The freedom of the will in liberalism which makes and therefore the need to end the immunity unfortunately do opposition to liberal doctrines that propagate without the philosophical necessity, but civil as social freedom and their nature and power limits that can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual no need for such immunity.
The question has long been discussed in general terms, but which profoundly influences of liberalism, but the controversies are still probably has not yet become recognized as the vital question of the future.
Freedom is so far being new, that, in a sense, and continues from the earliest times;
Today the "progress" is everywhere, we say be more civilized species, however, anger and hatred seem more profound and distressing, is presented under new conditions, and requires a different and more fundamental treatment.
For freedom, it was meant protection against the tyranny of the political rulers, but the rulers were designed as in a necessarily antagonistic position to the people ruled.
Derived from an achievement of authority in many cases hold without the pleasure of the governed.
There are men who are being modeled not to venture to contest, whatever precautions for fear that may be taken against the exercise of citizenship before oppressive rulers.
The power of highly dangerous oppression; as a weapon which they would attempt to use against subjects, no less than against external enemies. To prevent the weaker members of the community to be preyed upon by innumerable vultures, it was necessary that there should be a stronger beast of prey than the rest, commissioned to keep them down.
There is no practice of loving-kindness and compassion are inclined to prey on the patterned flock and are in a permanent attitude of defense against freedom.
The goal of patriots is to establish limits to the power of the ruler should be prevented from carrying on the community that is freedom.
If really we understood freedom would immunities equal to Members and Senators and President, in a democracy the democratic rule of law still has recognition of certain privileges that should not have, either in the Republic you can not be immunized because they belong to such and such a group, to the churches should not been carried out by the oligarchy.
A second, and generally hours later, was the establishment of constitutional checks, the Brazilian Constitution is full of flaws and extensive The Supreme at all times is powered by a legal instrument, as Unconstitutional Action, privileged forum in which the consent of the society.
Today, people do not agree not to represent their interests, it was made a necessary condition for some of the most important acts constituting the time (1988) that limits the action of justice when already in some degree the accused very clear its harmful action for the Republic.
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