First to better understand the proposal must follow the link displayed, if you want to make good use.
A phrase my grandmother Phoenician
"child money is not grass, those who believe in any dogma and any
faith or ideology, even atheist not live without it, all they want
preferably in abundance."
Talk about sazona adjustment l, leverage , marginal tax rate, cost analysis - benefit trade balance , traps liquidity , barriers of entry , non-tariff , , Cartel in the economy these are the terms of the economy and its current science should be with caution because most still use Keynesianism . And besides all the "transparency" of public companies that still have the curve of indifference demand that takes into account all broken demand curves where an oligopoly without collusion, in which competitors follow any lower prices than she does, but do not follow its price increases, the breakdown is given the prevailing price and that all state do not follow the national market but international prices to approve it and not "take damage" and to hell with the domestic consumer, these cases are the majority of "Brazilian companies."
Already envelope curve is based on fixed cost and it could make a profit or not according to the demand.
We are seeing the scandal of pension funds of these companies, therefore
advocate privatization have, however staff can participate as
shareholders and employees with allowances made by privatization or
request voluntary dismissal with compensation.
Throughout Brazilian history the formation of
unions was tied to what is called pelego The term was popularized
sheepskin during the Vargas era, in the 1930s Imitating Charter Del
Lavoro, the Italian fascist Mussolini, Vargas decreed the Unionization
Act in 1931, submitting the statutes of trade unions to the Ministry of
Labor. Pelego was the union leader of government confidence that guarantee the linkage of the entity to the state. Decades later, the term came to the fore with the military dictatorship. "Scab" became the union leader indicated by the military, the maximum representative of the "brown unionism". The
word that formerly designated skin or cloth that softened the contact
between the rider and the saddle became synonymous with traitor and ally
of the workers of the government and the bosses.
Now we have the red scabs linked to the PT through the CUT and scabs of the fifties of Fiesp brown and Union of Landowners, CNA ( C onfederação of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil ). The ANC system works as follows: the Agricultural Federations work in the States, the Rural Trade Unions within the municipalities and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil - CNA acts in the interests of Brazilian farmers with the Federal Government, the Congress national and upper judiciary courts, in which hardly a producer alone could get answers to their demands.
On the other hand the MST and CONTAG , nothing seems liberal, we are almost a Union Republic, will take beginners and people are not disappointed again.
For this reason, Michel Temer is it's not a new physiologist or liberal or continue the old policy of the colonels and the neoliberalism of Keynesianism , interfering in everything, Temer make liberalism with perfect competition
, market with many buyers and many sellers, none of them individually
influence the price (at least not influence considerably), there to
interfere with the improvement of the ministry of health, education, safety and housing.
Is not small d number and students who ask us teachers: and now, CUT turned pelega? There's
a reason for that question, because the CUT has always been identified
with a combative syndicalism, and the same with the Workers' Party; It was often seen as the "union arm E". Despite
being an inaccurate view, there is some truth in it and it was seen by
most of society, since most of the ACFTU leaders is linked to the PT. But remember that union members from other parties also share the same central. It
is important to highlight that a union should be independent of any
political party, must represent all workers, regardless of their
political affiliation or ideological definition. The CUT has always been seen as a defensive move of workers' interests and, accordingly, as a movement of "opposition". Opposition to what? Opposition to the policy of several previous governments, defined as not committed to the best interests of workers, from the conservatism of Figueiredo and Sarney, to neoliberalism Collor and Fernando Henrique; opposition to employers and imperialist interests, taxes to the country mainly from the IMF requirements.
But now that the PT's government and most of the union leaders "CUT" are linked to the PT, which will be their behavior? simply support government measures, or consult the workers? Will continue to advocate and practice a trade unionism "combat" as in origin?
However it is also still attached to Keynesianism
and state interference at all, may be even liberal, he has even
pronounced the reduction of ministries, but the state machine also can
under his command makes a little more efficient or not, because it is
swollen and certainly friends of parliamentarians adopted the colonels .
Dentarei demonstrate liberalism that only has the health goal, security,
education and housing, not neoliberalism economists formed to be
First I will talk like this came as "absolute truths in their" so-called
orthodox economists or simply called well-trained technocrat manager
preferably at Harvard. After further discuss the terms of Keynesianism.
The current liberalism established by the agreement Bretton Woods with the end of World War I and World War II (1914 and 1944), which in the words of the great writer Stefan Zweig the world would not be the same.
The gold standard ceased to be the main indicator of wealth of a country
and the currency effect by intellectual work, scientific body gave new
note for the current liberalism, where the US is still the major
beneficiary, but China and other countries are uniting the coins is the
case of the BRICS and UNION are coming with everything. (It is worth noting that Brazil still did not wake up to this Union)
Yesterday, the US Spokesperson IMF tuned speech as if Brazil can not do
Democracy and needs their endorsement, the economy and politics, is that
this is the complex "mutt" that Brazil has because oligarchies?
Zweig write "Europe and the world would not be the same, now requires to
passport, I recognized internationally and know my reputation as a
writer, now it has to be searched and some of my books do not get order
in some countries."
Thus, the transit of immigrants was natural, even Islamists had not so
much demand was a world that seemed a peace that would never be shaken
and less religious intolerance, was the liberalism of David Ricardo , Adam Smith .
Less than Karl Marx by the Totalitarian State of Stalin and companions, increased disbelief, the xenophobia , the religious intolerance with these wars to date, the European and Africa and Middle East is the scene of this liberalism policy.
Where David Ricardo one of the product distribution of mentors generated by work in society. That is, according to Ricardo,
the joint application of labor, machinery and capital in the production
process generates a product, which is divided among the three classes
of society: landowners (in the form of land rent), employees (under the
form of wages) and the capitalist tenants (in the form of capital
gains). The role of economics would then be to determine the natural laws that govern this distribution as a way of analysis of the current outlook of the economic situation, without losing concern for long-term growth.
His theory of comparative advantages are an essential basis of the theory of international trade . It
showed that two countries can mutually benefit from free trade, even if
a nation is less efficient in producing all kinds of goods than its
trading partner. Ricardo argued that neither the amount of money in a country, or the monetary value of that money was the major determinant of the wealth of a nation. According to the author, a nation is rich because of the abundance of goods that contribute to the comfort and well-being of its inhabitants.
However today large companies can be installed in all countries and
those that have more structures in both space and natural resources and
human capital left and no interference from the barriers of "Draconian
Laws of David Ricardo has some effect, but always with favors national
oligarchies it is free. "
The characterized by monetary disorder and the absence of a clearly
hegemon, while average potentiate sought a leadership position. Even during the war, the United States and Britain began negotiations for an economic restructuring, which resulted in the Atlantic Charter in 1941, a kind of precursor of Bretton Woods .
The conference Bretton Woods setting the Bretton Woods system of international economic management, established in July 1944 the rules for commercial and financial relations among the major industrialized countries. The
Bretton Woods system was the first example in world history of a fully
negotiated monetary order, aiming to govern monetary relations among
independent nation-states.
Preparing to rebuild the capitalist world while World War II still raging, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations met at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire , for monetary and financial conference of the United Nations. The
delegates deliberated and finally signed the Bretton Woods Agreement
(Bretton Woods Agreement) during the first three weeks of July 1944.
The Bretton Woods agreement lasted until 15 of August of 1971 , when the United States unilaterally ended the convertibility of the dollar into gold , which effectively led the Bretton Woods system apo collapse and the dollar has one fiat currency . The decision, referred to as the Nixon shock (Nixon Shock), has created a situation in which the US dollar became the reserve currency , used by many states. At the same time, other currencies , which until then were fixed (such as the pound sterling , for example), are now floating .
So the dollar began to dictate the rules of "liberalism" that has been renovated by a new chain called Neoliberalism.
Neoliberalism is a term that has been used by a wide variety of scholars within the social sciences , as well as by critics to describe the resurgence of associated ideas to Capitalism laissez-faire (presented by Classical Liberalism ), which were implemented from early 1970s and 1980s.
It was in this period that emerged a strong group OPEC
that raised many dollars, hardening creating profits called petrodollars originating in export oil . In 1973 , with the crisis of oil and the sudden rise of its value, the exporters of the product received an increasing flow of foreign exchange.
Given the limitations of their domestic economies, these countries have
used these currencies in the international financial market, generating a
period of great financial liquidity, which made the term popular and
lent to various countries, including Brazil.
They bought many things from Brazil to urutu Toasted Sadam Hussein used in the war with Iran, which was one of the features of the "Brazilian miracle".
Since the Bretton Woods Agreement and its supporters advocate in favor of political economic liberalization extensive, such as privatization , fiscal austerity , deregulation , free trade , and cutting government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy. Increasing interference of the IMF that with his plans always based on Keynesianism .
- Defense of state intervention in the economy, especially in areas where the private sector is unable or unwilling to act.
- Defense policy actions for economic protectionism.
- Against economic liberalism.
- Defense state economic measures aimed at ensuring full employment. This would be achieved with the balance between demand and production capacity.
- The State has a key role to stimulate the economy in times of crisis and economic recession.
- State intervention should be done through the fulfillment of a fiscal
policy so there is no growth and uncontrolled inflation.
Neoliberalism is a concept whose use and settings have undergone some changes over time. In the 1930s , neoliberalism it was an economic doctrine that has emerged among scholars liberal European and trying to set a so - called "third way" able to resolve the conflict between classical liberalism and planned economy collectivist .
This development was due to the desire to avoid a repeat of the economic failures that led to the 1929 crisis , whose cause was attributed mainly to the economic policy of classical liberalism . In
later decades, neoliberal theory tended to diverge from the more
laissez-faire doctrine of classical liberalism, promoting instead a market economy under the guidance and rules of an E stado strong - model that would be termed social economy market .
In the 1960s , the use of "neoliberal" term came into sharp decline, but when the term was re - introduced in the 1980s , its meaning had changed and became associated with the economic reforms implemented in Chile in the 1970s during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet , which had the cooperation of Hayek , the Chicago Boys and the CIA ..
In this period, the term not only acquired a negative connotation on the critics of the reform of the market
, as had also changed meaning - ceasing to be regarded as a moderate
form of liberalism, to be understood as a set of more radically
favorable ideas to capitalism laissez-faire . Scholars began then to associate neoliberalism to the theories of economists Friedrich Hayek , the Austrian School , and Milton Friedman , the Chicago School - as the term is currently understood. In
the 1980s, the term is now used by academics linked to different social
sciences, especially in criticizing this resurgence of ideas derived
from economic liberalism laissez faire of the nineteenth century . The use of the term has expanded rapidly over the 1990s , consolidating themselves in the 2000s .
Thus, once established the new meaning of the term among scholars of Spanish language, this has spread to the literature of political economy , in English, by associating the set of economic policies introduced by Augusto Pinochet in Chile , Margaret Thatcher , in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the United States .
The change in the consensus
that took place during the decades of 70 and 80 in favor of economic
theories and neoliberal policies, is considered by some scholars as the
root of the financialization of the economy that would culminate with the 2008 crisis .
Thinking that the state should interfere according to Keynes.
Prior to Keynesian thinking, Microeconomics studies the individual relationships between the various economic agents. It
provides that the supply and demand forces would cause adjustments
processes for balance in all prices and values, full use of production
factors, and an equilibrium price for the use of each. Deviations from these levels were considered temporary. In general, the earlier analysis of price and value was based on assumptions based on the " laissez-faire " and the application of this theory implied the perfect mobility of factors within a self-regulating economy. Power would exemplify how specific cases of Microeconomics demand for wheat or salary level of a particular industry.
For another view, Macroeconomics takes care of the total or aggregate. This total national income, and how it is affected by expenses and total savings. Microeconomics is incorporated into this. Observe the behavior of the economy overall and recognizes that the damage of one of the parties is detrimental to all. The
idea of flow is of the highest importance by the fact that the total
national income of the company must be kept at certain levels to ensure
the desired levels considered by interventional investments, savings and
It is a kind of general equilibrium concept: every element of the economy depends on all the other elements. Contrary
to Microeconomics, does not accept the laissez-faire, considering it,
in fact, an entirely unworthy philosophy of trust and that can be judged
largely responsible for the violent disturbances in the level of trade
and the subsequent unemployment. However, Macroeconomics predates Keynes.
Keynes and economic policy.
JM Keynes disagreed with Say's Law , Keynes summarized as "supply creates its own demand." Just as Thomas Malthus , did not believe that the production of goods would generate, always and necessarily sufficient demand for other goods. Could
occur overproduction crisis, as happened in the 1930s to him the free
market can, during recessions, not generate enough demand to ensure full
employment of factors of production due to "hoarding" of savings. At
that time it would be advisable that the state create fiscal deficits
to increase effective demand and to create full employment.
The theory of business cycles, whether monetary or not she on her way to
consider the question, is interested primarily the problems of income
and floating employment; These problems worried economists for many years.
Early studies on business cycles rarely employed much empirical evidence, but at least in the United States to macroanalysis existed for half a century. Keynes
made the emphasis entirely fall on income levels, which he said
affected employment levels, which is of course a different emphasis from
that found in previous studies.
It is probably true that the whole Keynesian economics has been aimed to
find the causes and cures for the periodic unemployment.
Keynes did not find any solution to the problem in any work on economics
then existing policies, and their efforts thus greatly exploration.
It is clearly deviated from most previous economic theories, even from his teacher, Alfred Marshall , which was considered by most scholars almost sacrosanct. It is true that many of his ideas combined with those of previous economists like Lauderdale , Malthus , Rae , Sismondi , Say , Quesnay and others.
Keynes combined his own theories and previous developments in an
analysis that led to changes in the economy accepted in degree that the
revolution has dawned.
The goal of Keynes, to defend state intervention in the economy is not in any way destroy the capitalist system of production. On the contrary, according to the author, capitalism is the most efficient system that humanity has ever known (including the then socialism ). The
goal is to improve the system, so that they join the social altruism
(by the state) with individual gain instincts (through free private
initiative). According to the author, state
intervention in the economy is necessary because the union does not
occur by natural means, thanks to the problems of the free market (disproportionality between savings and investment and "mood" or "[animal spirits]," entrepreneurs). It is also an anti-inflationary economist to declare that inflation is a confiscation of income from the government.
Investment and expectations.
For Keynes, investment depends on the interaction between the marginal efficiency of capital and the interest rate. Keynes
does not, as many of the neo-classical authors, the interest rate as a
cost of loan or financing, or even a cost-of opportunity to return
provided by the assets invested in the financial market, in relation to
investment in productive capital goods and or the price difference
between capital goods and consumer goods. The interest
rate, according to the author, is "a measure of the reluctance of those
who have money to dispose of their liquid control over it." That is, the premium that an economic agent receives to divest itself of its liquidity.
This preference for liquidity of its assets by economic agents is justified because of uncertainty about the future of economic events and the future results of past and present investments. For this reason, people prefer to keep their wealth in the form of money.
Therefore, according to Keynes, the interest rate is a limit to
productive investment, just by being an investor of the trade-off, when
you apply your capital in a broad portfolio of assets between investment
(productive capital) and liquidity (capital monetary).
They are quite arguable the reasons for which the marginal efficiency of
capital must necessarily be decreasing as the volume of investment. What
happens according to Keynes, are expectations of declining returns to
the level of investment for on the one hand, a given size (or growth) of
the market, and the other an increasing financial risk associated with
the debt and the loss of liquidity.
The decline in the marginal efficiency of capital stems from its
scarcity decreasing with the volume demanded, as with any capital asset.
For assets of productive capital, the limit for investment is given by the market of goods produced with such capital. The
decline of marginal income is due to rising financial costs of
depreciation and debts incurred by the investing company, or the flow of
disbursements for the payment of those capital goods, which reduces the
liquidity condition of the company. These factors increase the financial risks taken by investors, who make their return expectations are diminishing. The economist was also in favor of an expansion of the deficit only in times of crisis.
China is running these conditions and had growth of 10% in recent
decades, but they have to change, but act like David Ricardo and Adam
Smith Theory and Keynes.
In summary, Keynes perceives the investment as a monetary productive
phenomenon rather than classical authors desvinculavam investment
savings. The monetary connotation of investment Keynes also
involves recognizing that the very definitions of productive investment
and liquidity preference are linked by mutual dependence of
expectations regarding uncertainty ahead to future events.
The peculiarity of the expectations of long-term
associated with productive investment is mainly in longer duration of
investor commitment period with durable productive assets, ie, low
liquidity, which entails the difficulty or impossibility of error
correction for lower costs, of forecast errors on the future of the
economy and markets. It is therefore essential for economic agents to make informed decisions in order to minimize uncertainty.
China and Russia and India are innovating in renewed headquarters and
quickly is only missing for China to trust in their first-line
industries and not flood with second-line products, is on the way, as
well as Australia and Russia and India and Singapore.
Japan is lagging behind, South Korea is already a great potential and so
much that it was not the contract that protectionist Brazilian laws
that probe Sansuy did not pass the shame what is happening today in the
Petrobras corruption, he had and "enter" the game and pay more if it
would cost 50% less.
But as Keynes considers uncertainty an endogenous power to the
capitalist system, the solution adopted by economic agents that have
active it is, rather than eliminate, circumvent the uncertainties of
their expectations by the use of the adoption of conventional norms of
These behavioral norms convencionam second Keynes, consist of "assume
that this state of affairs will continue indefinitely unless there is
specific reason to expect change."
Long-term expectations are not subject to sudden revision, and therefore can not be affected by future results, or deleted. There
can be therefore cautious behavior in the form of adaptive expectations
(and much less rational expectations) that mitigate the uncertainties
and stabilize investments. For uncertainty is an intrinsic characteristic of the capitalist system. That
is, in short, the natural reaction of individuals to uncertainty about
future economic developments be guided by a conventional behavior, which
flattens the way of investment through a non-negligible inertial
component of expectations.
His ideas and his followers have been adopted by several Western governments and also by many third worlds governments. Are, today, the essence of economic policy maintained in the Scandinavian states , whose populations enjoy the world's best living standards. Its influence began to decline from the 70s with the rise of monetarist caused by US dollar crisis of 1971 during the administration Nixon
, when the United States were forced to stop the dollar's
convertibility into gold, but resurfaces after 1986 with the publication
of Greenwald- theorem Stiglitz and the emergence of new-Keynesian economists. In 1998, amid the Asian crisis , the economist Paul Krugman argued that "Keynes is even more important than 50 years ago."
Academic study of the neoliberalism of the phenomenon has grown, and the impact of the global crisis of 2008 in the global economy has sparked new criticism of the neoliberal model, seeking new alternatives that promote economic development , and this unfolding catastrophe.
In short, the gold standard was aimed at a balanced position in the international economy
so that each country maintain a monetary basis consistent with the
exchange rate parity, thus maintaining a balanced trade balance.
The classical gold standard said it was the first international monetary system and ran from 1870 to 1914 ( the beginning of World War II) period in which the United Kingdom was the hegemon, and its importance in international trade and the rapid development of their financial institutions imposed the world the gold standard, when London was the financial center of the world. The First World War led to the end of the gold standard pound and subsequently did not reach an agreement by Bretton Woods in 1944.
And no matter if you agree me is my freedom called liberalization or liberal ideas, if you follow my axioms , all right! I hope to clarify liberalism.
The theoretical complexities of the value of work has always been an
individual with your neurons seeking improvements to your life counting
with the appropriate natural objects that can be pleasant or not, but
always have an occupation. Who does not work shall not eat or steals always in man's history it was so.
The working set of divisions within groups attempting a help another or
did not always have the appropriate natural nature, we can even live
today without the phone if any disaster happens, the capacity of the
fits, and, exploding an H bomb or atomic.
Beings can get keep coming back to do the job, unless the earth end of
time, something currently unlikely, can the Korean blast his ideological
selfishness and reduce the world's population.
In fact, do not even have this hunger and murder are helping, if you do not work will be "bum" is the concept of the Social Contract
effected by groups throughout history, slaves were killed because they
would not "work," Servant did not receive their share of Similarly and
so both capitalism and " socialism ".
Admittedly through the customs and practices of academics in their theses as Adam Smith , David Ricardo , Karl Marx , and others say that resources are limited and being in the habit of limitlessness desires. But Friedrich Nietzsche are limitless desires of potential and limited by utopias and dogmas, see our link ).
For the Earth that there is no philosopher Baruch Spinoza (exposed by this newspaper on video in this link
), Baruch was clear in this approach and try through utopias create an
improvement to the assets necessary for the well being, the Earth have
nothing there with the customs and practices that make it is
independent, for her not scarce resources.
We are predators, having a pet, he will be interested in me so I did not
give "food" to him, surely he sought in nature with his instincts
better for it.
When speaking of ilimitações is because we are a little social with the
groups that participate in these utopias and paths to spirituality that
is not by religious leaders as the Philosopher Hemann Hesse tried to explain in his book Siddhartha .
On the other hand, the theory of labor value of the idea that economic activity is essentially collective. No! It
is individual done with hard work and study seeking ideas through an
improvement to the "men" and say that resources are finite, nothing more
fallacious when it comes to individuals " hummus economicus ".
Everyone wants a good life is here or dogmatization path "paradise"
You give money to me for free? Philanthropy and charity is a
selfish way of showing that I am more capable than the one who did not
have the "intelligentsia to use reason in the search for an object and
negotiate to measure profits or luck to be born into a family of wealth
and now winning the lottery"?
If my opinion does not echo to you, in my rhetoric, have no problem "can convince certain groups there to create an ideology and can make a theory, it matters little to me if it works u no, my intellectual liberation.".
There were many ideologues, I will put a world of men Theological
- "Jesus is the Savior or Mohammed or monks" or materialistic "united
the reasons we can create a better world, humanized," two streams that
use the rhetoric for a social contract hypothesis, if I have faith
matters little to you, it may be different from yours, maybe bad, good,
decide with its liberalization in the term freedom of choice is
existential and special. ( See our video on this subject ).
Everything has an intention to make customs and through the "equal" becomes true at one time and a leader of the group that had used a set of philosophies made by individual men, until Christ was ( see our video on it ).
Are created mysteries before the design of mimetic this intentionality
still exists just watch any religious leader to use his rationality to
"give" a sense to the life of this same thing happens with the
rationalist atheist leaders, all seeking a future happiness. And religious groups find themselves happier in the unhappiness of the dogmas of others.
To start like that you want to attend as art is forming the will and
liberalism and freedom as spring of anthropologically historical
transformation, this link that different from the thinking of Karl Marx .
So we go to the Keynesianism of contradictions.
1- what is good is a tangible commodity, eg wheat, car, shirt, now how is the human capital, it is a good, according to them,
is the education and training that increase the productivity of the
person, very dry vision, when children and older were unable or without
physical and organic dependent on other people and they do not support
the state as we see throughout history, they do not count as pure good public
but impure and can be removed from the population as we saw in
retirement time increases, work is 35 years or older and time to "take
advantage" for their well being and have the remedies for health,
resolve to change the game, running out of the external benefits that both promise.
2 free Well: a good or service whose price equals zero, because at this
price the quantity supplied is at least as large as the quantity
demanded, over time this law was not effective that is the liberal base,
reason entry barriers company due to protectionism and nationalism to protect the effect of the Well of Giffen .
For example, we now have wind power s and plates capture solar energy that can be placed throughout Brazil, but opt for hydraulic and oil matrix, electric cars and cars to compressed air
are already realities, imagine a way as to Castelo Branco with several
towers of this capture the price would fall, demand increase in other
activities such outings and decreased pollution and transport costs for
small cars.
But we have companies "highly competitive" and oligarchic in Brazil and
following the model of fast cars of big gas companies and think that
this is not feasible may enter the country, but are accused of dumping , which claim cartelization , but in many cases they are even boycotts.
In Brazil some groups keeps cartelization and maintained over the centuries and grew, but not brought a normal good , this is when the price lower, based on the assumptions of the " ceteris paribus " that no national company may have a variable of other companies can sell at lower cost that affects the demand
and occurs bankrupt, thus the consumer price is perforce not
coincidence of wants coincides with desires for the same product is more
expensive and has no option generating an imperfect competition created
by tax barriers of minister of economic policy, these are the greatest obstacles to liberalism.
They think that it is unfair competition or imperfect competition and downplay the consumer, in fact there is a monopolistic competition and use and abuse of the effects of people 's ignorance through advertisements, alerting the conspicuous consumption whose purpose is to impress and envy in other consumers.
Continue later or tomorrow, April 14. Adílio son hyacinth and Norton Altair da Costa
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