quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2016

Direct taxes in Brazil is a calamity for progress.

Taxes can be direct or indirect, the first people intend to pay when charged or wish to be charged, the second, are charged with expectations or with the intention that this is indemnifies the expense of another, such as consumption tax or customs duties.
The product or importer of a commodity is ordered to pay a tax on these, not intending to charge him a special contribution, but with the intention to tax, through you, the consumers of the goods, which, as is supposed, it recovers the amount by increasing the price of it.
sources of income are the rents, if the profits and wages can put a uniform tax in any of the three types of income.
1.   Tax on land rent falls directly on the owner of the land, there is no way he unload that burden on other people produces in circumstances often unfavorable in this there is a loss not eject however he has to pay the government simply takes the owner land and transfer paddles the coffers of the state and often lead to bankruptcy these owners.
The inquisitorial nature of taxes in direct taxes in Brazil is one of the world's worst.
Taxes can be direct or indirect, the first people intend to pay when charged or wish to be charged, the second, are charged with expectations or with the intention that this is indemnifies the expense of another, such as consumption tax or customs duties.
The product or importer of a commodity is ordered to pay a tax on these, not intending to charge him a special contribution, but with the intention to tax, through you, the consumers of the goods, which, as is supposed, it recovers the amount by increasing the price of it.
sources of income are the rents, if the profits and wages can put a uniform tax in any of the three types of income.
land rent tax falls directly on the owner of the land, there is no way he unload that burden on others produce in often unfavorable circumstances.
In this there is a loss not eject it has to pay and the government simply takes the owner of the land and the transfer blades state coffers and often lead to bankruptcy these owners.
When the owner implements improvements that increase productive focus of their land and receive compensation as profit on capital is confused as income being charged discourages land owners to make improvements.
Brazil still in many cases is still in the traditional farming  system Extensive
It is the most used type of system in Brazil.
In the modern agriculture and agricultural enterprises:
agricultural system originated in developed countries, which fear the storms of nature and food dependency in relation to developing countries started to develop improved techniques of planting and livestock, which has generated an increase in productivity and optimization of rural areas is therefore logo incorporated into the capitalist system.
Today there  Precision Agriculture  (PA) is a philosophy of agricultural management that part of accurate, precise and complete with accurate decisions.
Changes for Precision Agriculture this at a slow pace because taxes implements hinder the owners to relocate to this.
The rapid changes that modern agriculture has suffered in recent decades have made it a highly competitive activity. With this agribusiness demands of farmers a high degree of expertise and professionalism, to increase the management capacity of rural enterprises.
Soon these perfect exclude land use increased tax is then required as an alternative to these landowners that does not offer improvements and even expropriated for non-intensive use or Precision Agriculture without these taxes for such objects, tractors, farming implements, etc., where would generate millions of jobs.
This is liberalism in the tax on land rent.

2. Tax on profit or income  falls entirely on who pays this increases the cost of production, but is discharged on consumers of the goods, not affecting profits, but a general and equal tax on all profits would not affect prices in general, relapsing, at least in the first instance, only on the owners of capital.
When accumulated it is so great and the pace of accumulation is so fast, that the only way to prevent a country from reaching the stationary condition (is a situation in economics that investment equals depreciation . At this stage, capital increases reduce consumption) and emigration of capital, or to introduce continuous improvements in production, all circumstances is virtually lower the rate of profit in stop exercising influence decisiva.Neste if Brazil is in the saving stage stationary 
A steady state economy  is incompatible with the continued growth - both the positive and the negative growth. The goal of a steady state is to maintain a steady and sufficient stock of real wealth and people for a long time.
A downward spiral of negative growth, a depression such as we are in now is a failed growth economy, not a steady state economy. Halting a downward spiral acceleration is necessary, but it is not the same thing as resuming continuous positive growth. 
The economic growth now failed in two ways: (1) positive growth becomes uneconomic in our economy now fully global; (2) negative growth resulting from overflow financial bubbles inflated beyond physical limits, although temporarily necessary, it is then self-destructive. This is to make a saving of non-growth, or steady state, as the only alternative to long term.
 The level of physical wealth that the biosphere can maintain a steady state may well be below the current level. The fact that recent efforts growth have resulted mainly in bubbles suggests that this is so. 
However, all current policies are aimed at full restoration of economic growth. No one denies that our problems would be easier to solve if we were richer. The question is, will that growth makes us richer? Or is it that makes us poorer?  
Income taxes were perfected in the production and use of new technologies invented barateariam, directly and indirectly, the price of any of the things normally consumed by the worker, so profits can increase everything was taken away in taxes. In this case the tax was collected without loss to anyone, and the country's production will increase by the same amount.
Only long time Brazil protects companies, the Current President Temer not fled far protectionism. 
Brazil has always most often do the opposite and increase the steady state by increasing and creating new taxes and speculation of interest on capital will lead to increased unemployment, therefore, out of the crisis it is necessary to reduce taxes as England is doing.
3. Taxes on wages  these in incidence are removed from competition, low educational stage that the population is located, all higher degrees of hand labor specialized intellectual or have the monopoly price, exceeding the wages of ordinary workers a much greater extent than is due to the costs, the time it has barely enough to qualify.
The taxes raised to be spent in the country return to the same and can not harm the workers, however, as the country is still an agro exporter full commodity tax remains for workers in China, for example, or rich countries like France, Holland, Germany, as to leave the stationary state economy only export the goods in parts to be assembled in the country.
Would gladly if wages were regulated by the country's standard of living, but a salary of 870 reais not increased the tax on wages and also the collection is made discriminatory and staggered where those who earn more pay "Duck" should be equivalent to earning less, or if charged 10% would be for all categories ie equity.
The lower yields are handwork if taxes fall capitalists burdens and would be higher unemployment and non-payment of fees would increase health care costs, safety and education and a layer of the population already paid direct taxes.
Thus the Brazilian direct taxes is a calamity. 

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