terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2016

The doctrinal President Dilma still insists on talking to blow in a democracy.

The right of democratic decisions and wrong in morality are still in the speculative field, sects and schools still exert a vigorous war against each other, although in the scientific field is clearer.
The term of utilitarianism theory is not an act against the popular morality, using the sophism that generates confusion and uncertainty for those who do not understand the meaning of love ... and not to close their minds to the new.
The explanations of doctrines detailed a science generally seek its principles and deduced from the evidence and are so full of fictions and based on the mysteries of theology and own theory of evolution. .
I think it is the end and aims the fact that they build while in relation to science is the foundation for a building that seeks, in synthesis , improving human.
A thesis is exposed to light, so you can add or delete the theory . The morality or law and her every action is because of some end and action rules, it seems natural to assume, should take all its character and end color to which they are subservient.
Many seek the arguments in utopias, dogma and indoctrination persecution evolve with a new design clear and precise that we are following the case, democracy and the rule of law .
A test right and wrong must be the means I continue to think of knowing what is right or wrong and only in democracy that is found.
A feeling or instinct in the collective unconscious informs us of right and wrong. In addition, the existence of a dedicated real.
The struggle of opposites such moral instinct is itself one of the issues in dispute-believers and other religions with their dogmas and doctrines and have your group philosophy claims is optional to all and if required as we see in the Middle East.
Indoctrination at birth "was forced" to abandon the idea of ​​being children of discerning what is right or wrong of good.
In this moral faculty, according to those of its interpreters of absolute truth and without having the right tothink freely, provides only the general principles of moral judgments that his belief, faith, or even their scientific theories like the only branch of our reason, not of our sensitive faculty .
They are and want to be the owners sought to abstract doctrines of morality that is true for your group and concrete.
Intuition nothing less than what can be called inductive, ethics, stresses the need for laws. Both agree that the morality of an individual action is not a matter of direct perception, but the application of law to an individual case, however, can not be the authoritarian but democratic authorities legally liable to lead.
The truth of right and wrong, and the truth and falsehood, are questions of observation and experience. And we of Brazil always hopeful improvements, we are still building with efforts to reduce our sorrows.
Took up several principles of "democracy" a given moral as a priori authority, would be those who would change, but nevertheless still generally we have to have a minimum as benefits of the Republican these hitherto authoritarian still in that not maintained and failed to gain popular acceptance.
However, to support his claims should not want to be one fundamental principle or democratic full is the root of all morality, or if there are multiple, there must be a certain order of precedence among them.
Therefore the bad effects of this deficiency have been mitigated in practice we have seen with the indoctrination of "Communism" effected by the "left" Brazilian.
To the point of taking his moral beliefs saying that it is scam, this language is already hooked and made uncertain by the absence of any distinct recognition of a final standard would imply a complete survey and criticism of alleged "equality"
The ethics of the past indoctrination and this still young and old dogmatised the ideals of what they called "communism ", which is now abandoned in almost all countries.
 It would, however, be easy to show that whatever the firmness or consistency these moral beliefs have not reached and does not recognize the word hit.
It is not ethical and not a guide as a consecration of real feelings of the Brazilians, making those who follow the blind and truly indoctrinated as any religion in their utopias and "men", both of favor and aversion are driven by they assume to be the effects of things upon their happiness, but became unfortunate for the Fatherland.

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