Today the world wonders how to explain the distribution of wealth where various doctrinal design and dogmas are in check, there are still religious wars the class struggle and added value no longer possible to defend these theses. It is necessary to rethink capitalism as normal action and there is a new "evolution" in progress.
Homo economicus always search the absence of pain and pleasure, we are the fruits of pleasure he is the subject and agent of their action and have differences in the psychic and body structure, so it is naturally uneven and acts in combination with other the desires and interests and freer dogmas and doctrines, religions and ideology is less stereotypical.
The status and roles within the economy is not the product nor the manpower and consumption that will give capital, but your energy will give an object of the Capital Fund (I am subject to capital with some knowledge and / or can become object interests of other objects, and vice versa, the more free and can move more quality and responsibility and economic satisfaction (If you could would go to a country with more HDI), but what matters is free object, be it ice cream or greater millionaire will amórfico and overwhelmed if the leadership is sadistic.
The Capital Fund is before the product, my keyboard here has dogmas, religions, doctrines and ideologies, there is always a minority who "ruled" a society and his act can cause pain or pleasure to homo economicus has to Capital Force the more this is transparent and free ideas to generate more freedom to think.
Many still believe that class struggle would generate a better distribution or the "owner" would also do this, but we see that they used the state in its benefits (in Brazil all state should be privatized) for the circulation of Capital Fund.
Education in several countries including Brazil is centered in executive and doctrinal bodies in various course times that everyone would like as objects to live in a country that is free and not starve, but a minority that seeks to "their welfare" sucks Forces Capital funds.
The circular flows of capital funds comes from the energy of the subject, it is their own property (all lend money without interest?) Security, education, health, housing are essential for capital funds, can be said that the security claims the system and was thus in all areas that generated qualities the population of the capital funds.
The good of the barriers being of capital funds is not production, circulation and consumption but the power of capital funds to maximum (let do, let pass the immaterial object or material, and the more free from the trammels of the "isms" better).
The best rule is to open and honest and transparent acting leaders with security, education, health and housing in ensuring ownership and movement of energies of capital funds that came before the formation of the state.
The "supply-demand" does not capital, but capital funds circulating with his energy placed on production factor and the more open and seeking environmental and personal improvements where quality is a result of these forces increases Capital Funds.
If there is freedom and distribution of security, education, health and housing are produced and it is consuming the necessary, so there is price stability and balance and happiness.
2- liberalism
To analyze liberalism will use the anthropological dimensions, philosophical, sociological, psychological and economic.
A - anthropologically.
I do not go into the question of whether the man came of evolution and not of religion both flawed and never found answers in theory, only empiricist ideas.
Man has always had a diverse language and the spatial distances. Always when communicating is for its improvement to learn and innovate in their survival and tried and trying to overcome the separation, yet today the dogmas and utopias exclude each other.
Always looking also leisure and sex and mainly survive in inhospitable nothing Parasitic, pain and happiness to overcome obstacles that presented him. Life expectancy was low.
In addition, rival groups desentediam as the best space increased mortality. A great untruth is living peacefully in a social organization. Barriers among members always there, but won the ideas of solitary individuals debating with others a search of improvement for the group.
Of course the groups in the capitalization processes of ideas took advantage before others in space innovation for your well being and stayed with the best in short inequality is necessary.
Keep the individuality of people's ideas overlap forming human capital.
What we have is still the problem of individual improvement that does not follow the setbacks leaders of groups who claim to be "egalitarian" or "liberal", "religious". Are several obstacles dogmas and utopias, ideologies and the main hunger. Landlessness is not! Lack of goods is not! Production also.
Always the man to another seeking freedom and your body goes be exchanges object. It is up to the individual release as solitary object with others to a preference action for the common good.
So in this sense I say that every man tends to be liberal.
B - philosophically.
Man seeks to explain the infinite and finite, it creates dogmas, ideologies, doctrines both in religion and in science with experience, regardless of whether in your mind or parallel. There are desires, feelings and emotions every action generates welfare for majority instead of a minority.
therefore a minority that has good intentions will result in this case the minority even in the infinite or finite tends to use the force of ideas for good.
These actions always start from solitary individuals who develops a new concept to unite the other forming a minority that can promote happiness or bad when they tend to pain on the stage of historical life of man is overcome the dogmas, ideologies and utopias.
The emotions and feelings of the Capital Forces does not generate happiness for free thinking. When I was born my father put the energies of the Capital Forces in action can turn destructive or not to judgments ofdeterminism cosmic, infinite and finite on the ideas dogmatizing my human freedom.
The belief that it is virtuous to maintain a desire to be happy always and according to the nature of the branch Capital Forces or not my thoughts and disvalue me personally before a majority thinking with a minority that can cause pain and joy.
Dogmas effected by the "isms" in bury the active thinking and dictates the rules of retrogressive customs of uses for the Capital Forces (objects and subjects) that person behaves. To live a good life, it was necessary to understand the rules of the natural order of the productive forces since our ancestors taught that everything was rooted in nature (finite) or an idea (infinity).
The virtue of the main agents of Capital Force is sufficient to happiness without it a government is strange and unfortunate, a wise not immune to misfortune and not the least on paper status does not get along, both are necessary.
Then inequality exists and has always existed more can be minimized if all were "wise" doctorates, but who reap rice?
Capitals forces are needed the calm of education, health, housing and wise man is one who employs his Capital forces without interference from others who want their doom.
The wise can be considered truly free when using your Capital Forces (ideas and actions) where there are no perverse moral corruptions.
The Capital Forces (I, for example, or my dog William) developed an integrated system for logic for happiness Earth (finite) in physics and ethics (infinity) articulated by common principles for freedom.
Not sometimes be false by the use of substances that alter mood as alcohol, cocaine and other drugs, making negative Capital Forces.
But it is individual action which releases its action of its Capital forces and release beneficial actions in your thinking and wisdom and knowledge, the oppressive state with a sadistic minority inhibits the growth of both spiritual humanity as atheistic.
To be or not be in the Capital Forces is not a matter of principle, means and ends are intentional according to finite or infinite object.
C - sociologically.
Society in general and has borders and relationship among members is given by numerous ways with or without interaction interaction and can be modeled according to a minority group which may be unilateral or collective.
There is reaction and action to pain or pleasure, sometimes it happens that a group taking dogmatic, doctrinal and religious and scientific decisions causing action and reaction, however it is intentional.
Always and generates quality of life improvement expectations most people and being contrary causes nothing pleasant reactions.
Institutionalized by lone individuals with their ideas and organizes social life are social relationships of various types, one is the society web of social relationships, a minority group acts with malicious intent the people suffer.
When sharing a full common life more than a limited organization, capitalism, and this individual and has interests in some purpose or specific purposes.
You can even in the same space develops other ways of how to live, hence the freedom to relate, to overcome the obstacles of the dogmas, doctrines, religions and ideologies of how to behave becomes liberal.
When applying the concept of social relationship can mean two things: There may be relationships between groups in the sense that individuals respond to each other primarily family (if any) and then to a group on the basis of their respective belongs to the group.
Example: I am an atheist I relate to an atheist, I am a Jew only I relate Jew, I am a Christian but I relate to Christian and even among these there are individual differences. Or else, two groups can have relationships among themselves, in the case of the Pope with the Patriarch and an atheist.
The interrelationships are based on culture and its institutions when they no longer satisfy the pleasure are set aside historically.
Dogmas fall, doctrines, ideologies, religions and institutions all have in mind to overcome the obstacles that restrict you action frees and when well tuned there is social cohesion, but always be representative of the power provisionally (pharaoh, king, president, prime minister).
Related and influential institutions between that distinguish one group or another and organize activities to face the world of papers and customs that give a social contract, however, a minority is that bequeathed the laws of the institutions and formed the Constitution in historical moment.
Her social relationships establish guidelines approved of conduct due to the existence of institutions, we know to expect the conduct of others and can take into account such behavior in our own associations.
The individual subject plays a role and status on observations of the social contract established.
In all status takes a set of rules or guidelines that prescribe how should or should not behave the person who occupies it.
The set of rules is called paper. Status is the position in relationship to other positions; paper is the agenda of conduct that is expected of people who occupy a certain status.
The status changes over time in the social stage.
Men represent or play social roles and take up status. The status is a social identification mark that puts the people in relationship with each other and that always involves some kind of role. Status imposes certain expectations of conduct. The aggregate of all status grants you the right position in the community.
When a minority group does not fulfill their roles and status submerge or create obstacles for individuals causing pain in the process of collective life. There will always be economic and social division in the roles and status.
Only when the social contract does not correspond to the truth of the facts individuals singly and then grupalmente questions the positions and duties of this minority.
To maintain order and harmony of society develop in the authority agendas and power through active leaders of a minority that will make a new social contract power. Creating new expectations of conduct status and role where the former loses meaning.
So the status and roles always seek pleasure with new social contract and it is up to the individual to release its action that inter-relate and interdependent throughout history.
It has a function as more releases best fragmented by dogmas, doctrines, religions and ideologies are worse.
Functional analysis of the social contract requires a considerable degree of stability and constancy of human conduct. a social role can not be examined without assuming that the rules governing the conduct of individuals will remain during a certain period. To consider the facts of social and cultural change is useful to represent society as a system whose equilibrium is found constantly disturbed, and to some extent restored liberally by individuals who are not tied to status and previous palpeis that cause pain to the collective.
And it is individually and actively to the subject releasing its action. . As no society is absolutely static, it is necessary to describe this balance as dynamic. As has local changes take place settings that tend to restore the balance of society. The analysis of change requires an examination of the circumstances that tend to alter the relative stability of society.
Dissemination, Innovation and voltage:
The analysis of change involves the examination of the unanticipated consequences of social action, the latent functions and broadcasts of social and cultural patterns. When produce social change can be created tensions within society which in turn can lead to further change.
The sources of change can be found in incongruities between social standards, difficulties in relationships between various groups and contradictions between traditional beliefs and concrete reality, which leads to individuals and groups to question the existing order and to propose other institutions and forms of social organization.
When they see tensions stimulated by the social order to seek changes in deliberately say that arose a social movement. Many changes that occur in society are the results of organized actions of such groups.
The changes should include the influences of other cultures that become part of a new, institutionalized sources of change that are approved and accepted, the latent functions of existing institutions and social structures.
The tensions that arise in those areas where society does not lie completely or effectively integrated, and organized attempts to make changes that do not generate pain.
As change is continuous and can be started in many parts of society, it is necessary, it is necessary to examine the processes by which innovations spread all over and resolve tensions and conflicts. The balance-interdependence focus we have outlined leads to the inclusion of all important variables. But it can be given because of specific changes to consider the structure and organization of the entire society begins with the solitary individual, so liberal.
D - psychologically.
The human being nothing happens by chance, it is always malleable and intentional that could live in almost all conditions. But like the more pleasure than pain.
A society with healthy subjects always seeks freedom, but are faced with the dogmas, doctrines, religions and ideologies that characterize them as functional within a group does not belong to this shall be deleted.
Psychic diseases are consequences of errors in the individual and genetic and when their basic needs for happiness become pain but are sufficiently able to adapt to the dogmas, doctrines, religions and ideologies are subjugated by a minority that can give pain or pleasure.
It is possible to conclude that for the mental health of human beings there are criteria that can be either promoted or oppressed by a given social system, this is a minority that has the power to organize a majority with social-economic oppression raises the mental state of this in worst situations.
Human beings can live in different conditions, but if they are contrary to his human nature pain, he reacts to it.
The later change the relationship or abdicates to their human faculties conditioned to reason (madness, use of any substance that alters mood - alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, etc.) and is lost in the masochism of a minority and majority can become apathetic to the situation found mentally.
Becoming molded and stereotype in society that makes the other to identify the supposed reality of the subject and overshadows common sense and is being "little figure" psychologically marked by others and easy to control their actions by a dominant minority that generates pleasure or pain.
On the one hand the external power is an essential component for the completion of conformation and subjugation of mass under such authority of a minority that gives pleasure or pain. Moreover, society could not function only through fear of physical means of power from minorities.
The minority must copy majority when it gives pain common sense is compromised and many are lost in pain.
Spontaneity is a goal that all should be achieved, is an individual path when suffering from a failure to be individual and have the pleasure anymore, does not release its welfare action.
The being who can not externalize well and is completely not spontaneous failure this can be perceived as a neurosis, psychosis and promote or suppress certain basic human needs, is just as possible that certain faults are produced by culture and economic mostly.
Now, most individuals of a society suffers from certain imperfections, these are seen as normal and the individual puts them even as their goals, not to be marginalized sometimes these individuals come to influence the media media as something "normal" saying that is liberal.
Example: Marijuana released a profit for the country, ends with the traffickers, cheating, drug dealers sell on credit and lower cost the state is not able to "compete" with them.
What the individual loses inner wealth and real feeling of happiness is compensated by the security given by the sense of belonging to the rest of mankind as perceived by him.
And when a minority controls the cultural backgrounds in their benefits than feel good for them good for everyone, so varied and neurotic stereotypes.
This sense of belonging prevents decisive in the development level of imperfection in a neurosis actually perceived by the majority. In addition to this fact, the company offers various "antidotes" to prevent the outbreak of a disease. Fromm cites in this context the "cultural opiates" mediocre programs with profanity and sexual expressions that form minds as television, radio or sporting events, to the access the internet already have diseases linked to use too.
By refusing abruptly people access to these "opiates" for a long time, it would be observed the emergence of mental illness quickly in the form of nervous or panic attacks and social control by a minority for sadomasochism.
The strong influence of the individual by society automatically sets the family conditions and therefore builds in intensity decisive climate within the family. The exchange so close to emotions between parents and children is as a result of social influence:
On the one hand the family becomes the main institution for the continued existence of society, but in a crisis carried out by a minority breaks all family social fabric that poverty would be more difficult. To ensure this continuity, certain requirements such as punctuality, order, ability to adapt not only followed, but as independent character structures, ie liberal, in the sense of becoming and consequently internalized as their own will. The so-called social character is reflected in the country and this is why passed on to children who passed the collective consciousness for pleasure.
The difficult parents already "opiacos" who have the unhealthy ways of living are as a consequence worked as normal, then thickens.
The animals live in total harmony with nature. They live in conditions that accept as given and with which they can handle.
In contrast with the animals, developed in man the ability to transcend his environment by reason given to him and thus extrapolate the reality that surrounds it.
And few were "saints."
He towered over the nature and can not to some extent re-create it and master it. This gift of your higher is both their damnation.
Life becomes a criterion of pain and pleasure becomes aware stereotypes.
He seeks his existence here or a spiritual path or atheist, most of his life confined to dogmas, doctrines, ideologies and utopias.
Although still part of nature, it is also out of it and the harmony between them is forever lost.
This is difficult for the common sense that "opiados" loses consciousness and appears an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and weakness.
Have to live and make decisions in various directions because you wonder as to leave states already known and therefore safer, common sense that a minority of having my leaving them "opiados".
The biggest problem of being is its sheer existence controlled by an uncompromised minority does return and cause pain.
So the progression to exit the lost harmony with the nature of happiness is lost in the hands of sadists who promises the solution of the existence problem.
This condition leads to a continuous search for harmony and prevents static exist. We are satisfied the animal needs (hunger, sleep, sex, etc.), emerging human needs in the foreground: "All human passions and searches are attempts to find an answer to their existence or, equally, it may be said they are attempts to escape the illness of their basic needs overshadowed by a minority that has the know. "
It is important for the man to find a way to steer the world and thus enter into a new relationship with him. At this point he releases his action, that is, becomes liberal.
At this point is the premise for any transcendence, because only in this way man can be experienced as a subject of their actions and be aware of your being autonomous.
The need for experimentation of new and identity "healthy" are so essential that it is sometimes expressed as a heightened compliance by which the being is prepared even to give his life, only to act according to the group and when a sadistic minority is in power causes pain more when hungry.
The highest realization is offered in this direction, for Christ: He is the only way, "through which it is possible to unify with the world and, concomitantly, to acquire a sense of integrity and individuality." And when a minority is in power cause disaffection to lose hope or-fight to get them out of power.
In love, being joins the other being, maintaining nevertheless, concomitantly, the integrity of self, so their separation. The love between two beings in partnership happens in a constant renewal between separation and marriage is an eternal like.
Love towards becoming like and should not "ópiaco" Shakespearean or even die of dogmas, doctrines, religions and ideologies that can be logical that lasts forever.
Additionally, the individual selfishness exists in such a small degree that other needs are felt to be so important as to be the own needs.
Love comes in contrast to the secondary narcissism: In this, the individual is not able to overcome the infantile narcissism, through which the environment is still used only as a means to satisfy their own needs.
Narcissists tend to develop a connection with their environment through the exercise of power over it. And when a minority of power becomes most narcissistic people suffer pain and disease.
Through this mechanism, they can only build certain unit as any authentic integration is destroyed.
Another way to unite with the world is offered by the possibility to subjugate to a group, to a God, atheists etc.For this other mechanism, the individual overcomes the feeling of isolation and feel part of a great power, with which joined or joins the group that is secondary and you can get "figurine" social pariah.
The being has reason and imagination and these characteristics make it impossible a purely passive role in the world. By taking himself a role of creator.
He may have the opportunity to do for themselves and others and can destroy and build, but the destruction is always the creativity that can lead to happiness, while destruction.
In the development of mankind there was perhaps never a greater measure of freedom in the modern Western society. People live in material comfort, have much free time and have at their disposal a wide range of career choices and lifestyles. With increasing prosperity, however, the psychosocial problems also increased.
The social character prescribes the individual certain structures of thought and behavior. These are absorbed by most members of society as standards and values and thereby ensure the survival of culture.
While a century ago being economical was directed characters to explore the other the greatest possible profit and not fear any competition, so that free enterprise and liberal attitude appear becoming increasingly important today meaning features like the ability to work in teams and compliance.
Although individual responsibility be strongly emphasized, is expected at the same time, due to rapid technological development, people are highly flexible.
Instead of individual consciousness, the search for maximum adaptation and recognition of it by others is appearing just see a BBB program.
Modern civilization does not seem to meet the deepest needs of man and his overly large portion of "individual freedom and prosperity" before causing a feeling of intense monotony and disorientation in this sense the paradox of "ópiacio" is in full swing in Brazil it is not liberal.
E - economically.
The capital, land and means of production have value only to set in motion the objects that innovate in the act of moving the idea of the work of the physical world including you who are reading now.
If you could and had not feelings and emotions of nationalism, patriotism circulate around the world to search for opportunities to be free, however, the same does not. Screams of the crowd "opiadas" "I am Brazilian with great pride, the, the, the, Brazil" or in front of a novel called rules of the game or Joseph, do not feel the displacer effects of an intellectual minority using you as a pawn.
Liberalism objects are used (like you and me and the keyboard I'm using) are in motion, capital is both human and product and not in motion is lost.
But to have the objects are not able to variability alone, you need the other and most other talk in social division of labor and class struggle and added value these dogmas imprison the transit of objects freely who would not want to work in country that gives more freedom and well being.
Of course the labor factor would receive the equivalent of their contribution to more balanced society has a better price which increases the capital factor.
We are natural agents that is object and makes objects is appropriate and with free movement is easier to live and let live.
The problem is having to pay a price for it when it is not riches distributor but concentration in the hands of a minority that uses the state for their purposes, denying portions of the work that is done to satisfy their selfishness.
The means of production have objects and the more technological and "does not harm nature" in this sense homo economicus is not due as some "liberals" of facing Brazil only a wage labor economy to obtain surplus value.
Any economic organization is the object to be set in motion, so this should not use philanthropy, class feelings both religious and trade union groups and behaviors that hinder the movement of objects.
Workers with its Capital Fund have existed before the "money" or gold and need not be a person called "capitalist", the ice cream selling popsicles on the street, as does the circular money and is the worker himself and the object of desire and They have desires.
Thus, any society would have a capital fund that enables the production conditions is the object and action to release energy in the reproduction in later periods and never gets in the inertia, the "owner of the money is paper is subject to the movement of objects both material and immaterial, to be liberal is no need to "ism" or preach to a sad past or "future in paradise" just use the Capital of latent forces at the time in the world still suffers much state interference.
In this sense, all people would be capitalists. There are simply large and small capitalists.
I work place to my object ideas in the case, moving making a commodity that you're seeing and getting X (I'm eating the sausage of cachorrinhas, collaborate) or wage of a truck driver who buy clothes at the mall, so the mall would not exist but was the capital fund.
So Capital Fund is the key word for liberalism, he's here, only by interference from minority groups gives pain and not happiness.
However "The distribution of wealth, therefore, depends on the laws and customs of society. The rules by which it is determined are made by the opinions and feelings that the parties establish and leaders are very different in times and different countries; and could be even more different if mankind so chose "¹, but the dogmas, doctrines and religions and ideologies maintain no choice people, is not free circulation.
The exchange takes place in the market; the goods are exchanged for equivalent values and the more honest and transparent is the action of the State is not hindering the circular capital better, there are investments and exchanges are less costly to the people.
The progress of society on production and distribution. Occurs at steady state and have the capital fund satisfying certain amount of people to this population find a balance between the global movement of objects they circulate freely between the spaces and there would be a better distribution and circulation of capital funds to generate well be.
The Capital Fund reproduces sexually and should not unduly increase the population with its capital fund and deviria move freely in space and that is good given that all the "developed" countries there are of course a population-balance. According to Mill, this could be good, it would be consistent as "the best state for human nature (...) in which although no one is poor, no one wants to be richer, nor has reason to fear being passed back under efforts of others to go ahead. "
The influence of government interference has good and bad aspects; Therefore, the interference should occur in order to maximize the good aspects and minimize bad aspects. A key criterion of "good" and "bad" is the effect on the "freedom of the individual"; if this is restricted, it is bad; if expanded, it is good.
Tale more concentration worst stop capital fund and is behind suffering and starvation to the people.
The power has limits and can only be exercised legitimately by society over the individual that is free in its capital fund and does not suffer dogmatic damage, religious, doctrinal and ideological, not act without precision is to ensure that every individual has the right to act as you want as long as their actions do not harm others.
If the action directly affects only the person who is performing, then society has no right to intervene, of course torts are clear social contract established in force even if it has the feel of the individual is hurting themselves.
I my own body and mind, the individual is sovereign, but when I lose my capital reserve fund will suffer the setbacks of life.
All people want to be forewarned and do something bad for themselves, live isolated and go to the other will be and damage capital fund another, so you are to own private property, because no one lives isolated and done harm to yourself and psychotic and they will hurt others.
To the State to earmark part of the funds from the capital incapable of self-government, such as small children, the elderly and incurably ill.
In Brazil and many other countries and oligarchic despotism, religious people who do not understand the delay of capital funds for them to observe barriers to progress these spontaneous.
The despot, however, must be coated with good interests that saw much in the world and in Brazil that cause damage by acts of omission or commission.
The question of what we can consider an action of self-esteem and actions of these agents that are closely linked to the State treating public affairs as was her and the charisma think they are helping the same omit or commits actions the moral and custom of the people are oppressed.
The person who is free defends freedom of expression and the more freedom the more it becomes clear the actions of the ruling classes and there are intellectual and social progress and less "opiates". By allowing a person publicly made false opinion is productive for two reasons: First, individuals are likely to abandon erroneous beliefs if they engage in an open discussion of ideas; second, by forcing others to reexamine and reaffirm their belief in the debate process, they are protected from depletion in a mere dogma, indoctrination, religion, ideologies.
Freedom and clean and creates government officials and the bureaucracy and the views of active intelectualidades with his "authority" can opine with their knowledge create is a valued human capital company and there is a "competition between subject - or some classes subject - and the government, "but collaboration.
The more hidden state information with its members more society suffers and loses its capital reserve fund its capital and is discouraged and frustrated in their actions with low esteem. When his strength capital fund is undervalued monetarily not personally render life nor psychologically role.
Manage the wealth of its capital fund is tasty, hard when you see your winnings going through the drains of unscrupulous leaders and groups who want to take advantage.
When the "tyranny of the political rulers" hide the gains of the funds. They introduce us to a range of tyrannies, including social tyranny and the tyranny of the majority. ²
social freedom aggregate the valuation of capital funds imposes limits on governments, so he would not be able to use his power to satisfy his own desires and make decisions that can cause harm to society.
The limitations of political immunities are a series of political rights and freedoms granted to citizens and institutional guarantee delegated this can not be won by a minority and use state agencies for their interests but that watch over people, being good with approval people, these happy and freedom of expression would be the pillar of free enterprise capital funds.
Of course the wrong can now be right tomorrow, but it should not be thought that liberalism is sensationalism or narcissism or egotism of what is good to another must be good for me, each one is each one, the problem with the invasion of privacy by groups ideological of a minority and at all costs wants to be more than most.
And nothing should be branded as "wrong" just because it seems or because no one did in the past. One should therefore seek the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people, but there have always been dogmatic, doctrinal, religious and ideological that encourage or discourage individual action that sets the action of the power of capital funds.
As long as action is raise the moral and intellectual development of society. Today we are in a new stage of development and civilization and, therefore, different solutions are required for each. What matters is how we would encourage the further. We can say the same about individual. We are independent, able to change and be rational, logical that the dogmas, religions, doctrines and ideologies inhibit individual freedom that is the best route for moral development. As we develop, we are able to autogovernarmos.
We make our own decisions and do not depend on what others tell us to do. We are at the beginning of democracy there is still the class struggle, all right, it is a form of freedom that was earned at other times.
As Voltaire expressed freedom is essential for both men and women. This means that, since we do not causemos harm to others.
We should be free to express our free nature and experience with our lives, from atheist to religious and cultivates sympathy with others and permeates our everyday activities with a sense of purpose, nonsectarian, the being still about its capital strength that is minimal and unhappiness behind you.
3 - Conclusion
Capital forces are always moving to the homo economicus in liberalism. Money is paper and action is intentional objects without the Capital Forces is inert, it does not matter to "own money" (which are the object and subject affected by these Capital Forces not the main actor of wealth.).
The less interference of the state that oppresses and has sadists subject whether doctrinal, religious, ideological or any "ism" and strip out a minority over a majority generates more misery is in this sense that these forces opposed sooner or later but for this there is need for men frank and honest and give freedom of expression and economic to generate happiness and no pain.
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