Dear reader Jornal is always express and strongly supports the Federative parliamentarism, The PSDB supports the District parliamentarism . Whatever it is much better than the Presidential system , but there is another kind of parliamentarism we will present the discussion in this article. And I think in theory that Temer want more which parliamentarism model.
Come on, Brazil has 200 million people which is the number required for representation? Today it is possible to democratically distributed in 400 the party and that he had 500,000 votes would occupy a place, 10 million, 20 jobs, 50 million, 100 jobs.
So it can be done by programs and no charismatic leaders, colonels and chiefs that since 1500 make us hostage to their stereotype (although there is excellent leaders) of parties as we see in presidentialism in District parliamentarism they are proposing (am worth saying that this is even better that presidentialism).
Let's make a dialectic with the parliamentarism District system Federativo Supporter.
In District parliamentarism is an electoral system of simple majority. This is a system in which each Member of Parliament is elected individually in the geographical boundaries of a district by a majority vote (simple or absolute).
Therefore, the country is divided into a number of electoral districts, usually with similar population each other, each electing one of the politicians who make up parliament.
This electoral system is in contrast to the proportional vote , in which the vote is taken to elect multiple legislators in proportion to the total number of votes received by a party, for a party list or for individual candidates .
Where the power of mobility of a candidate who has fewer resources and more competently loses in federative the candidate has to be in tune with the party plans, which in theory would not mandate the owners, but a payroll and can be changed if unethical or escape the programmatic lines of the party intelligence.
A system in which each parliamentarian is a fixed set of party people in the federal parliamentary system the strong connection between the MP and the party's government program is tuned follows and approaches partisan collaboration and increases the sense, since most the population is common sense, their day to day, and thus the representatives would act in power with more quality and transparency because it involves the whole party.
Defenders of the district vote argue that the small number of candidates in this electoral system (since you vote by district, each party has only one candidate and not a "list") allows one careful scrutiny by the voter, there lies the danger of patronage and clientelism.
They say it helps familiarize the voter with the candidate and strengthens the connection between them. Ie citizens who have more fans your proposal will be with him, but always distant, or in common sense .
Of course this representative being competent the people of the district will be easier to keep up with her performance as a parliamentarian, but still continue the patronage and the creation of charismatic leaders negative, ie unethical, corrupt, etc.
According to its supporters, the election campaigns tend to be cheaper since candidates need only go through the territory of the constituency, but the party federative exposes their leaders and programs not the person "charismatic" or " cacique " clientelism and coronelismo coming since 1500 in the country no longer maintains a national management plan as any company both macroeconomic and microeconomic national and not only the district town.
Thus, the district vote would provide that regional candidates viabilizassem the time that lower spending on the campaign would create less favorable to corruption environment. Another possible significant advantage would be that applicants should appear in person for his constituents, the federal Federativo is the party the mirror.
By parliamentarism Federativo by Parties the candidate does not need to go and spend your time but the party partaker of set can actively participate in the process as it can be indicated to the Prime Minister, and State First Governor, in the municipality, First Mayor or representatives of chairs franchised by the parties, so it would follow the government program and federative, a government plan involving all entities of the confederation County, State and Federal.
One of the dangers of the district system allows, to vote for a candidate, the voter will be voting not only for him but also against another candidate, again based on the person and not a government program.
If the parliamentarian in office have incompetent or unethical action, the next election dissatisfied voter has an opposition candidate for whom to vote, to take the parliamentary evil power.
Because of this, the opposition candidate seeking votes is encouraged to expose to voters the misdeeds of the parliamentary who competes in the case of parliamentarism Federativo the position belongs to the party and it is unethical the party itself can change its mandate as it belongs to the party and not as so and so.
Thus, the district vote inhibits corruption in terms of encouraging their exposure and expand the unfavorable consequences.
The corrupt parliamentary in district parliamentarism becomes more difficult when he runs the lines of the republic and when unethical this is where the danger lies, as has a long-standing policy of patronage, the "commanders", "caciques" of such inhibited district and will assert "his name", "its economic power," ie, the old patronage of whenever we see.
He as an elected representative had fought with his supporters to stay in power when not follow the principles of the party.
Good to be elected would need 500,000 votes to be elected, if no one had this vote, the parties that had more votes for deputies indicate a most voted caption to occupy the proportional charge to the caption votes throughout the country, however, the party is that it has the vague and the deputy no longer corresponds to the plans and is not ethical the party itself would replace.
Example: If PSD had 5 million votes would have 10 seats in parliament if the PSOL had 1 million would have 2 seats.
The territorial division would be more difficult and would still remain the conservatism of the "chief" of the state and as we are a federative democracy the deputy should be the Republic and not the federal entity, that is, Alagoas, Pernambuco, São Paulo.
In the talks we always see the current MPs speak in his speeches always defending their state and not the Republic.
In District Parmentarismo parties to do so, the country is divided into a number of electoral districts, usually with similar population each other, each electing one of the politicians who make up parliament. This electoral system is in contrast to the proportional vote , in which the vote is taken to elect multiple legislators in proportion to the total number of votes received by a party in the country, a party list or individual candidates , contrary to the Party of parliamentarism office It belongs to the party and can replace it, as well, within the party there will also be parliamentarism this is the foundation and principle of the party of parliamentarism ..
So there may be multiplicity of parties and other training does not matter, but the proposals made majority elected Prime Minister.
The want to want almost all of its purposes decided by the Federal parliamentarism Partisan will also be made to the Prime Minister, but also, first Governor and First Mayor.
Conclusion, parliamentarism system is not only the Prime Minister but, First Governor, First Mayor is on no better than the District parliamentarism and that is the District will be better than the costly and time-consuming Presidential System.
However, a single election for all positions in the November 15 date of formation of the Republic is required.
There are other forms of parliamentarism at the next opportunity when mature more ideas to put.
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