solomon's temple in Brazil

Simpler like this and have thousands of these.
But to say that profess the same dogmas disagree, agree only when it is against an atheist or Catholic or Agnostic and Esoteric, Kabbalists, etc. Now let the estatistificas.
They apply the Theology of Prosperity and how in Brazil inequality is very large attracted after 1980 million fans who occupied the Congress and the Senate and talked to promote their beliefs and give "joy to fies imposes his words in Congress defends the natural family , homeland and bar any scientific advance against them in law ..Own Mayor Eduard Cunha is evangelical pastor Eduardo Cunha was to the Assembly of God without leaving the Heal Our Land, says journalist: congressman Eduardo Cunha (PMDB- RJ), chairman of the House of Representatives recently changed the Church Heal Our Land to be a member of God's Ministry of Madureira Assembly. Evangelicals criticize how Eduardo Cunha mixing politics and religion . the Deputy Michel Temer is a Freemason in the 22nd Degree.
Solomon's temple in Brazil
But to say that profess the same dogmas disagree, agree only when it is against an atheist or Catholic or Agnostic and Esoteric, Kabbalists, etc. Now let the estatistificas.
They apply the Theology of Prosperity and how in Brazil inequality is very large attracted after 1980 million fans who occupied the Congress and the Senate and talked to promote their beliefs and give "joy to fies imposes his words in Congress defends the natural family , homeland and bar any scientific advance against them in law ..Own Mayor Eduard Cunha is evangelical pastor Eduardo Cunha was to the Assembly of God without leaving the Heal Our Land, says journalist: congressman Eduardo Cunha (PMDB- RJ), chairman of the House of Representatives recently changed the Church Heal Our Land to be a member of God's Ministry of Madureira Assembly. Evangelicals criticize how Eduardo Cunha mixing politics and religion . the Deputy Michel Temer is a Freemason in the 22nd Degree.
Now I will discuss the "Jeitinho" Brazilian who favors the increase of "evangelical"
Brazil is arrived a beer (is a synthesis with my addendums to the author Rodrigo Almeida )
Brazil is arrived a beer (is a synthesis with my addendums to the author Rodrigo Almeida )
Both the richest men in Brazil are linked to the brewing industry, just watch football, there are always these advertising, novels, etc.
Even certain religious groups who do not like drinking spree falls in our caipirinha and our Drink's and drink everything to fall. Indians are a case apart. When they arrive do not touch women, do not smile, eat in lunch boxes prepared in the hotel, do not drink and fraternize with us.
Just a single party to learn that people are people anywhere in the world and, deep down, target the same things. We Chinese and Japanese fall from drinking caipirinha, dancing Muslims on the table, French go crazy with a frenzied and European samba generally fall in love with for our beautiful women.
I would also like to highlight the section of the Indian.
That was what gave more work. We need a leader, German manager, to drink a champagne to encourage the Indian to do the same. "Just for the toast," mentíamos for him. Indian 31 years, married for four months, a virgin until 30, owner of a Harley-Davidson in New Delhi, ventured a sip. He did not die!
Surprised to find that this was not a demon drink, drank more. And a little more. A glass later, his eyes were small and finally saw to that huge grin, although somewhat hidden by dark mustache. "I need to pray for my mistakes enough to return" he joked. Thirty minutes later, we had lost control of Hindu colleague. He was trying to dance a pagoda with our Brazilian colleagues, wonderful and very well dressed. At the approach (he had never touched a woman other than his wife) started trying to embrace them and move your hand in the now frightened women. "Two minutes, upstairs." he said. Two minutinhos alone with them was all they needed.
In parting many of our colleagues cry.
"We will return" promise.
Everybody brings memories of beautiful landscapes, incredible feminine beauty, of uncommitted binges, the lack of concern about the opinion of others, morality and good manners and, above all, the great friendship that make the Brazilians.
Back in Brazil, all of us here the company, we adopted habits that we never had. Now I like a lot beans, farofa and shrimp. I do not take more caipirinha with vodka, because I learned the value of a Velho Barreiro has. I am happy when I see a black walking down the street hand in hand with an albino blonde like to see Arab and Jewish colleagues working together, Italian restaurants run by Korean, Japanese and African rappers sushi chefs. Cultural fruit salad in Sao Paulo never fascinated me so much.
I remember the first day after my return, I ignored my completely deregulated biological time. I got to 10, I took a very Brazilian espresso Gerais, had lunch at a steakhouse and 15 hours went to a park.
A shirtless runner went through a beautiful brunette with corsair pants and bare midriff. She ran in the opposite direction and still had a piercing beating from one side to the other making a hypnotizing pendulum in durinha belly. He tried to look at her in the eye, but she kept the indifferent posture. He kept running elegantly and crossing through it watched very discreetly with the eye corner. He turned back as he ran enjoying the band that would go away. Realizing she opened a light and behaved smile and continued his race pretending to be indifferent.
"Oh, how I missed our green, our blue, our yellow!"
In the late afternoon I was already in a bar watching the dynamics of the relationship between men and Brazilian women. When you get the viewer ends up having a great time. Women leave subtle, but obvious signs, when they want to be addressed. We do not make us rogated. At worst, we will make a new friendship with a beautiful woman who will surely have many more beautiful friends yet.
The Brazil have many serious problems yes. Problems which we have to fight one on one. However, the most developed metropolitan areas already have all the characteristics of first world countries. There peripheries, hunger and poverty in Europe and North America as well. Whereas cities like Sao Paulo, Rio, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Florianopolis, POA, among other wealth centers in the country, we have exactly the same problems of the so-called civilized countries.
Moreover, despite all the problems and the endless battle we fight every day to improve this country of an exceptional nature, we are still far happier than outside. Here at the end of the day the problems are left aside for a while when the average Brazilian opens a Skol and enjoys his samba in a bar. I'm not a pagoda fan, but I admire the way the humble people simplify the difficulties of day-to-day singing and dancing. These are people who tomorrow will be up early, because they waste time complaining instead of working will no longer miss the family's livelihood.
In Brasili, not in suicidamos so, we help more, have more fun and make more friends. Trafficking can kill with their stray bullets, but here lunatics not machine-gun her colleagues in schools or they stick a sword in their stomachs when they are laid off.
We should rather criticize the problems of our country, but in order to act and we take the initiative to change what is bad. No use complaining about everything and everyone, sitting on the couch or behind a computer keyboard.
This is not the country of plundering supermarkets in SC, which kill RJ, who steal in Brasilia. This country is ours, those who make the difference and work day after day to build a better nation. It is because of these people who beat his chest with pride of being Brazilian and deny any offer to leave this country that so many good things have given me. Every basket has a rotten apple, but in the end, we will not allow the good to be contaminated.
But as the philosopher Blaise Pascal said "Very fun impairs judgment" and common sense are lost.
Here the study does not have much "value". The Literate here do not have much value, teacher even less, only graduates out there and here are most dogmatized.
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