To what extent perversion is given power game in the country, individual "I" is developed from a collective consciousness undifferentiated where corruption, improper conduct swelled and are showing the face of those who made them throughout the history of Brazil where the standard designate that all is well culturally and economically and maintain the longevity of the way, this face is the Oligarchic Republic before was false "socialist" or "Syndicalist Workers".
The collective consciousness, according to
Émile Durkheim (French sociologist, 1858-1917) is the collective force exerted on an individual who makes this act and live according to the norms of the society in which it operates.
As in mental life, the collective consciousness is made of representations that transcend the individual sphere, by its superiority and works hard on the individual consciences. The collective consciousness is the result of small individual contributions, which together form the whole, not being the result of metaphysical theories, but real social facts whose strongest in Brazil today is the political perversion that far does not bring happiness to the people.
There are two distinct consciousness in each individual: one is the one that is intertwined with the whole of society and helps to form it, the other is that each person has a particular and that is a different individual from the others, although part the whole. In this view, it is clear that in a society the whole is not just the sum of each of its parts, but something distinct from them.
For Durkheim, the collective consciousness is the set of beliefs and sentiments common to the average population of a given society, forming a system with its own life, exerting a coercive force of its members, as the devotee who, at birth, already finds religious beliefs and practices structured and full of activity. If these practices already exist, it is because they are out of it, but still have an influence on their behavior and beliefs. It is a system that exists outside the individual, but the controls for the moral and psychological pressure, dictating the ways in which society expects you to behave.
The education itself is given to children, according to Durkheim, in a collective consciousness system, since forced them to eat, drink, dress and speak according to the current rules and standards in the society in which we operate. Any departure from the standards that society can cause the isolation of the individual, comparable to a penalty imposed by law. This pressure suffered by the child, is the pressure of society trying to mold it in his image and likeness.
The individual submits to society and this submission is that he finds shelter. The company that the following force certain standards, is the same that protects and makes you feel like part of a whole structured and cohesive.This dependence of society brings with it the comfort of belonging to a group, a people, a country. In this sense, there is no contradiction in the relationship-release submission. (By
Geraldo Magela Machado )
Carl Gustav Jung writes that we are born with a psychological heritage, adding to the biological heritage. Both are essential determinants of behavior and experience. "Just as the human body is a veritable museum of organs, each with its long historical evolution, as we should expect to find too, in mind, a similar organization. Our mind could never be a product without history, in the opposite situation to body in which the history exists "(Jung, 1964, p. 67).
Our unconscious mind, like our body, is a repository of relics of the past.
collective unconscious is made, a minimum proportion by trained content in a personal way; are not individual purchases, they are essentially the same everywhere and do not vary from man to man and from time to time, that is, history. This unconscious is like air, which is the same everywhere, is breathed around the world and does not belong to anyone. Its contents (called archetypes) are conditions or previous models of mental training in general. "(Jung, 1973, p.408).
The Republican Democracy and self-efficacy involves the belief that with effort we can govern events generating the desired effect. According to Bandura cited by Vazquez (2005), "self-efficacy requires not only skills, but also will power to believe in the ability to perform a certain behavior, which is an important link between knowing what to do. Auto- efficacy refers to the belief that the individual has on its value and its potential. ".
At the point of a panorama that only with good sense of men deconstruct the logic of mounted landscape is much dissociation of the collective unconscious thought making ambiguous the term policy the subject of perversion of beneficial values for society has its own characteristics in its relationship with the other positions.
Due to some characteristics when it says "politics and religion are not discussed in Brazil," to know, however, we are all the time making policy due to the collective unconscious.
The massification of perversity is by far made in Brazil and the collective unconscious changes, but occurs in the individuation process, as described by Jung, "it is a process by which the human being evolves from an infantile state ID to a state of greater differentiation, which implies an expansion of consciousness. "
Through this process, the individual "identifies less with the behaviors and values encouraged by the medium in which it is located and more with the guidelines issued by the Si - even the totality of a new collective unconscious."
This does not involve a social contract, but a totality as the set of psychic instances suggested by
Carl Jung, such as persona, shadow, self, etc. which becomes a new social consciousness where it gives new collective paradigms of this totality becomes a development goal of a new thinking to the problems that afflict society and the welfare of society.
Allowed a new natural course of the collective unconscious process to reduce the causes of suffering through the principle of enantiodromia.
enantiodromia can turn inconscium aeternam (eternal unconscious) with falsum inconscium collectivum (unconscious false collective) which seems a standard that is valid and adapts to the understanding of common sense and they think they do not make policy even hate the term and "tries to" repair damage to the "next election" bad "politician" who voted.
Everything is double; everything has poles; everything has its Opposite; the Equal and Unequal are the same;Opposites are identical in nature but different in degrees; extremes meet; all truths are half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled there is created the new enantiodromia that the concept generates suffering Maximo perversity and flees the our-self-control (self - control).
However, the same "leaders" of this country perversions say will solve and deny what was done in corruptions, pernicious influences and show other versions to make it true and denies it did earlier in the political perversion, to seeing him involved .
And create media words that the country must regain trust, seek a psychic compensation that evoke the processes of change in the old way of doing their "new policy" and interestingly a new fact, but is antagonistic, at first seems and especially by the common sense and there is always a curious predicament relationship in the change process.
Scandals, already classic of these individuals who are above the law and has a particular behavioral condition, however, and after a certain period of democracy undergoes radical change, it takes around 40 years and there is a enantiodromia in the collective unconscious and appears the lies of groups practicing perversions and there may be twists and turns in the Democratic Republic give a less perverse personality in consciousness and influenced behaviors that were closed prior to the power of the search expands the democratic game and the repression of social enantiodromia plays all your energy the
collective unconscious that allow changes in the
collective consciousness .
Sadism and masochism establishing the collective unconscious in the form of oppression back to the creators, so it was with the great "powerful" and in society itself and found and find that their qualities are always higher than the new collective thoughts time to pass time for a review, with a view to its permeability to social norms.
Any change in social norms implies a change in its constitution. It is also a concept that on the other hand is used by social movements to justify their moral and political practices, independent of the political spectrum.
The concept of "perverse position" removes this permeability making the concept of perversion more objective and clear, not subject to moral readings, structuralist or biological, with consequent gain by an elite seeking the Republican power only for its economic pleasures and perverts the concept of the Republic (thing of the People) and like it for it can turn a sadomasochistic position.
Thus, the collective unconscious enantiodromia we have increased awareness on Democracy Republican occurs in case, the self-efficacy of the subject releases an individual action with creativity and ability of divergent thinking, that is, to find new and different solutions to a problem if people like is seeing the Lava-jet operation that is opposed to convergent thinking to find solutions to problems for which there is only one correct answer, it is political and justice with security elevates this new path.
Thus, when speaking not like politics has found an answer that will be right for him not to think of power, but in time you step on his Achilles heel screams flounders, or makes policy and unintentionally perverts yourself and others, because it is common sense that politics and religion in Brazil is not discussed.
So, being power policy is the right to decide, act, order and depending on the context, to exercise his authority, sovereignty, ownership of a domain, the influence or force. The term originated from the Latin possum which means "being able to" thesis would be made by made by, power is the ability to impose a majority their will on others in power that is not made by a Social Contract undergoes changes with a cleavage, collective enantiodromia that is, the separation of good and bad aspects of political evil that times there in Brazil.
Thus, there will always be
enantiodromia collective and there is a
social contract .
This is through freedom. That second Erich Fromm in his book Fear to Freedom (1941) reflects on the concepts of freedom and independence, wondering if both the collective unconscious should go necessarily united to isolation and fear or whether it will be possible to be free and independent being united to the world and others in a new thinking.
It has great interest the historical analysis of life forms and societies that humanity was building ending with the analysis of the factors that cause humans to lead to irrationality and down put the dictators command and perverse feelings of power that hurts self-esteem of the people.
Fromm starts from the idea that freedom is inherent in human existence. But there is a negative freedom, ie the flight determination produced by the instincts to win and enjoy the power in a given time the collective consciousness is released by
enantiodromia collective where the truth will come to light and you see the new.
Where man the more you have individual, how much more freedom can, away from its primitive nature must at the same time unite the world already well through love, work or looking for some security mode. When can that your pursued freedom well see their integrity of your "I".
The historical analysis begins in the Middle Ages, where the individual itself does not exist. The
free individual is completely absent and estamental order is what provided the factors mentioned that man feel safe. In the Renaissance clearly observed in the rich figure, as it was freer, it was because fewer bandages, but he was more alone. For the first time the man appears as an individual, you find yourself separated from the others. So if you write the essays
Montaigne in first person, making
philosophical anthropology from the study itself.
But this state of greater freedom made men feel the fear of insecurity. Is the religion that reformed them offer this security and God the power to which, in love, man should be gone, you see here he speaks of love and does not say that "God exists or does not exist."
At the same time Martin
Luther transform religion by granting more autonomy to man. Thus power is left to the church, but remember that the man without religion tends to evil and will not enter the world of salvage.
Religion is one of the clearest constituents of fear to feel alone and responsible for his actions. It is itself, as Nietzsche would say, of weak people, lambs that is lacking a pastor who drive them them because alone is afraid to lose.
Religion refers to the main fear of man: death. All religions promise in one way or another a life beyond this and men are willing to offer their freedom, lose their autonomy, do not eat the Wisdom Tree is where the Church Jewish, Christian and Muslim clings because "Eve decided to eat the Tree of Wisdom was the great question that Nietzsche "and writers came later and changed and made it the Tree of Wisdom of Kabbalah was hidden to common sense.
Whose promises are simple and miracles happen when the subject seeks the higher power of the Tree of Life which is a system
Kabbalistic hierarchical tree-shaped, which is divided into ten parts, or ten fruits. These fruits have ambiguous sense, they can be interpreted both as a state of the whole, the universe, as can be read as states of consciousness.
Ie, can be read both
microcosmically (below), from the point of view of man as
macrocosmically (emcima), that is, from the point of view of the universe there is no separation "mental and spiritual, what happened already have the grace and his thoughts that you think is free will if you are not good, it does not matter because it is so and there reencanação nor resssureição, your life goes up there, that answer all theologians do would like to respond in life and invent various doctrines, no matter the Tree life with God or free-referee grace) but his life is taken by the wisdom of the
collective consciousness
Asssim in general wisdom, knowing this,
Nietzsche asked the intellectuals was Victorians "now if Eve sought wisdom for the church deny the truths and only when something goes wrong it Scientist anticipate setting up a new moral and custom, answer me dear friend Doctor of Theology where the truth and wisdom that you want me to? and what doctrine would take me to heaven his or Quakers and Puritans? After all you unite against me, yet you voluntarily abstain and would join a war against other Lutheran? But go to Iran and preach there, it becomes more difficult, is not it? and ssim is easy for me to ask dear friends Theologians "
Nietzsche believes that we must admit the pain and death, as they are made of life itself. "The moral of Nietzsche is destined for the exception of man, and to sustain it takes several slaves, weaklings and wretches of society. These lower beings are those who are still dominated by Christian morality and compassion with the outcasts of society.
Zarathustra preaches against the concept of good and evil: man is nothing; if thou wilt, thou canst exclaims the prophet. We can know nothing about what is good and what is bad. What is needed for society is that there are noble to break the old tables of the law, and living in a world where there is no God, but only gods. In the world there is a lot of mud, says Zarathustra, but it is necessary to overcome the revulsion and create wings to overcome this reality.
The Christian man rejects the world for a hypothetical future in the hereafter; Zarathustra says the will to live and love the Earth. For the weary man of life in our world, all springs are poisoned, says the Prophet. This is the Christian man who puts his hope in another world.
What Zarathustra want is the rejection of the Socratic and Christian morality, and the affirmation of our own morals and will to live. This world is terrible, because the man is master of himself and there is no more God to judge him; who is the most noble and strong should dominate over the rabble, or the multitude of weak, sick and enslaved by Greek philosophy of Socrates and Plato. Zarathustra rejects the Christian heaven, but want eternity.
The In-the-man of Nietzsche is intuitive and an attempt of the German philosopher speculation. As stated bythe German philosopher
Eric Voegelin , the attempt to create a superman is also the cause of death of man. All speculative gnostic killing God will inspire the revolutionaries who kill the man.
The gnostic-speculative feature of Thus Spake Zarathustra can be demonstrated by trying to Nietzsche to create a new man, who overcome and transform the reality of the world. It is hoped, then, the prophet who will save us from the evil world and show us the way. ". (
Source Felipe Pimenta )
Our entire civilization is an Apollonian anesthesia, which imposes order in front of our pain. Is the security that tells us Fromm. The Dionysian, since this perceptive, would admit freedom although this entails the possibility of falling.
In modern society, under the capitalist system progresses positive individual freedom: the estate society is replaced by a class society that allows the passage from one to another depending on the individual who is most critical and responsible. In front of it reduces the negative freedom, since the decrease and increase alternative obstacles.
Contemporary society is analyzed by Fromm from the point of view of young people means not so young, communication, which can void the judgment of the individual, it creates a new needs since the emotion that some avant-garde "Left" think the utopia of "communism and socialism" gave them freedom.
The man increasingly less accurate men. Exchange products for money. We analyze our society: We could perfectly live without talking to anyone: we can work free throws in the homes; when bought in a supermarket we do not have to ask anyone Products; now just one click on the internet.
So try in that diminished people have access to all transport and public buildings means that they also do not have to ask for help ... How much less help we need the rest, most are independent.
Hence the concept of John Sturt Mill utilitarianism is a kind of ethical consequence of acts if society does not know the truth of the facts of a supposed truth in the unconscious good is Utility or the Greatest Happiness is the following: the morally right action is one that maximizes happiness for the greatest number. And it must do so in an impartial way: your happiness no more account than the happiness of anyone else.
Know who distributes happiness is indifferent and it comes with collective enantiodromia. What really counts is whether a particular action maximizes happiness in the collective unconscious and not in the Social Contract.
Whether the moral evaluation of an action from the Principle of Greater Happiness depends on the fact that consequences have or expected consequences is an aspect of love ethics and the good that remains open always to humans.
Although there are people who do not accept the basic principle of utilitarianism is now central to moral disputes. But there are one hundred and fifty years was a revolutionary idea. For the first time, philosophers argued that morality did not depend on God or of abstract rules. However, it is in the collective unconscious.
What matters to the liberal Sturt Mill and the happiness of the greatest number is all that it should pursue with the help of experience. Abolishing any prejudice and that the rich do not feel so rich to the point of hiding and poor pretend to be rich and equality between men and women, regardless of whether they hold or not property.
Unlike Marx and Engels emphasize the class struggle, which, they said, is " the history of all societies that ever existed." For them, the nobility and the peasants of the ancient world, through various historical processes, they had become the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie was the oppressing class, which dominates the means of production and private property. The proletariat would be the oppressed class, which has nothing beyond their own labor power sold to the bourgeoisie. Thus, in the Manifesto, Marx and Engels explain the basis of the proletarian revolution, which should take class consciousness and unite against the bourgeoisie, taking the means of production, and thus the state. Thus, take place Socialism, which would become the means of production and private ownership of all to a point in which classes no longer exist called Communism is what some Vanguardistas of "left" Brazil still think. And
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon who said "Property is theft."
Happiness for Mill is not hedonistic in the literal sense, philosophical and moral doctrine that claims to be, the
pleasure , the supreme good of human life. According to this view, happiness consists in pleasure and no pain.Pleasure can be more or less intense and more or less lasting and depends on the earnings of wages of trade transactions both macroeconomic and microeconomic. The question is all the people need money, will the church to improve your personal financial situation and whether or not he is an atheist, even the hippie need to sell their "crafts" or relate in space without food he does not live.
One of the greatest displeasure in society is the perversion of politics, where a minority assesses benefits for their groups and not to the Democratic Republic ..
Mill's proof of the Greatest Happiness Principle is an argument that part of the analogy to change the thinking is rebuilding it as follows:
See a thing proves that it is visible.
So you want a thing proves that it is desirable.
Following this conclusion it is stated:
The only thing that every person desires as the ultimate is his own happiness.
So the only thing that is desirable as the ultimate purpose for each person is their own happiness.
So the thing public or Republica whether anyone in order to perform actions that promote the greatest happiness most of it and it is a good sense of intellectuals give this visibility to Demo (people) describes a new way of acting in the collective unconscious already he needs an awareness of the fact to live in common sense.
And people want a way to ensure this purpose, but with political perversion of an oligarchic class impossible.
For the perversion of action is one of the obstacles that the country has, there are others, but is not this or that your choice? We need equality in inequality this is the fact that any intellectuals who work in power still ethically are above the nation's happiness.
Utilitarianism argues that the only valuable thing is mental states of happiness to that in a capitalist society everyone wants to win, but there are losers, "the right action is one that tip the balance of pleasure and pain to the side of pleasure. Thus, there is no place for value conflicts within and make moral decisions seems simpler. "(Faustino Vaz).
So, coming to an end the political perversion is evil and causes pain in liberalism and the Republic, the new is coming, Justice and Sturt Mill says "is the support of freedom" is the security that justice and its organs, Police Federal Prosecutors and judges who are acting and giving hope of a new Republic.