I'm still not convinced that one day me a physiologist, the poet and philosopher and a religious and politicians who are in power they will speak the same language in geographic space and the Earth while maintaining steady and strong against humans, who call themselves " rational "and are the largest predators of nature, corrupted nature. And if Europe does not apologize and forgiveness for the Muslim brothers will further increase the discords
The greatest evil of our time is that science and religion seem like two hostile and irreconcilable forces. Intellectual evil so pernicious because it comes and seeps dully, but surely, in all humans, as a subtle poison we breathe in the air. Now all evil intelligence becomes, in the long term, bad for the BE and, consequently, a social evil.
While all did nothing to assert their faiths in the world said Globalized but are increasingly reaffirming one Capitalist space and fragmented religious is endless Dogmas and Utopias. Anthropologically for age and still are moral forces; the integration of the being they are failing the space that formed the modern man.
While the positivist or not materialistic positivist experimental science (which say criticism), did not only claim and reinventing new Utopias on legitimate arguments of reason and his boundless freedom, as well as religious and intellectual, renewed the face of the geographical space, the world . They say the man freed from secular chains and provided the man indestructible bases.
But since the Church, can not prove their primary Dogmas in the face of objections of Science, it ended like in a house without windows, opposing faith in very case the reason as an absolute and undisputed command; since the Science, intoxicated with their findings in the geographic space, and historically with its opposable thumb did and still do that mostly become agnostic or atheistic in his method, materialistic and utilitarian in both its principles as its end
Since philosophy, disoriented and helpless between the two in some way abdicated his rights to fall into a transcendent skepticism, a deep split in the geographical space, Aristotle who consulted oracles with Pifas, masked both in space with his "know I know nothing "and even today the two have not met the man be and have the quality of life.
What would today produces to kill hunger worldwide and faith is in the world, but both this conflict forces to who has the man's happiness actually failed so far. Reason in Science and Religion eventually becomes one of the causes of weakness and insensitivity has seen so much conflict, the axiom that place of Mimetic Space is one where prehistoric and current Dogmas have not been resolved and that we are more fragmentation of space and more wars for more sales by more religious space do not realize that nothing from that man corrupted his freedom and this has a long history.
Again the man uncertain of weakness and insensitivity. Religion answers the needs of the heart, then his eternal magic, Science through the utopias want to meet the man an eternal discovery to make life easier, a new magic that sell to the public of a new spell, as well? I will ask you reader , now use imagination when the Portuguese arrived here was a stage "technological" who did not understand the scientific reason refined in Europe of so many conflicts, it was easy to overpower them played gunpowder and the Indians in their mythology was a thunder god sign, they had fear and have referred the "Portuguese gods" doer and initiator of rain, and in this context that the technology still makes us each new evolution want to experience, but now utilitarianism function and who follow are not exceeded, but as we are consumerist without worry with the environment because we are somewhere in the infinite (Heaven, Heaven, Nirvana etc. capitalism has not become globalized, but rather corporatist and distribute among themselves which area of the living space to their low resistance products, it is renewed in goods and consumers still act as the "Indians" and become alienated. There are already conditions in international laboratories in particular the countries of Northern Europe end up with many diseases, but they do give palliative products so there is a pharmacy on every corner, is launching its products at popular price find that lost market.
And with that Science and Religion without proof is standing War and Science hopeless, both are standing, science before Socrates was supernatural, the findings were made by who were not academic as it is today, the fire left them in better positions against predators, with their opposable thumbs today become the greatest enemy of nature, its technologies in most harm the environment, while in the name of religion one kill each other.
Hence a profound contradiction, a hidden war, not only between the state and the Church, even more so in science itself and to the conscience of all thinking individuals. For let us be us who we were, we belong to any school of thought, aesthetic and social, brings two opposing worlds in irreconcilable appearances, born of two needs of man: scientific and religious. This situation since man became "rational" while pollutes and corrupts nature.
This situation will last forever and have not contributed real and human development of BE to BE their basic needs for its development of human faculties, driving against each other is the utopia or dogmas, which calls mimetic SPACE.
Both Religion and Science are in the geographic space, today science is concerned with the material world to earn profits, philosophy in all fields about the moral lost the direction of intelligence; Religion governs yet. To some extent, the masses but does not rule out more about the social elites; always by great charity, it shines not by faith, but by space that can take your doctrine or not but another doctrine in peace, is a fighting today who is the best.
I take to you the reader, a new theoretical approach mimetic geographical space where current utopian axioms based on the BE and HAVE leads to not see the subtleties of the geographic space that man is historically a utopia that far from being effective, is based on capitalist , religious, socialist and mask the reality, where the state and people take the power of the income of the collective and individual thinking. Where they control the geographical space, the human still does not act soon, they could live freely and without prejudice of the dogmas of inequalities that utopias and dogmas that said above that remain in the collective unconscious.
In my axioms about the mimetic space is not a fight against the utopias and religions, but a clarification of the roles of these it is one that uses a utopia or a dogma and do not forget that it is fleeting and reality handler, today is today tomorrow is another thing depends on its historicity, in goodness, love and honesty, you are the center of the unit to think, think, just think "KNOW DO NOT KNOW, BUT CAN SEIZE" and so is the owner of their spiritual or scientific autonomy, invent, create, use the act to change yourself and other affectionately and with the new Technological Spells not a puppet, is a fair, not selfish in the new information technology, imagine if you show up with your images for four centuries past you would go to the fire or force or in any religion.
In 1976 by Richard Dawkins in his bestseller The Selfish Gene , is for the memory the analog gene in genetics, a minimum unit. It is considered as a unit of information that multiplies the brain to brain, or between places where information is stored (such as books ) and other storage locations or brains, so the axiom mimetic space is globalized in the chaos of religion and science that the renewal of the product makes you forget that the man should be a complete bE and, but is fragmented by utopias and dogmatism of his own way of understanding the corrupt nature, so concrete and abstract, more stripped by virtual space or call WWW and this technology is not just to spend time and fun but you will be the end and not the cause of the changes, go straight to the point alienated.
With respect to its functionality, the meme is considered a unit of cultural evolution that can somehow spread.Memes can be ideas or parts of ideas, languages , sounds, drawings, capacities, aesthetic and moral values, or anything else that can be easily learned and transmitted as a standalone unit. The study of evolutionary models of information transfer is known as memetics and territorial space it evolves today by virtual.
On the other hand, since Aristotle man finds that the positive sciences, one that sees the effects on logical reason, is seeing the beginning, middle and end to become true, but before he propose these principles that many clung forgot that man seeks his spiritual way over time to date and a multiplicity of doctrines and dogmas that make men fight for an abstract view of their "true" fighting with others, the dogmas are there and fight for that "its truths "exclude all so wars are prepared in these paradigms.
When used in a colloquial and non-specialized context, the term meme may mean only the transmission of information from one mind to another. This use near the end of the analogy of "language as a virus," away from the original purpose of Dawkins and mimis of before Aristotle propagate without the dictates of the state and the socialist religions and utopias or is that owners say the truth.
So I bring you the mimetic space, where the subjects are in concrete and abstract space, globalized and fragmented by utopias, where Cannon policy is still strong, I call UTOPIDOGMATIZAÇÃO that through the opposable thumb and sent desmandamos in nature.
The mimetic space is open to the virtual world to Crick opens to the new jeopardizing the utopias that always leads man to mental despair because for true freedom to be, and not just stay in SE tomorrow a new thought of humanity it's coming.
"The key of every human being is his thought. Tough and challenging to looks, has hidden a banner that follows which is the idea before which all his facts are interpreted. The human being can only be reformed by showing him a new idea that overcome the old and bring their own controls. "
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
3- Utopias and religious dogmas lead the World Fragmentation and false globalization
What you see today at the same time production mode corresponds to the desires, but not the nature of free men which call UTOPIDOGMATIZAÇÃO determining adverse effects for liberty, equality and fraternity and the bottom use the old maxim: Bread, wine and Circo, does not work, you use the gun policy.
In mimetic space I propose is trying to unmask the falsehoods of Utopias and the man follow a life without thinking about an uncertain future made by utopias. Today man is able to see the farce in which he is involved, and are renewed in the global spatial chaos, especially in the WWW navigation, but does not deny the influence of false utopias and dogmas that this back and forth is the reverse of renewal, this computer I write here and take ideas quickly, where everyone can enjoy, only just one Crick and a new world opens up.
A people who have technological hegemony of War and ideas that fit the temporal and territorial space, in the case today, the Capitalist System or the lie of the Third Way ( "socialists, communists who think within capitalism can change society to have equal . ").
Before when there was no internet, the power was concentrated in the countries that control the economy that are always alert, the emergence of ideas that can structure it as an engine that gives meaning to its hegemonic power today, despite all WWW browsers these are concentrated, but they do not have control of everything that happens in the messages and links that this powerful technological environment offers is a large library of knowledge.
Are pillars act as an agent of self-help among the old and the new technologies that produce, mainly research and ideas of a new way of being human as no specific state interference.
The war still exists, but have the light of those who do not get alienated by utopias and are able to question both the control of intellectuals forming and formed utopias, but the new born that can be replaced by a new fair democracy.
In the utopias within the WWW world, it grows randomly drawn by intellectuals in action, but they can not have control, not controlled thinking. It can be manipulated, but always leads to a questioning in two main directions of libido (projected onto the outside world, in other people and objects) and introversion (directed into the realm of images, ideas, and unconscious), it is an ancestral life-wheel that makes us happy and there are no more secrets to the unconscious or the collective consciousness, the circus of ideas not to.
Today, the wine is the largest collective conscious driver, the effect of drunken mind on alcohol and drugs, and that the state and religions more like that men do not realize the lack of bread and its uncertain future and leave thinking critically a change for the better. Utopias employed by bourgeois and intellectuals and socialists say, however, ideas have synergistic power that acts simultaneously with something else and seek solutions dirty utopias that does not respond today to that man be happier.
Utopias have power cuts that leave us humans on one leg. Is a Brazilian saying "what screwdriver will use now," I will translate anthropologically: - I have keys, small, medium and large to tighten the screw, which will choose? It depends on the screw, but the capitalist logic is who has the highest technology of war and concentration of utopias in space, example: the atomic bomb and religious utopia. Supported by some groups who take over the power that gives the logical sense that all keys tightened the screw through this that direction only will the selfish interests them, According to Machiavelli, "the state and the government as they really are and not as they should be . "Fortunately, the world is open WWW, they want to control this, but ... Thanks to the Almighty's hackers.
The course of utopias is always an end, deterministically speaking, the conscious and collective unconscious are dirty, in which, if they are sure that the world will eventually be apocalyptic or materially, or will come to an end and this order makes the man think you will be happy in heaven etc. and such.
In most religions there is a new world after death, materialism newly discoveries in astronomy have shown that the solar system will end because the star sun is a fuel and it will turn into five modes: burst forming a red giant star or red supergiant, white or blue dwarf stars or turning black hole.
It is in this sense that I am deterministic, we are living in an uncertain and conflicted world that brings sorrow to anyone. Only one solve their problems delivering the hands of a fanatically religious, others, materially, whether capitalist or "communist."
"In capitalism, private not live without the state, not a day if you want," (Istvan Meszaros) and trying to implement communism in the world by the Russians and now the Chinese with theory to advance within capitalism (Third Way) he is stronger and centralizing both promise postulate the French Revolution: - freedom, fraternity and equality, but only get the false freedom, only the vote, when they come in power fuck what they said, do most everything in otherwise they preach.
The phenomenon of ideas is by self-help and intellectual WWW Crick will be the pillars of a new one will emerge, a new way of thinking. And the predominant thought that will effect today, and especially tomorrow, is a democratic power that overcomes the doctrinal staves and beliefs that may be of nature or one who does not see, but just one Crick we have a tool that has even led the Egyptians to Sayed overthrow the dictator Mubarak.
In systems developed by capitalists and religious faith is the right key. Faith in consumerism, misplaced faith in bloody religious precepts, ask: - do you think the majority of men really want to be brothers? Where chosen key depends on the hand, the remedy for this is the Crick WWW.
Already, in an attempt of historical materialism both capitalist and socialist or communist, there are gaps in the propositions as to tighten the screw, there is a positivism that to be equal to have brotherhood and freedom to be happy. They sell us ideas that BE is more important than TER, but the SE leads humans to an unknown future full of doubts. They are theses and more theses that are in SE.
Man mimetic space has the benefit of space doubt time it leaves the alienated by axioms and live in it free, but there is always the collective consciousness a "God" or "Gods" or Higher Power, thus this blogger tries to give a vision of how to live within these utopias blameless and whose motto is just today and never SE, tomorrow can be better aware of all the falsehoods of utopias and living in them, but not yet for a better world and I am responsible for myself, others are others, I will not worry about them, this change in me.
In mimetic space does not win who have superior war technology, or one that takes advantage of utopias, but ideas that give spatial and temporal support to his ideas not to be dominated mentally.
The territorial domain is ideas. However, the Earth stage is the same and suffer predation that will be charged later according to the Gaia theory (the Earth as a single living organism) in charge. So this is the main axiom mimetic space, man is not only earth more the universe is that command general beings including the human race and we can only live free of utopias, even living in the system, be it capitalist, socialist or religious, because we have an end and we live today without the SE disease.
The utopia of self-help among people of good will and democratic, I call Mimetic, which is witnessed and lived here and now, where the power of ideas or a higher power that does not exclude the subjects knowing that within twenty-four hours in a world where the future is uncertain and unhappy in that "learning is our own life, from youth to old age, in fact almost to death; nobody spends ten hours with nothing to learn. (Paracelsus). "
Let us be alert to learn the reasons are as dominated by utopias to become a new man with freedom in real acceptance that me is played on uneven geographical space and aware of free choice with a humanitarian objective that brings my equal, knowing that death is inevitable and I do not know what comes after death, and at least in twenty-four hours will solve my problems without using the doctrines to be the last, finished and free of alcohol and drugs.
The six tenets: centralized capitalism in the hands of capital, in the second, religion is in Africa, Asia or any people, the third is the dialectic material, whether communist or existentialist or capitalist and the room is self-help words raising morale and support for it go ahead, and, in parallel, the drug that knows no borders and alcoholism this with connivance of the state, because there is no advantage in fighting it, are better numbed minds not to question the economic and spiritual misery that lives.
The axiom mimetic space, I propose, is concretized in the quest to understand the world to be active and even living within the six tenets, which spiritually place in search of moral truth and ethics, and I say, live and let others live , and is installed in the collective subconscious that it is responsible only for him, so the blame on others or society leads nowhere.
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche concepts in explaining the steps by which man can become a 'Superman' (top homos, as in the English translation can also be understood as superhuman). In his phrase "The advantage of having a bad memory is have fun often with the same good things as if it were the first time." If you ask for the older wise, nothing has changed everything remains same.
Another base, created in 1976 by Richard Dawkins in his bestseller The Selfish Gene that says it is a meme, term, is for the memory analog gene in genetics, his smallest unit. It is considered as an information unit that multiplies the brain brain, or between sites where the information is stored (such as books), and other storage sites or brain.With respect to its functionality, the meme is considered a cultural change unit that can somehow autopropagar.Memes can be ideas or run out of ideas, languages, sounds, drawings, capacities, aesthetic and moral values, or anything else that can be easily learned and transmitted as a standalone unit. The study of evolutionary models of information transfer is known as memetic.
When used in a colloquial and non-specialized context, the term meme may mean only the transmission of information from one mind to another. This use near the end of the analogy of "language as a virus," away from the original purpose of Dawkins, who sought to define memes as replicators behaviors.
Thus, the key of every human being is his thought relating with their peers and tough and challenging to looks for a new way of looking at the world that has hidden a banner that follows which is the idea before which all his facts are interpreted, showing him a new idea that goes beyond the old and bring their own controls.
Ralph Waldo Emerson "Through the revaluation of all values of the individual, through the seat of power (will to power), manifested creatively in overcoming nihilism and reassess old ideals or creating a new and continuous process of overcoming."
Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, also known as Jungian psychology.
For many years Jung felt having two separate personalities: a public ego, outside, which was involved with the familiar world, and inner self, secret, which had a special closeness to God. The following facts:
· No. 1, and the natural sciences, which also both fascinated due to involvement with the concrete reality, lacked meaning, that would satisfy the personality, then how to explain the phenomena as spiritual incarnation (eg. Kardec ism).
· No. 2. The two aspects, religion and science, not touched hence their constant dissatisfaction due to the mismatch of the two inner bodies that continues today in utopias without realizing the man to be happy here and now.
In Jungian therapy, "which extensively explores the dreams and fantasies, a dialogue is established between the conscious mind and the unconscious contents. The mental illness is seen as a consequence of the strict separation between them ", hence the human binds to utopias that give support to live an uncertain or certain future from the point of view of a future paradise, or nirvana or on earth waiting for a savior or conscious vision for a future of peace and harmony, but, however, with his brothers in religion or creed.
Jung walked individuation, because there was the urgent need him to go to hell and back to be able to show the way back to those who were lost on the way of life. He became a sincere and courageous response to our time. "I am myself a question to the world and I must give my answer; otherwise, it will be reduced to the answer that the world gives me, "or see me alienated by the utopias that only separates the paths of a free life.
Freud innovated into two camps "man acts that a theory of the mind and human behavior" "Some of his followers claim to be influenced by one but not the other field," so the mind the two kicks in, usually in action is born an idea of the mind, but nevertheless we are driven by a utopian conduct in conscious and collective unconscious, and if it is good for me, no matter if others are to share not just the conduct of my equals, so the conduct utopian urged moves to a future that find the ideal.
Probably the most significant contribution Freud has made to modern thought is to try to give the concept of the unconscious a scientific status (not shared by several areas of science and psychology). His unconscious concepts, unconscious desires and repression were revolutionaries; propose a divided mind in layers or levels, dominated to some extent by primitive desires that are hidden beneath consciousness and manifested in the slips and dreams.
As part of his theory, Freud also postulated the existence of a pre-conscious, which describes how the layer between the conscious and the unconscious (the term subconscious is popularly used, but is not part of psychoanalytic terminology). "Repression itself is of great importance in the unconscious knowledge. According to Freud, people repeatedly experience thoughts and feelings that are so painful that can not support them. Such thoughts and feelings (as well as the memories associated with them) can not be driven out of mind, but, in return, are expelled from the conscious to form part of the unconscious "which is the field to the delight of utopias, hence the clarification of freedom , equality and fraternity takes the conscious field.
Although throughout his career Freud has attempted to find patterns of repression among his patients that were derived in a general model for the mind, he noted that different patients repress different facts. "He also noted that the process of repression is itself a non-conscious act (ie not occur through intent of conscious thoughts or feelings)." In other words, the unconscious was both cause and effect of repression that utopias are setting.
Division of the Unconscious
Freud sought an explanation how how was the process of repression, started to adopt the concepts of id, ego and superego.
"The id represents the primitive processes of thought and is according to Freud, the reservoir of drives, thus all energy involved in human activity would arising from the Id. Initially considered that all these drives would or sexual origin, or which would act towards self-preservation. Subsequently, it introduced the concept of the death instincts, which would act in the opposite direction of the drives aggregation and preservation of life. The Id is responsible for more primitive and perverse demands. "
"The Superego, the part that counter-acts the id, is the moral and ethical internalized thoughts."
"The Ego remains between them, alternating our primitive needs and our ethical and moral beliefs. It is the instance that includes consciousness. A healthy self provides the ability to adapt to reality and interact with the outside world in a way that is comfortable for the id and the superego. "
Space I propose the ego must have clarity of SE utopias.
Gilles Deleuze in the book "Conversations" known in philosophy and social sciences as post-structuralism, for it What is an idea? Some following sentences give a vision of man and structured my addendums.
"The logic of a thought is all the crises that it crosses, are more like a volcanic chain than a quiet and close to balance system." But that is not utopian.
"The phenomenon is common: each time he dies a great thinker, imbeciles are relieved and make a fuss of hell.", By which it can be an atopic.
"Never interpreter, try ...". For this a Crick in the WWW may shorten the interpretation (not just her)
"Every time you hear 'no one can deny ...', 'everyone will recognize that ...' we know that is a lie or a slogan." Or a utopia.
"Misunderstandings are often angry reactions nonsense. There are people who do not feel smart but when they find 'contradictions' in a thinker. "It is the pettiness of those who are utopidogmatizado.
"And if the man was a way to imprison life, you do not need that, in another form, life release in man himself?". Only the freedom to think without utopias remain clear to act consciously.
"There are people who do not feel smart but when they find 'contradictions' in a thinker." Because act by dogmas.
"What interests me is the relationship between the arts, science and philosophy. No privileged of these disciplines relative to each other. Each is creative. "But some are on the side of utopias.
"Write always to give life, to release the life there where she is imprisoned, to trace lines of flight.", But that is not to escape the utopia.
"They are organisms that die not life."
"Art is what resists: it resists death, slavery, infamy, shame." And utopias.
"[...] It is the constitution of modes of existence, or the invention of life possibilities that also relate to death, our relationship with death: not the existence as a subject, but as a work of art. It is to invent modes of existence, according voluntary rules, able to withstand the power and scrounge to find, even if the know try to penetrate them and the power tries to appropriate them. But the modes of existence or possibilities of life never cease to recreate, and come new. "Thoughts and ideas are not utopian.
So we go to the axioms of the mimetic space that I propose.
For the beings within the mimetic space must live in its fullness to think and have ideas that goes by memes where it will be the superman and will clear the Six utopian tenets: capitalism, religious, materialism, self-help, the compulsion the new product behind a void to be filled, it gives a sense of unfinished and alienation, bringing anguish, anxiety in intangible and unhappy future that does not take place within 24 hours of his life, and, above all destroys nature, an uncertain future and selfish individually or collectively acting in utopian and dogmatic roles.
A- The role of materialistic Utopias in mimetic space.
"Émile theoretical Durkheim's social cohesion concept started from the statement that" social facts should be treated as things, "provided a definition of normal and pathological applied to each society in which normal would be what is both required time for the individual and superior to him, which means that society and the collective consciousness are moral entities, even before they have a tangible existence. This preponderance of society over the individual should deliver this, since it can integrate with this structure. " But, though these facts are generated from structural axioms of various utopias that alienate the Self.
Continuing Dhurkheim "For reine certain consensus in this society, it must encourage the emergence of solidarity among its members. Once solidarity varies according to the degree of modernity of society, the moral norm tends to become legal standard, it is necessary to define, in a modern society, rules of cooperation and exchange of services between participating in the collective work (preponderance progressive organic solidarity). " These generate separatist principles of thinking and consensus within a group that has all the technological and verbal tools that overlaps the others even know these resources and will be sold by their utopias of them.
None of the dogmas that I quoted not been and never will be social cohesion, because we are memes that have different abilities and potential at all, which including six axioms that spoke to their dogmas, will lead to think that in an uncertain future, one should live their 24 hours not forgetting to plan a better future for themselves and for others, knowing the Earth will end the astronomers, or the paradise of utopia or something like that, nirvana in the future that is based on If, for example, if all people had the same religion would be strong and happy or if we had a totally literate people racionaríamos a better world.
The method I want to clarify (dialectically can say it is also utopia) is a tool that well managed will man the truth, this method is to accept only what is right and irrefutable and therefore eliminate all knowledge insecure or subject to controversy made by existing utopias. And, include a perspective of unitary and clear set, all problems posed to the scientific and historical research in the field of Geography.
"In Cartesianism is in search of the truth regarding the existence of" objects "in a universe of real things. The Cartesian method based on this principle of never believe anything that had no basis to prove the truth. " But with are unsecured and are based on If there are doubts about a perfect world and we could not get without a utopia clarify whether there is a being superior to us without resorting to the power of utopias.
With this rule had never accepted the false for true and come to true knowledge of everything, but nevertheless, utopias are the easiest instruments to manipulate the concept to prove the truth. And, as we are not sure you all the forces that govern us, we cling to the utopias, and many men use the principle of octuplicada truth for your benefit is personal or group.
Descartes' part of the cogito (thought) that is part of your interior, putting in doubt its very existence to reach a certainty about the conception of man, which makes a new thinking about the problem (man) considering two main existing substances which are the body and soul unite in a fundamental union however distinct from each other. " In this context, the utopian society we live in the body does not structure our day to day are disasters all the time, is rising global temperatures, is the trash thrown to the ground as if it were natural in the body of the Earth do not to charge and thus gives more emphasis on the soul that will come tomorrow, whose utopia and if, and if we do well we will have heaven or nirvana etc. and such a future, and neglect the environment now.
Hegelianism, philosophical current developed by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, which can be summarized by the phrase of the philosopher himself "the rational alone is real", which means that reality is capable of being expressed in real categories. The goal of Hegel was to reduce reality to a synthetic unity within a system called idealism
Thus, the idealist philosophy, the basic postulate is that I am I, in the sense that I object to is me (I). That is, the old opposition between subject and object is revealed in idealism as incident inside myself, since the own self is the object to the subject (I), but the utopia falls subject and object and excludes If others in the landing.
"The idealism has elements in common with prejudice, that is, always think of the ideal. But in human society should not exist 'ideal' because we are all different and that makes the evolution of society be higher. Ideally, then it is the mixture of differences "according Rodrigo Silva Ferreira. S. m. (1833 RevPhil 62), but, for me, it is ignorance of the clarification of the effects of the utopias If that makes the ideal sim that multiplying the differences and mixtures of bias and manipulation.
Any philosophical theory that the material world, objective, exterior can only be fully understood from your true spiritual, mental or subjective. Its opposite would be represented by realism ( 'in modern philosophy') and materialism, but all use utopian truths of If.
In the ontological sense, philosophical doctrine, whose best-known example is Platonism, "according to which reality presents an essentially spiritual nature, and the matter an illusory manifestation, apparently, incomplete, or mere imperfect imitation of a unique matrix consisting of ideal forms intelligible and intangible "However, today the matter will end, whether it is an explosion of the solar system or that will materialize in a future paradise and call paras utopias.
In gnosiological sense, as occurs especially in "Kantianism" theory "that considers the meaning and intelligibility of an object of knowledge dependent on the subject who understands what makes reality knowable heteronomous, lacking in self-sufficiency, and necessarily reducible to the terms or ideal forms that characterize human subjectivity; ". Whose Utopia is filling instrument of lack of self-sufficiency that makes intelligible, but false and manipulative.
On a practical level, the most notorious example is the Kantian ethical doctrine that assumes the fundamental character of the ideals of conduct as guides of human action, despite a possible lack of full feasibility or empirical verifiability of such moral prescriptions, however the guides are always people or society has a collective thought that the strongest arguments are said true, but in reality are utopians.
Propensity to idealize reality or be guided more by ideals than by practical considerations, but the practices are backed by utopian axioms that can be unmasked by another practical utopia.
Theory or practice that values more imagination than a faithful copy of nature. Its opposite would be realism, that only you have when you know the utopian intentions that have no value if, in action 24 hours and not in the future which is said to be happy.
There are several concepts of idealism which in summary are:
· Absolute Idealism: idealistic doctrine inherent Hegelianism, characterized by the assumption that the only full and concrete reality is spiritual in nature, being materialistic or sensitive understanding of the objects a stage little evolved and surmountable in gradual cognitive development of human subjectivity, but doubt that remains is that spirituality If want.
· Dogmatic Idealism: Idealism, especially berkelianismo, which is characterized by denying the existence of external objects to human subjectivity [. Term coined by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) to designate an idealistic orientation with which does not agree] Its opposite it would transcendental idealism which is based in paradise.
· Idealism immaterialist: Idealism defended by Berkeley (1685-1753) that, from an empiricist perspective, in which reality is confused with what it can be seen, concludes that material objects are reduced to ideas in the mind of God and human beings; berkelianismo, immaterialism, the question is which God?
· Transcendental Idealism (also called formal or critical): Doctrine Kantian, according to which the phenomena of objective reality, being unable to show men exactly as they are, do not appear as things-in-themselves, but as constructed subjective representations by human cognition faculties. Its opposite would be the dogmatic idealism, but the two are utopias of If.
In summary concepts of idealism and multifaceted confuses thoughts is abstraction of a better future based on If.Already, the capitalist idealism is supported in religion and the state, is the concrete in abstraction If a paradise that will get it, just wait, preach democracy, the more it is closer to falsehood where freedom and equality and fraternity does not exist specifically, but if ...
The role of religious utopias.
In this abstrairei various religions and their utopias, for this, I will use the concept of Demiurge who is the great artificer , the lower world of the creator (or material). It is considered the chief of the Archons having wisdom limited and imperfect. For the Neoplatonists is the " Logos " - the first manifestation of the absolute. An interpretation Jewish is Jehovah ; for Christians is the Word as expressed in the Gospel of John . For the Masons is the Great Architect of the Universe .
The term Demiurge comes from demiurgus Latin, and this in turn the δημιουργός Greek (dēmiourgós), literally "that produces for the people" and was originally a common term used to refer to any employee whose office becomes public use: artists, doctors, craftsmen, messengers, soothsayers etc., and in the fifth century BC came to designate certain magistrates or elected officials. Plato used it in his dialogue Timaeus , an exposition of cosmology written around 360 .C., Where the Demiurge figure as the agent, although not the creator of reality, organizes and shapes the existing chaotic matter in accordance with models perfect and eternal.
According to the Gnostics , this entity would be the God of the Old Testament of the Bible . This one has the arrogance typical of those who are omnipotent . Creator of all we know, thinks everyone should bow to his will: "You shall have no other gods before me" is his motto .
In myth Gnostic Demiurge was generated by eon Sophia after his fall. To be generated, created the material world in order to govern and imprison the matter divine particles from his mother (Sophia).
Wanting to free the trapped souls in the material world, Sophia rebels against the Demiurge, and the true God Ineffable sends to men his most beloved son, the eon Christós or Christ which descends to the material world in order to convey the " Gnosis " (knowledge) to the souls so that they have consciousness of his divine identity and depart for the Pleroma (fullness) freeing themselves from the yoke and bondage of the Demiurge.
In order to prevent this, the Demiurge creates many illusions and pleasure ephemeral material away the souls of their legitimate divine portion, so that they are arrested and are slaves of the material world, always having to return to it (reincarnation ) . The Demiurge is the ruler of this small life sphere which reigns.
The Demiurge has a chosen people, the Jews . To these are revealed and have as its people. He gave them his Law (Law of Moses or Torah ) for their own curse : "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth." Your day is Saturday .
It has several names: Samael (blind god), Yaldabaoth (Chaos child) Saclas , Saturn , Cronos , etc. His consort is the demon female Nebruel , which when mated with it, gives rise to twelve aeons. (a note you ever noticed that the number twelve this on several occasions as sacred, the twelve labors of Hercules, the twelve apostles etc.).
In the Gospel of John Apocryphon , the demiurge Yaldabaoth has the appearance of a snake with face lion and his eyes are like lightning flashing.
Thus, the axiom of the role of religious utopias in most it is said that one can not enter fully in this world, as our reason knows the superior forces governing us, from this angle, I mean, it exists more has no owner, if you introduce me, if you come with Judaeo-Christian utopian axiom uses the Muslim dogmas or Buddhists and then who owns the truth? Of course we do not have the keys to open your most intimate doors of a higher power, but claim that the religious utopian axioms is the way of truth and delete the next therefore takes the world to fragment further and increasing prejudice.
I'll start with the Traditional Religions which gave bases for current religions because as I said every utopia is created from the precepts of the previous axioms.
The religions of the peoples that are based on myths, legends and traditions, were classified as primitive religions.This term has become almost synonymous with pagan, and its practitioners were seen as people without culture, delayed, without technique, without God ... Now, live and understand various Gods are more difficult to understand a God, need to think more logic these gods because all are the owners of thinking and as most do not use reason and being illiterate to understand these, it is accepted without question.
Currently, scholars, reviewing past mistakes that justified slavery and death, use the term traditional religions. Thus, despite being very different from the religion of other cultures, it becomes easier to understand these religious manifestations as rich and of which we may learn.
The world of these people often do not find satisfactory explanations in our mindset, which requires evidence, reasoning and logic that gave support to the current religions. The traditional world connects intimately to life in its manifestations with their superior deities.
In this sense, to better understand the traditional religions, it is important to have an attitude of openness, without prejudice or preconceptions.
They have in mind also that these religions have no written texts or sacred books were then written, are based on tradition or past narration from generation to generation, on the contents and the way to live their religiosity. This happens in the form of stories, rituals, proverbs, dances, music, parties.
To talk about it, it must first be clear about what part of Africa or what religion we will address. For this, we divide Africa thus:
(1) North Africa: from the Atlantic and Mediterranean to the Sahara, including Egypt and Ethiopia. This region is dominated by Islam and by Christianity.
(2) south-central Africa: from the Republic Of Cameroon, Kenya ..., to the south.. This part of Africa, populated mostly by aboriginal tribes, is dominated by traditional religions, but a significant percentage practicing Christianity, Islam and even Hinduism.
A common mistake is to assume that all African people are of the same race and who had the same origin, which leads to suppose that also have the same custom and the same religion.
African traditional religion distinguishes two aspects of reality: what is visible, physical, material ... and what is invisible and spiritual. These two aspects merge together: no thing of the physical world is so material that does not contain other elements in the spiritual world. This led to the belief that there are spirits in the rocks, the mountains, the rivers, the trees, the thunder, the sun and the moon ... Hence the traditional African religion is often also called animistic religion they gave props to the Greek myths Hindus, etc.
Its practitioners live in profound harmony with the universe and strive to behave properly as moral laws. This does not mean that there are not more prominent religious moments of others, considered profane, but all life is sustained by the religious element that unites beings, the cosmos, the invisible world and the Higher Self. The whole universe, including man, has a soul.
Rites, ceremonies, prayers ... are some of the ways through which the human being seeks to express themselves and reach their own harmony with the whole. But what matters is the inner attitude that characterizes the life of traditional peoples, a deeply religious attitude. Each daily fact, trivial or important, is placed in a context that exceeds the material dimension.
The ritual consecrates the important moments of life: birth, adolescence, marriage and death. There is also a wide variety of rites: initiation, purification, propitiation, celebration, thanksgiving etc.
Initiation rites guarantee good integration into the community of the living, and the funeral rites guarantee the benevolence of the ancestors: so they should be well done. Frequently, the initiation is also the start of a "secret society", where you learn secret rituals, secret myths and even a secret language ... It was the basis for fellowship as the Freemasons and other brotherhoods that the other recognizes the codes that provides and aims at improving their brothers, the others are just manipulated for their well-being.
Africans have places of worship, although very modest, small huts, altars along the paths, mountain peaks ... The offerings are made to ask for health, life, success ... Thus began the custom of giving to receive, tithes are hidden part of this, why deny it, but use this premise, namely, health, life and success.
Community prayer is preferred and is expressed with dances and songs, then again it is forerunner of most new clothes of current religions.
The same happens with the rites: reigns creativity, movement, dynamism ...
African traditional religions, different in many manifestations, according to their peoples, have several common essential points, but with the central object to life.
spiritual powers: Under the Supreme Being there are numerous more or less spiritual powers that deal with mundane things in place of the Supreme Being, and therefore are much invoked (as the orishas of Yoruba), here is great prejudice of most religions, Christianity, Catholics use images, while Protestants (or evangelicals in Brazil) use as a scapegoat for acquiring new followers.
Demiurge: The creation was made by a demiurge (craftsman), which is a mythical ancestor, sometimes identified with the founder of the people, which should be both the generation of human beings as the introduction of customs, crafts and rituals.
Rites of initiation: Like all primitive peoples, Africans attach importance to initiation rites, which often require evidence draconian, even bloody (mutilation), which is a stupid utopia.
Dances: In the absence of books, rites play an important role in maintaining alive and active religious and social traditions. In this sense, the dances are of fundamental importance because, at your pace and dynamism, give full expression to all activities of the group.
Healers: With arts themselves, as incisions and herbal applications, and even with the use of suggestion, meet the needs of the people, coming so the concept that nature has the genetic codes for our physical salvation.
Worship: In general, Africans have no statues or temples and priests. The animal sacrifices (pigs, dogs, goats, poultry ...) are not offered to God as worship, but the orishas (intermediate spirits) as a communication vehicle with the living, since the blood is regarded as having life .
Moral: For the African, morals and religion is pretty much the same thing. The actions that harm human coexistence or the balance of natural forces are punished by tribal or repaired by religious rites authority, as also irritate the spirits, causing public disasters such as drought, floods, diseases, deaths ... Thus the African You are obliged to respect the property, life and the next person, but not know moral precepts imposed by God. Adultery is also severely condemned, although the sex life is regarded with great tolerance, as it is the exercise of a vital function.
In China for AJ Elliot, in 1955, who described the term Shenismo consisting of traditional Chinese folk religion use terms used to describe the set of ethnic and religious traditions that have been China's main belief system and Chinese ethnic groups han for much of the history of civilization to the present day. The shenismo covers Chinese mythology and includes the worship of shens ( "deities", "spirits", "consciousness", "archetypes."), Which may be natural deities, Taizu or clan deities, urban deities, national deities, heroes national and demigods, dragons and ancestors. Again bases gave to the Greek myths, unos, Visigoths, Vikings etc.
There are in China Taoism (or Daoism) is a philosophical and religious tradition originating in China that emphasizes living in harmony means "path", "way" or "principle", and can also be found in other philosophies and Chinese religions. In Taoism, however, Tao refers to something that is both the source and the driving force behind all that exists. It is basically ineffable: "The Tao that can expound is not the eternal Tao." Which gave bases for rational axioms of Plato to today.
This philosophical Taoism, individualistic by nature, was not institutionalized. Institutionalized forms, however, have evolved over time, taking the form of different schools, often mixed beliefs and practices that even predated the Taoism of key texts - for example, theories of the School of Naturalists, which synthesized the concepts of yin-yang and the five elements. The Taoists schools traditionally revere Lao Zi, the 'immortal' or ancestors, along with many rituals of divination and exorcism, and practices aimed at achieving ecstasy and get longevity or immortality, widely used in Protestant practices and others.
Traditions and ethical Taoists may vary according to the school, but in general the trend is the emphasis of wu-wei (action through non-action), "naturalness", simplified, spontaneity, and the Three Treasures: compassion, moderation and humility. Basis for utopia of ethics of Good.
The Judeo-Christian religions is a generic term used to describe the set of common beliefs of Judaism and Christianity, as well as the heritage of the Jewish traditions inherited by Christians. This term is appropriate to characterize as the main doctrinal source of Jewish and Christian beliefs, with the set of books comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament.
But the term I use is the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek who claimed that the Judeo-Christian-Muslim term to describe the Middle Eastern culture against Western Christian culture would be more appropriate now stating that an influence of Jewish culture in the Western world has been minimized due to persecution and the historical exclusion of the Jewish minority. (Although there is also a different perspective on the Jewish contribution and its influence).The concept of Judeo-Christian-Muslim tradition refers thus to the three major monotheistic religions, commonly known as the Abrahamic religions. The formal exchange between the three religions, modeled through intergroup dialogue, became common with globalization.
The term Judeo-Christian tradition, or only Judeo-Christianity, was first used by the Oxford Dictionary Inglês, 1899 and 1910 editions, respectively, both discussing the origins of Christianity. Therefore, "Judeo-Christian" mean primitive Christian beliefs, which would still be a continuation of Judaism preached by the Jews. The current meaning was first used on July 27, 1939 by New Inglês Weekly.
The term gained popularity more particularly in the political sphere from the 1920s and 1930s decade, promoted by liberal groups, which evolved into the National Conference of Christians and Jews, allies in the fight against anti-Semitism to express a more comprehensive idea of the United States than previously dominant rhetoric of the nation as a specifically Christian country. In 1952 President-elect Dwight Eisenhower said that the "Judeo-Christian concept" is the faith upon which "our (...) government" ... is founded.
Basis of a common concept of the two religions
Supporters of the Judeo-Christian concept and the claim that Christianity is the heir of Judaism, and that all the logic of Christianity as a religion is based on the fact that it was built on Judaism. Most of the Christian Bible is actually the Jewish Tanakh, although in a different order, being used as a moral and spiritual teaching material from all over the Christian world. The prophets, patriarchs and heroes of the Jewish scriptures are also known in Christianity, using the Jewish text as the basis for their understanding of the Judeo-Christian history, and figures like Abraham, Moses and Elijah. As a result, much of the Jewish and Christian teachings is based on a common text.
Criticism of this concept.
Two notable books have addressed the relationship between Judaism and contemporary Christianity, "Where Judaism Differs" Abba Hillel Silver and "Judaism and Christianity" Leo Baeck, both motivated by the desire to clarify the inter-religious relations "in a world where Judeo-Christian term had obscured essential differences between the two religions. " Reacting against the obfuscation of theological differences, Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits wrote that "Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity, and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism." The theologian and novelist Arthur A. Cohen, in "The Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition", questioned the theological validity of the Judeo-Christian heritage, and suggested that it was essentially an invention of ecumenical and political relations, while Jacob Neusner, in " Jews and Christians: the Myth of the Common Tradition "writes that" the two faiths are directed to different people talking about different things (...). "
The law professor Stephen M. Feldman questions the validity of the Judeo-Christian tradition:
"Once one recognizes that Christianity has historically rooted anti-Semitism (...) For Christians, the concept of a Judeo-Christian tradition suggests that Judaism comfortably progresses in Christianity. - That Judaism is something completed in Christianity. the concept of Judeo-Christian tradition flows from Christian theology teaches that the Christian Alliance (or Testament) with God replaces the Jewish Alliance. Christianity, according to this myth, reform and replace Judaism. the myth, therefore, it implies, first, that Judaism needs renovation and replacement, and second, that modern Judaism remains only as a "relic." the most important thing is that the myth of the Judeo-Christian tradition insidiously obscures the real differences and significant between Judaism and Christianity. "
And even within them there are breaks, there Assembly, Baptist, Catholic Orthodox, Roman Catholics and a group that I admire the Quaker, want to see the rational truth of inequalities and freedoms and solidarity, but there is exclusion of other religions for wanting that only Christ is the Savior.
Hinduism originated in the Indian subcontinent. It is often called Sanatana Dharma by its practitioners, Sanskrit phrase meaning "the eternal (everlasting) dharma (law)."
Hindus believe in a supreme cosmic spirit, who is worshiped in many ways, represented by individual deities.Hinduism is focused on a variety of practices that are seen as a means to help the individual to experience the divinity that is everywhere, and realize the true nature of your being.
The Hindu theology is based on the cult of avatars (bodily manifestations) of the supreme deity, Brahman. Particular emphasis is given to the Trimurti - a trinity consisting of Brahma (Brahma), Siva (Shiva) and Vishnu (Vishnu).Traditionally the direct worship of Trimurti members is relatively rare - instead, tend to worship more specific avatars and closer to the cultural reality and psychological practitioners, such as Krishna (Krishna), avatar of Vishnu and central character Bhagavad Gita.
Hindus worship about 330 thousand different divinities.
Hinduism can be subdivided into several major chains. Of the six original darshanas or historical divisions, only two schools, Vedanta and Yoga survive. The main divisions of Hinduism today are Vaishnavism, Shaivism the the Smartism and Shaktism. The vast majority of today's Hindus can be categorized under one of these four groups, although there are others, whose names and affiliations vary immensely.
Some scholars divide the currents of modern Hinduism in their "types":
Hinduism popular, based on local traditions and cults of tutelary deities, practiced in more localized level;
Dharma-Hinduism or "daily morality" based on the notion of karma, in astrology, the company standards as the caste system, the customs of weddings.
Vedanta Hinduism, especially the Advaita (Smartism), based on the Upanishads and the Puranas;
Bhakti, or "devotionalism", especially Vaishnavism;
Brahmanical Hinduism Vedic, as practiced by traditionalist brahmins, especially shrautins;
Yogic Hinduism, especially based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. With the main temples Hoysaleswara and Khajuraho.
The characteristic of comprehensive tolerance to differences of creed and dogma of Hinduism opening makes it difficult to define as a religion according to traditional Western concept. While Hinduism is a clear practical concept to most of his followers, many express some kind of problem when trying to reach a definition of the term, mainly due to the wide range of traditions and ideas incorporated or covered by it. Although described as a religion, Hinduism is often defined most often as a 'religious tradition'. It is described as Karma and samsara.
Karma can be translated literally as "action", "work" or "done" and can be described as the "moral law of cause and effect." According to the Upanishads an individual, known as the jiva-atma, develops samskaras (impressions) from actions, whether physical or mental. The subtle body, a more subtle body than the physical, but less subtle than the soul, stores, prints, and carries them to the next life, establishing a unique trajectory for the individual. Thus, the concept of an infallible, neutral and universal karma intrinsically relates to reincarnation as well as the personality, character and family of each. Karma unites the concepts of free will and destiny.
The cycle of action, reaction, birth, death and rebirth is a continuum called samsara. The notion of reincarnation and karma is a strong premise of Hindu thought. The Bhagavad Gita says: "As a person puts on new clothes and throw away the old and torn clothes, an embodied soul enters new material bodies, giving up the old. (BG 2:22). "
The samsara provides ephemeral pleasures, which lead people to desire rebirth to enjoy the pleasures of a perishable body. However, it is believed that escape the world of samsara through moksha ensure lasting happiness and peace.It is believed that after several reincarnations one atman possibly seeks unity with the cosmic spirit (Brahman / Paramatman).
The ultimate goal of life, referred to as moksha, nirvana or samadhi, is understood in several different ways: as a realization of the unity of one God; as the realization of the eternal relationship of one with God; realization of the unity of all existence; Total unselfishness and perfect knowledge of the own self; as achieving a perfect mental peace; and as detachment from worldly desires. Such realization liberates the individual from samsara and ends the cycle of rebirths.
The conceptualization of moksha differs among the various schools of Hindu thought. Advaita Vedanta, for example, maintains that after achieving moksha one atman no longer identifies himself as an individual but as identical with Brahman in all respects. The followers of Dvaita schools (dualistic) identify themselves as part of Brahman, and after reaching moksha expect to spend eternity in a loka (heaven), in the company of their chosen form of Ishvara. Thus, it is said the Dvaita followers wish to "taste sugar", while the followers of Advaita want to "become sugar".
Objectives of human life in the classical Hindu thought accepts the following objectives of human life, known as the puruṣārthas or "four goals of life": dharma "righteousness," "ethikos" artha "livelihood", "wealth" kama "sensual pleasure "mokṣa" liberation, "" freedom "[samsara]."
It is believed that all humans seek kama and artha, but briefly, with maturity, they learn to control these desires with the dharma, or moral harmony present in all of nature. The ultimate goal would be infinity, the result is the absolute happiness, moksha, or liberation (also known as mukti, samadhi, nirvana, etc.) from samsara, the cycle of life, death, and the dual existence.
But, however utopias Breed excludes the other, the codes of the upper caste for that Se is divided and there is no freedom, equality and fraternity.
To clarify this paper I will use the Greek mythology and the Bread and Wine and political Roman Empire Circus. This myth will cite is the strong utopia that the State and Religions attack, but at the same time need them to survive because no illusions that this causes the beings are hidden and lead to emotional, spiritual defeat, physics that can lead to premature death and causes users to attack without clarity of ideas, cause a nefarious sleep states and religions not live without it.
In Greek mythology Dionysus was considered by Zeus as the most powerful of the gods. Because if called would be lost in thoughts of drunk reality, that is, lose the wisdom, serenity in short conscience to act clearly.
Dionysus as an adult, the Hera's anger has Dionysos crazy and he was wandering through various parts of the Earth.When passed through Phrygia, the goddess Cybele (deity of the life-death-rebirth cycle linked to the resurrection of the children) healed him and instructed in their religious rites.
Dionysus punished who wanted to oppose him (as Pentheus) and triumphed over his enemies as well as to save the dangers that Hera was always putting in his way.
Therefore, alcohol or any chemical that alters thinking not triumph in the realm of utopias.
Eros married Psyche, with the condition that she could not see his face, because that would mean losing it. But Psyche, induced by their jealous sisters, observes Eros's face at night under the light of a candle. Enchanted with such beauty of God gets distracted and drops a wax drop on the chest of her husband, who wakes up. Angered by the betrayal of Psyche, Eros abandons. This, getting upset, starts to wander the world to be put to death. Eros, who also suffered the separation, begs Zeus has compassion on them. Zeus and Eros serves rescues his wife and start living on Olympus, that after she take a little ambrosia making it immortal. With Psyche had Hedone, pleasure.
Hedone sexual desire, the "pleasure" the personification of lust. She is the daughter of Eros and Psyche. The Romans called Voluptas. Its opposite is Algea (pain).
Alcoholism is generally defined as the consistent and excessive consumption and / or preoccupation with alcoholic beverages to the extent that this behavior interferes with personal, family, social or professional life of the person. The alcohol can potentially result in conditions (diseases) psychological and physiological as well as, finally, death.Alcoholism is one of the global problems of drug that brings more costs. With the exception of smoking, alcoholism is more costly for the country than all the drug use problems combined.
Usually alcoholics have difficulties in fulfilling their professional duties.
Alcohol causes accidents vision, reducing the person's field of vision.
Despite the abuse of alcohol is a prerequisite for what is defined as alcoholism, his biological mechanism is still unclear. For most people, alcohol consumption generates little or no risk of becoming an addiction. Other factors often contribute to the use of alcohol turns into alcohol. These can include the social environment in which one lives the emotional and mental health, and genetic predisposition.
Alcoholism can lead to death.
'Alcoholism' is a disease, a serious psychological disorder that needs treatment multiprofessional.
The alcoholic may have losses related to alcohol use in all areas of life (physical losses, mental, moral, professional, social, among others).
The alcoholic loses the ability to control a quantity of beverage that ingests, since an intake wins. Abuse, heavy use, addiction and dependence are all common labels used to describe drinking habits, but the real meaning of these words can greatly vary depending on the context in which they are used. Even within the health specialist, a definition can vary between areas of expertise. Often politics and religion still confuse the problem and aggravate an ambiguity.
Use refers to simple use of a substance. A person who drinks any alcoholic beverage is using alcohol.
Misuse, problems with use and heavy use are terms that suggest that alcohol consumption has caused psychological problems, physical, social, or damage to the drinker and also the person living in it if it was just fine!The social and moral damages are high.
physiological effects of alcoholism
Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to an ethanol degradation in the liver eternal, a fact that consumes NAD + forming NADH. In the second reaction for the formation acetate there are NAD consumption and formation of NADH thus the Krebs cycle (dependent NAD +) is reduced by the absence of NAD +, thereby increasing the anaerobic metabolism of the cells, which will produce more lactic acid in the body. This excess of lactic acid in the body competes with urate excretion contributing to the increase of blood uric acid which will precipitate in the joints causing a condition known as gout.
The set of physiological effects experienced after excessive alcohol consumption is known as hangover, popularly called "hangover".
Blood alcohol
Alcohol in blood Alcohol in blood (grams / liter) United Symptoms
Death above 5.0 Respiratory arrest
Freud also believed that the libido matured in individuals through the exchange of its object (or objective). He argued that humans are born "polymorphically perverse" in the sense that a wide variety of objects can be a source of pleasure, without the pretension to reach the ultimate goal, ie the sexual act. Alcohol and drug give an unrealistic illusion of pleasure.
St. Augustine was the first to distinguish three kinds of desires: a sciendi libido, desire for knowledge, sentiendi libido, sensual desire in the broadest sense, and dominendi libido, desire to dominate. With alcohol and drugs all these libidos are loose.
Libido (Latin, meaning "desire" or "longing") is characterized as useful energy for the life instincts. According to Freud, the human has a separate power source for each of general instincts.
"Their production, increase or decrease, distribution and displacement should afford us possibilities to explain the observed phenomena psychosexual" (1905a, book 2, p. 113 in ed. Bras.).
The libido has an important feature that is their mobility, or ease of switching between an area of attention for another.
In the field of sexual desire is linked to emotional and psychological aspects generally not effected due to utopias, the beautiful, be super-potent, very male, having multiple orgasms, be the greatest lover and tastiest of the consumer society or you win your life stop drinking nailed in religions so it is very important that there is alcohol or drugs, as I said is this hidden utopia.
Therefore, alcohol and drugs are hidden elements that Religion and the state does not want to know to fight them because it is a necessary evil to maintain psychosocial domain.
And support for parallel powers, ie, alcohol and narcotic starting with the bread and circus politics and the Roman Empire Wine today.
With urban growth also came from social problems to Rome. Slavery has generated a lot of unemployment in the countryside, as many peasants lost their jobs. This mass of unemployed migrated to Roman cities in search of jobs and better living conditions. Afraid of what might happen some unemployed revolt, the emperor created the policy of Bread and Circus. This was to provide for the Roman food and fun. Almost every day gladiator fights took place in stages (the most famous was the Roman Colosseum) where food was distributed. Thus, the poor ended up forgetting the problems of life, decreasing the chances of revolt.
And today? Still continue with this policy? You can make a survey project of the federal government, state and municipal governments that fall under the policy of "bread, wine and circuses"? In the Brazilian case and bag of all kinds, food, education etc. and such.
"Let's stop the political circus and do something for the country" (Barack Obama)
About the Romans, that were so powerful, they became slaves of pleasure and mischief only need bread and circuses (panem et circus 10.81; ie food and fun).
That - instead of wealth, power, or children - men should pray for a "sound mind in a sound body" (mens sana in corpore sano 10,356).
The letter Fabiano Silvestre Issas music takes the path that I want to get.
The cup that intoxicates
Also refreshing ideas
They are bread, wine and circuses.
One lives
The thousand and one nights of the nation,
Saudade of lucidity,
That allowed the understanding,
Surely even the silent film
Today would speak,
In Hebrew, inclusive.
It is best to conform,
Give reason the former opposition,
Today no more opposite,
Monarchy and socialism are confused,
It is a companion reign,
The interests are personal,
The important thing is the people happy,
It has bread or need butter,
Just a little joy.
No matter if everything is scrambled,
Some marked cards
Conducting the game,
Jack, queen and king,
Idolatry is such blindness
The eyes become adornment
Faces walking
Dressed clowns
In the drunken crowd.
Why not just more bread,
Neither the circus,
The people need more to be deceived,
So do not be so
The will of the people is the political will,
Scandals? What scandals?
Nobody knows nobody saw,
Nobody remembers,
Worse than a moral hangover,
It is the political hangover.
What consequences of these policies strategies can feel these days?
We can see reflections of this policy, today, in football, in the novel, on the Internet, fashion, advertising advertisements, family allowance, etc. Anyway, all this added are ways to keep most, supporting this country, busy with things that do not concern the social, political and economic of our country, for example, why our politicians are so corrupt? Why is there so much inequality in our country? Who creates inequality? Why so much violence? Why our schools do not function as they should? Why our children leave school without learning what really should learn?Why do so many taxes to pay? Etc.
We can not answer these questions, because a country that is installed a bread and circus policy is created not citizens but consumers, consumers do not question, consume. Consume goods, so it creates in society bread and circuses a consumerist and selfish mentality, where being is devalued at the expense of the goods. We are what we eat: our cars, our clothes, the place we live, the social class to which we belong.
So I want to stress that alcohol is the highest ingredient of the state to control the masses, for the state is no advantage clarify a policy that makes clear the effects of alcohol it, the state is Dionysus or Bacchus and spoils most of the world's population in their thinking, it is part of the collective unconscious and individual, conscious collective and individual.
Incidentally, when a moderate degree, all human beings are, at some point in their lives, affected by alcohol and drug, which acts as a kind of social regulator, inhibitor of the excesses condemned by society as a whole, or micro-societies.
Alcohol and drugs also act as a defense mechanism that allows one to evaluate new situations through an attitude of caution and seek the appropriate response to the situation, but the same time is a temporary response to a situation that makes them dependent and leads to madness, premature death is a physical, spiritual sickness and economically to person are only losses, the utopias that users think are the most clear and irrefutable only serves to enrich the drug traffickers and the state thanks.
There are four types of alcoholism:
a) Situational alcoholism: is manifested in specific occasions, and therefore the damage is located (for example: a person interacts well with the authority and the opposite sex, speaking in public as were you the truth, do not have to talk about shame in public);
b) chronic alcoholism: is manifested in all forms of social life. A person can not make friends and talk to strangers, bullies in front of authority, fear of public speaking etc. acts as poor thing and always brings a social and family rancor.
c) purposeful alcoholism: A term assigned to Misantropia. In this case alcoholism becomes a sociopatismo closeted. It would be an effect of radicalism alcohol where social isolation is low. It is an alcoholic in your internship most ashamed of himself, puts blame on society and the family, so do not socialize. In short became a madman, or is sick, so always be patient to know some. They lost all reference to reality and live in a utopia full I consider the greatest of all.
d) psychopath alcoholism: one who does not fear the social relationship, just prefer to be alone, feeling more comfortable with their ideas and their inanimate objects than with others. This would be commonly called crazy person, which has many points in common with the purposeful alcoholism and becomes vulnerable to anxiety disorders and can be dangerous.
Alcoholism and drug is an acquired mental disorder socially. But chronic alcoholism can develop into a condition of physical misery, mental, spiritual and economic, especially when the teenager can not overcome it upon entering adulthood.
Effects of the main drugs in the words of Marcia Lisbon are:
Cocaine - Consumed mainly powder and nose, cocaine is a stimulant drug and provides an anesthetic effect and euphoria, generating greater mental alertness, sexual desire and self-confidence. But the sensations of pleasure, therefore, give rise to increased heart and respiratory pressure and may also cause tremors and seizures, and paranoia, persecution mania and visual and auditory hallucinations. The drug inhibits appetite and can cause weight loss, nutritional deficiency and insomnia in people dependent. Continuous use causes pleasure, reached the first few times, it becomes unattainable. The despondency and grief are presented in the form of drowsiness, irritability, depression and apathy.
Crack - This is a stone with high toxicity and dependence power which is consumed by smoking. This substance is a more concentrated form of cocaine and acts faster in the body. Crack enters the human body through the respiratory system and reaches quickly the brain, causing overstimulation of motor activity, sense of well being and euphoria, for a maximum of five minutes. Then it is detected increased blood pressure and heart rate. The high power of destruction of Crack can cause damage to neurons and lead the user to eat. It is estimated that five "of the kite" (smoking a pipe containing the crack) can make the person dependent.
Ecstasy - Found in the form of tablets, capsules, powders or crystals, ecstasy is the name given to any compound containing substance MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Known as the "love drug", the substance stimulates the libido, decreases inhibition, increased body energy, but during these effects may occur: increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and sweating, accompanied by dehydration , gnashing of teeth, clenched jaws, nausea and vomiting; and erasures and exhaustion, generating deaths.
Inhalants - Considered the main entrance, next to marijuana, substances like "smell-of-lolo", launches fragrance and shoe glue effects manifest immediately after use. At first there is an excitement, triggering euphoria in the user then comes the stage of cerebral depression. In it, the individual demonstrates disorientation, the voice gets a little doughy and embarrassed vision. There are records of seizures, coma framework and deaths from cardiac arrest after the use of these drugs.
Marijuana - The illicit substance most commonly used in Brazil is also the subject of great controversy surrounding its decriminalization. A chain followed by trendsetters users and health professionals and politicians (morons), defends release of moderate consumption of marijuana, idiots there is no moderation in addictions and eight or eighty, I want to see if their children when everyone is in front of his gate offering drugs to him, see if there will be moderation, this is sick and has dated drugs or live with them, but it is irrational of them that exist in the case of drugs moderate consumption, alcohol been a damage is the greatest sickening releases the state to control the minds.
The evil of marijuana is provided by hallucinogenic effects generated by the drug. According to researchers, marijuana causes increased appetite ( "munchies"), pupil dilation, muscle relaxation, loss of sense of time, release of adrenaline, which causes rapid heartbeat, changes in thinking, memory, attention and humor. Their action takes place mainly on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system causing, after feeling of well being and euphoria, sleepiness, hallucination and anxiety. Do defenders know this and feel that the power of the drug traffickers will cease, that utopia.
Solvents - also considered inhalants the group consisting thinners, aerosols and acetone, among others, may cause food poisoning, in addition to liver and kidney damage.
POWER drug traffickers
For drug traffickers there are no borders in Brazil, many drug traffickers found an ideal place for their operations. An example of this was Juan Carlos Ramirez Abadia, before being arrested, was anonymous for two years, during which opened 16 companies, among which, utilities, computer sales, pisciculture, shielding cars, cellars, etc.
By having continental proportions, monitor drug trafficking in Brazil it is not at all easy. After all, this is a country that borders with ten countries, three of which are cocaine producers (Bolivia, Peru and Colombia), border with Paraguay, which produces marijuana and cocaine less. Brazil has a dry border 16,400 km and a coastline of 7000 km , Ports and airports with a huge logistics to transport cargo and people worldwide, the largest financial center in Latin America and a population over 180 million people.
Cocaine and Colombian heroin is destined for Europe pass through Brazil. Only the port of Santos transports annually 75 million tons, in this context, a few dozen tons of these drugs are hard to find as a needle in a haystack.
The drug consumed in Brazil is not Colombian, very pure and aimed at markets with greater purchasing power. Here is consumed Paraguayan marijuana and cocaine originated in Bolivia. These drugs enter the country through small airplanes and trucks.
Today, Brazil processes, imports and exports various types of drugs, therefore, became a center of production and consumption. Brazil is also a provider of new drugs and alternative forms an important part in the international drug traffic engineering.
Drugs are substances capable of altering the functioning of the human body. Depending on the nature and composition of the same they may act on certain places or in the body as a whole. Every drug has its effects, but they do not manifest in the same way in all organisms, especially because each drug has its contraindications.
There are two major groups of drugs, other than grouping according to their characteristics, but according to the conventions and social requirements. They are the group of licit drugs and the group of illicit drugs.
Drugs are substances capable of producing changes in physical, mental and emotional sensations. Thus, energy, coffee, soft drinks, chocolates, among many other foods contain drug substances which may be considered as in any way alter the sensation of those who ingests. These, however, if ingested in moderate amounts pose no threat to humans. If, however, are excessively used by someone else, can cause a slight dependence and future health problems.
They are used for various purposes since ancient times. They can be used to cure diseases or get pleasure. Among the legal drugs are medicines in general (which are only allowed under medical prescription), alcohol (this is hidden power of utopias) and cigarette besides the aforementioned foods. Among the major illegal drugs are marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, Crack, heroin, etc. Still other addictive substances, but they are freely sold for other purposes such as shoe glue and hypnol. There are several other drugs that are also used in the same way and some of them still are not even known by the health ministry and the judicial authorities.
With the exception of the drugs that are used for medicinal purposes, the others do not contribute to the growth and development of people as human beings. In addition to the losses within the individual's health, which are irreparable and often uncontrollable, there is an immeasurable loss in regard to social, family, emotional and psychological person.
Therefore, any individual can have his judgment warped by alcohol and narcotics and the state turns a blind eye because there is no interest really that combat the parallel powers and unless we change this mentality that is rooted in our society, can never change anything because we fall every day into the traps of alcohol, which masks the inequalities, violence, prejudice, shyness, fear, etc. and mainly acts on utopias of a strong and unquestionable way.
In all these utopias drugs and alcoholism subject do not stop if you do not, depends on his will, he needs help, then entering the role of religions as said depends on the work of saving these for their utopias and groups of self-help or good psychologist this is the secret to not live idealistically, living day to day, planning an uncertain future, but now it is important preferably sober then he can see the clean face the effects of utopias.
The contradictions of capitalism after István Mészáros:
"The capitalist system at the height of their productivity, is unable to fully meet the needs of the world population for food."
The global economic crisis.
"You are wrong who think that the Chinese surplus will save the system, because they are three trillion dollars compared to 30 trillion of the rest of the world. Does not mean anything".
income distribution programs and resentful middle class.
"Maybe the critics are not aware enough about how the social structure is painful to the poor. Suffering is usually part of a tax system. The awareness leads people to wonder how to solve problems such as hunger. It is with repression? "
The European conservative wave.
"What are these social democratic parties in Europe today? They are heirs of years of reforms that have brought increasingly to the right. "
The uprisings in the Arab world.
"There is little time to political meetings were full of older people, and those meetings are now filled with younger people."
Demonstrations across Europe.
"We create the habit to sweep our problems under the carpet. But our historical carpet looks increasingly to a mountain, it is increasingly difficult to walk on it. There is no immediate solution. "
Latin America, land of hope.
"The advanced capitalist countries are the most destructive. Would you call that advanced? It is not advanced and in many ways brings us back to the barbarity condition. "
The capitalist system was not only valid for a considerable time as it was far more powerful and dynamic than any other system. But there is a limit to this and this system is becoming increasingly destructive. And this is the great problem that the political and social movements will face the separation of politics from social and economic dimensions. This is part of capitalism, group these three dimensions. If, in the past, the grouping of these dimensions worked and allowed violent economic transformation, and political transformations, today no longer takes effect. And that's why when the demands of these social movements come parliaments nothing happens in the circle of political decisions already exists an inertia and legacy of the past limitations.
Think about it, the capitalist system at the height of their productivity, is unable to fully meet the needs of the world population for food. It is estimated that in 20 years or less the price of food is ridiculously more expensive than it is today. Currently there are still riots promoted by starving populations. Nothing could testify more graphically the failure of that system.
In North Africa, these people who recently rebelled spend on average 80% of their income just to ensure food. With the rising price of food, as they will get? And with this increase, some people who call themselves experts, have begun to blame the Chinese and Indians by the high prices. With the strengthening of their economies, they began to eat. What outrage! Entire populations have always worked as slaves on journeys of up to 14 hours a day, they began to eat as they would like? This is not nonsense? And it is with excuses like this that our company settled to face their problems. I insist, closing his eyes and sweeping everything under the carpet.
The great momentum behind the capitalist system occurred at the time the exchange value replaced the use value.The primary use of a capitalist is the sale once you have sold your product, it met its goal. No matter where he goes, no matter if it is used it two or ten times. This is totally irrelevant.
The capitalist system, which has this dynamic, has reached the limit of its contradictions. The main point of capitalism is to ignore the real needs of people. Proof of this is that today people suffer greatly. Elements of human need can not be considered because the nature of our system is a boundless and endless growth. And in this sense the sky is the limit. Not quite. To say this is to cheat yourself. There is a limit to the human-beings and the way we relate to nature. Our existence depends on maintaining an acceptable relationship with nature.
Thus the state are the first target of these capitalist can not live without the state even one day, it is the capitalist instrument and as we will see below the instrument that most materialistic wants.
Since the rise of communism, ideology created after the Russian Revolution, the words "socialism" and "communism" began to be used interchangeably throughout the twentieth century. In fact, although both theories moving towards the same goal, there are certain conceptual differences between the two words. In short, we can say that socialism is a capitalist stage of transition to communism.
Socialism is a set of doctrines that have finally socialization of the means of production. Assuming that social problems derive inequalities between individuals, the system aims to extinction of private property. The government invest in citizen from birth, however, I would like the "owner" of that individual, who would be required to follow strict rules and working for all the extent of its possibilities.
In this sense, there is still a need for state existence to coordinate the socialization of the means of production and defend the interests of workers from the back of the capitalist system.
Communism is a system of government where there are no social classes, private property and, most importantly, there is no state figure; that's the difference. In other words, socialism is an earlier stage of transition to communism aimed at the disappearance of capitalism. Under communism, there is no need for the existence of a State by virtue of the fact that all political decisions are taken by the workers' democracy.
Contrary to what many think the step of communism has never been achieved by any country, since there was no society where registered the absence of a state. (By Tiago Dantas).
Within the Marxist theory developed in the nineteenth century, communism and socialism would be two successive stages in the development of human society, occurring after the collapse of the capitalist system. Socialism would be characterized by the abolition of private ownership of means of production and the installation of a strong state ( "dictatorship of the proletariat"), able to consolidate the regime and promote the reduction of social inequality. In communism, the state itself would be abolished with the introduction of a radical equality among men.
However, in practical politics of the twentieth century, the two words have gained another meaning. Communism term came to refer to revolutionary political movements of Marxist origin and the states that emerged from that (Soviet Union, China), characterized by the abolition of private ownership of the means of production and political authoritarianism. Socialism term came to refer to reformist groups, who aspired to achieving social change through voting, preserving liberal democracy. Thus, there were socialist governments in France, England (by Labour), Germany (through social democracy), Scandinavian and other countries.
So there was a higher share of state scholars, was the power of the hub itself, it just sent him. We fall every day in the system traps that is organized to maintain inequalities, violence, prejudice, etc. The output for a better society is move to be citizens, to change the vision, the mentality. Being a citizen is to be cognizant of their rights and duties, is to respect others, is to respect the differences, it is be supportive is to put yourself in another's place. That is, if self-help via the WWW.
For the mimetic space utopia of self-help is a dialectical concept that can win a utopia or live it blindly.
The term self-help can refer to any case where an individual or group (such as a support group) seeks to enhance economic, spiritual, intellectually or emotionally. The term is usually applied as a panacea in education, business and psychology, propagated through the lucrative publishing industry of books on the subject.
The concept of self-help also found a place in more expansive genres. For many people, the self-help has become a way to reduce costs, especially in legal matters, with self-help services to aid in routine causes, from domestic processes to action on copyright. Market trends related to self-help resulted in recent years in automated payment systems. Petrol stations "self-help" (self-service or self-service, as it is known this system in Brazil) replaced the pumps that needed an officer in the US during the last years of the twentieth century.
The various genres in which self-help concepts are applied are brought together with the expansion of technologies that give individuals able to conduct both trivial activities as the deepest in complexity. The publication of self-help books arose from decentralization of ideology, the growth of the publishing industry using new and better printing technologies and at the peak of growth, with new psychological sciences being spread. Also, self-help legal services grew around expanded access to document protection technologies. The Internet and the ever-growing selection of commercial and information services that it offers, is an example of the self-help movement around large scale. This integration has produced a new type of instrument, such as books with a unique code printed on each copy to ensure that the reader can perform a test "online" to quantify where your skills compare the concepts dictated by the book.
The first free of "self-help" was titled "Self-Help". It was written by Samuel Smiles (1812-1904) and published 1859. His opening sentence is: "Heaven helps those who help themselves", a variation of "God helps those who help themselves", a maximum often quoted in Poor Richard's Almanac by Benjamin Franklin.
There is a growing body of evidence that psychological therapies for anxiety, depression and other common mental problems can be effectively addressed through the use of books, computer programs and other means.
Research has shown that people often try to solve their problems by themselves, in most cases using techniques similar to those used by psychotherapists.
Another counterargument is that some readers of self-help books seek "easy answers", but that does not mean the answers in books are easy to apply. A book can suggest a method to act (or not easy), but only the player can take it forward, and many readers are more willing to do so than others. Those who make the effort mutual generally have more improvements in their lives.
Benjamin Franklin wrote in his autobiography:
When I knew, or thought I knew what was right and what was wrong, I did not see why I should not always make one and avoid the other. But I soon discovered that he had taken a much harder task than imagined. While my concern was to be alert to a fault, I was often surprised by another; the habit takes advantage of inattention; sometimes the will is too strong to be rationalized. In the end, I concluded that the mere speculative conviction that it is our interest to be completely virtuous is not sufficient to prevent our slipping; and that the habits contrary to it must be broken, and the good must be acquired and established before we can have any dependence on a righteousness of firm and uniform conduct.
While the method described by Franklin in his autobiography is straightforward and easy to understand, it clearly does not suggest that it is an easy thing to do. Some self-help authors may treat quickly this distinction, but even when they do not, readers should excuse them. Franklin himself admitted that he only obtained a partial success, but he thought any improvement was preferable to none, and continued with their efforts for several years.
Although still popular, self-help books and programs have been criticized for offering "easy answers" to difficult personal problems. According to this view, the reader or participant receives the equivalent of a placebo while the writer and editor receive the profits.
The book God is My Broker ( "God is my Agent") states, "The only way to become rich with a self-help book is to write one." self-help books are also criticized as pseudoscientific contain statements that may induce the buyer following "evil ways" and theories of quotes from other authors that do not match the book.
Another major criticism of self-help is offering things that can not be achieved by the reader as wealth or health, just believe in yourself, but when the player does not reach the goal proposed by self-help, this becomes unhappy for being unable to perform their wishes.
Finally, Wendy Kaminer in his book I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional ( "I'm poor, you're poor"), criticizes the movement of self-help by encouraging people to focus personal development rather than unite the social movements, to solve their problems.
Thus the self-help is a dialectical concept can win a utopia or live it blindly, so the design of the mimetic space man must self-help, but not utopilizar joining movements that generate freedom, equality and fraternity.
In the developed West, frantic social activity conceals the monotony of global capitalism, the absence of an event ... and the lie that the world can be socialist or communist based on If. And in utopimilitarização that gives real unquestionable for this is necessary to have clear utopias to them find meaningful alternatives to live well even within the majority utopia, because socialism and capitalism and religion and alcohol and drug can not corrupt us .
The current space I call utopimilitarizaçao completely aggregate the syndrome utopias it is empty of meaning of liberty, equality and fraternity and completely loses its value as an entrepreneur of life.
By rethinking the relationships of the past of humanity itself has its ancient roots and Judeo-Christian the recently idea defunct welfare state, especially when today Europe is buoyed by unbridled technology of China, on the one hand, and globalization and the US economy , for another. The worst option would be, without doubt, the proposal of a "creative synthesis" of a false socialism or communism preached by those who call themselves liberators that are based on If.
We are free precisely because we just lack a language that is not Utopian as freedom and lie that we live in a time when everyone is totally free.
"War against terrorism", "democracy and freedom", "human rights" are false terms supported by the utopias that mystify our perception of the situation and prevent us from truly reflect on it.
"Our deep 'freedoms' serve to mask and sustain our deep 'lack of freedom'." "We are free to choose from ... we do a good choice." This is exactly what happens when, today, we are asked to choose: either democracy or fundamentalism or socialism, communism or other ism,
These terms are impossible not choose democracy. However, it should retain the problem the proposal is not fundamentalism, but democracy, as if the only alternative was to parliamentary liberal democracy which is founded on the false freedom to choose only after they saw the back of what was said.
The direct experience of the Real opposes the direct experience of everyday utopias, since the the utopia comes as the price to pay after stripping the reality of their preceituadas illusory layers in democracy utopia no freedom, equality and fraternity.
The authenticity of utopia lies a transgressor act violently. In the developed West, religion frantic social activity conceals the monotony of global capitalism or socialism, lies that the world can be based on Se.
The fundamentals of utopias does emerge in one of our conditioning universe ideologically in everyday life, but wrong because it is a utopia.
Individuals who are cut in order to firmly take root in the ego utopias not fight the unbearable anguish of the individual who has the impression does not exist
Multiculturalism today is intolerant - present political system which is characterized essentially by a politics without politics, what can be called an art utopimilitarização elaborated by experts.
Virtual reality does no more than generalize this process is to provide a private product of its substance, but does not have the power to manipulate individuals who seek to demystify the utopias. Part of its core technology is not focused on the world powers, but utopia has strength material in the world WWW no owner.
Even with numerous products offered for sale on the market or attitudes of people act repugnant by the Other, they are unmasked in Virtual.
Derealization - Attempt to make the private reality of substance, inertia always the real material is unmasked on the WWW, we have examples of several demonstrations for democracy.
Utopias propagated both by capitalism, socialism or religion is always displayed preceded by notice in space and pray the horror of the images that follow contrary to what they preach as WWW.
When we intend to always desrealizar reality, change the substance of what lives trying to instill the viewer that a utopia is better than another shakes the realism of the WWW, eg in the consumer society of advanced capitalism, is life itself that has spoiled the nature, in a way in WWW power Crick calls into question the utopian model they want.
Crossing the utopia Ghost - Usually it is believed that psychoanalysis presupposes free ourselves of our ghosts, allowing us to confront the reality as it is. And to see how utopias are launched on daily sales made by the ghost of utopias, we are immersed in utopian reality, structured and sustained by this ghost, and this immersion troubled by symptoms testify to the fact another level of our psyche, repressed , resist this immersion, for it is necessary to be WWW.
Going through the ghost means, then, paradoxically, to identify completely with it, that is, with this ghost that structure the excess that resists our full immersion in daily reality, full of utopias and clearly distinguish what is reality of what is our utopian fiction and our ghost.
We must be able to distinguish, what we apprehend as fiction, the solid core of the real, that we can only face. In short, we have to distinguish how to get out of utopias.
The historical traumas that we are not ready to face continue to haunt us even harder. We must therefore accept the paradox of a real utopias forgetting an event should start by their utopian recollection of clouds.
Superego excess of utopias led to an identification with the good and evil and find that utopian system preached by anyone with state and religious powers in blindfold with false realities can be a Bin Laden, Hitler and other populists we have today.
The big difference between utopias is your superego is the explosion of destructive synergetic energy, so liberatory for a few who holds the verb of utopia.
Utopia fully assumes the dirty and obscene foundation of power, one that says, "Get to work, someone has to do the dirty work." Assume that Real is achieved by destroying the excessive element that preaches freedom and say "We attacked and we'll see who follows."
What's interesting about this expression is that it combine volunteerism, an active attitude, entrepreneurial, risky, and a more fundamental fatalism: one acts, jumps and then ... wait for things to go well, but old decoy.
We are divided between the two sides of the "spontaneous ideology" of contemporary globalization - on the one hand, the utility and Western pragmatism and, secondly, the oriental fatalism and religions and drugs and alcohol.
The high-tech warfare and precision bombing are still there bodies behind, but the utopia does not get more distance on the high technology and the presence of experts who decide attacks by numbers, assumptions and estimates.Mainly used in the UN and its mechanisms which they say is ideal for Democracy or development of a country.
The soldier of war is currently a computer specialist who carries on two or three keys to explode a enemy territory portion. Having still based on purely mathematical data, this policy allows a country to be financially are, on the other hand there are peacekeepers who question the WWW these utopias.
According to Marx, the pleasure of fetishism fell mostly in physical possession of the object and its own concreteness. But at the time we live in, fetishism reaches its maximum paroxysm when money, war and viruses live everywhere and reach in full virtual reality, but at the same time there are people who destroy this mechanism by thought.
So for the mimetic space we live in is dialectical. And the WWW may be harmful or good and belong to virtual reality that affects, than a territorial physical reality. The known universe of utopian singular place no longer exists and begins to fall apart and disintegrate and integrate a new one in without frontiers and utopias are more fragile, but all depends on who uses it.
The shock of utopias are today more connected basically to global capitalism and, in the background, religious fundamentalists, rightly attest to the fact that the United States and Iran clearly give more priority to the economy and religion than a real democracy based on the principle of liberty, equality and fraternity.
The great utopia is ruthless pursuit of power, to which we transfer our beliefs. He who believes and supports our place, our subject-supposed-to believe that the false democracy that we are what we are is pure deception utopian populists love. In Brazil there are several examples: is currently the SQUID when it comes to power goodbye what was said.
The utopia of another Via is actually more a utopia that deserves a more humanist vision, but still no more than a utopia If she is represented at the moment by marginal currents like the antiglobalization movement. According to this Via capitalism mobilizes its obscene excess in the form of fascism; later, in the form of communism or in the form of fundamentalism and terrorism.
"In fact, the war against terrorism waged by America is not our war, but rather an internal struggle within the capitalist universe. Democracy is now the main political fetish. "
The idea of an honest democracy today is an illusion, as illusory the idea of a legal order cleared complement your superego of embracing laws that only tell you to do, but do the opposite.
The current democratic political order is inherently susceptible to corruption. In fact, the choice is clear: accept and endorse this corruption in the spirit of a resigned and realistic wisdom, or gather courage and formulate an alternative to the mimetic space to democracy, to break the vicious circle of democratic corruption and Utopian campaigns undertaken by right or left or in religious pretense of If to be happy.
To have happiness - it must meet three requirements:
· Haver basic material goods, but not completely, preventing over-consumption generates dissatisfaction; sometimes penury teaches us to better take advantage of the consumer goods;
· 2 - Power impute that goes wrong to the Other, so that no one feels responsible; the blame is always a utopia;
· 3 - Haver another space with which to dream and sometimes visit and click and open the WWW knowledge.
Once these three conditions, in everyday life, we feel desired utopias that actually do not want and, ultimately, the worst that could happen is to get what we want by officially mask utopian. Being thus happiness is therefore hypocritical by nature: it is the happiness of dreaming about things that do not truly desire, there will always be a utopia to choose from, but the real happiness and knowing the utopian lies and live day to day without concern do harm to other beings and knowing that we are unable to live in If tomorrow, so live happily, it does not suffer tomorrow, but today make the minimum so that my neighbor and I are happy, because both religious utopias, capitalists, socialists and other hidden as drugs and alcohol, they are there, but most of the people not there with them the inequality that will never be healed.
The motto of most people who do not have the clarity of utopias says "I do not know anything about it" - Because knowledge brings unhappiness, Lacan argues that this is the main attitude of man towards knowledge, as if a fundamental resistance idea to know more.
Any real progress in the area of knowledge can only be obtained through a painful fight against this spontaneous propensity of utopias. The knowledge that the Other knows ruins everything, and exposes me to a total feeling of distrust, so do not want to know how we can now improve, just I have and do not need to be free, equal and fraternal, can be delivered by my money and ready.
Knowing the knowledge of the Other - For Lacan, this phrase sums up the fact that the whole psychic economy of a situation changes dramatically not because I learned anything ignored, but rather because I learned that the Other, I thought ignorant, knew from the start and acted as if nothing knew to save face. So utopias that exist today want to give a new look with the name of Sustainable Development, a new socialism etc. and such.
It is a humiliating situation than the unfaithful husband who later come to find out that his wife was aware of all though I have nothing, out of politeness or disaffection want change, and wash them with new utopias, but the content remains the same and deceive us again.
The religious utopia is difficult and even traumatic accept that your life is at the service of truth and that is simply not a stupid process of reproduction and pleasure seeking. This is how religious utopia works today in our self-proclaimed post-ideological universe: we perform our symbolic mandates without truly assume, without really take seriously our happiness.
A father, for example, embodies the symbolic role of father, but accompanies this paper with a steady stream of comments denouncing ironic and reflective stupid convention of fatherhood. We enjoy with our beliefs, but we continue to practice them, or continue to rely on them as a framework underpinning our daily practices.
"In short, it's always the same story that is told, though it appears to travel, self-irony and Brechtian distancing. Now, the true function of the latter mechanisms referred to is precisely to preserve this traditional history as relevant to our postmodern era - preventing us well to replace it with a new story, "which is no utopian, without prejudice to other religions.
If we want to take seriously the liberal hegemonic ideology, can not simultaneously be intelligent and honest: or if it is completely stupid or cynically corrupt and much less make apologies utopias.
Today we need a new courage and it is this lack of courage - which ultimately is also the courage to question your own utopian position that makes repugnant our actions, and the relativity can not exist, to take a position, each subject knows that all positions are relative, conditioned by contingent historical constellations and therefore no one is in possession of a permanent solution, but only temporary and pragmatic and utopian solutions.
Relativism illustrated by utopias is apparently made of modesty hides in reality the reverse position to favor one's own position of his statement false.
To convince ourselves that just compare the combat and suffering of fundamentalist with serene peace of the liberal Democrat who, protected in their subjective position, ironically rejects any strong commitment, any defense of a point of view of equality, fraternity and liberty.
In this case, we should put in place before the well-known words of Christ to announce that brought the sword and division, not unity and peace: in the name of love for humanity. We should complete the Jewish quotation mentioned often in connection with the Holocaust ( "When someone saves a man from death, saved all mankind"), by: (When someone kills even if one enemy of mankind, is not to kill, but to save all mankind). The real ethical effort is not only in the decision to save victims, but also - and perhaps more - the ruthless dedication to annihilating those who make them victims of utopias.
In my axioms about the mimetic space is a fight against the utopias while a clarification of the roles of these, it is one that uses a utopia, do not forget that it is fleeting and manipulative.
And for those who really want a direct democracy, because as I said just one Crick and do not need the bread of politics and wine and circus, and to have a new world to discover, because the WWW there is no control of thinking and for a utopia perpetuate itself it is no longer as easy as before.
It also caters to those who want to come over as subjects of action and without being manipulated and manipulate, but only time will tell.
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