Britain left the European Union to develop its old, but gradual adjustment of tax collection, not overlooked is attached to multilateralism and follow the rules of this union. Adam Smith, in Book V of The Wealth of Nations, made a reflection on the role of government in the economy and has a long reflection on the tributaries of his time systems.
People should contribute to the government's maintenance, the maximum extent possible in proportion to their gain or income, as under government protection not the length generates inequalities.
The taxes that must pay certain and clear and not arbitrary as to date, how to pay for all people. Of course, each paid more than "drown" the same.Uncertainties of taxation stimulate the insolence and favors the corruption that generates impopularidades before them.
The entire tax must be charged at the time, except for durable goods, it is more likely to pay taxes. The consumer goods must be paid directly by the consumer in the box.
Every tax should be taken out of people's pockets, but then applied, leaving as little as possible in public coffers, so the speed of direct collection and their immediate distribution there is less need for employees, because the indirect collection is bad for the purse whose salaries increase in all ministries, it is not convenient. Another issue is tax evasion that leads to ruin the community.
So taxes should be clear without many criteria, eg tax for direct education merchandise 20% quickly passed on to schools, it does not feed inflation and generates fast secondary incomes. In fact not even need Ministry of Education, but a tax center that quickly repassasse directly to the community that collected taxes.
1- People should contribute to the government's maintenance, the maximum extent possible in proportion to their gain or income, as under government protection not the length generates inequalities.
2- The taxes that must pay certain and clear and not arbitrary as to date, how to pay for all people. Of course, each paid more than "drown" the same. Uncertainties of taxation stimulate the insolence and favors the corruption that generates impopularidades before them.
3- All the tax should be levied at the time, except for durable goods, it is more likely to pay taxes. The consumer goods must be paid directly by the consumer in the box.
4 Every tax should be taken out of people's pockets, but then applied, leaving as little as possible in public coffers, so the speed of direct collection and their immediate distribution there is less need for employees, because the indirect collection is bad for the purse whose salaries increase in all ministries, it is not convenient. Another issue is tax evasion that leads to ruin the community.
So taxes should be clear without many criteria, eg tax for direct education merchandise 20% quickly passed on to schools, it does not feed inflation and generates fast secondary incomes. In fact not even need Ministry of Education, but a tax center that quickly repassasse directly to the community that collected taxes.
Here you can not talk about national equity because if a community generates more income it needs protection for their contribution, each region has its own peculiarities, it is progressive or not the person can change region, ie, do yourself and go where you have opportunities, is the freedom to go where better management ever.
Besides this, the restrictive rules to prevent tax evasion are expensive bother you that often prevent obstacles to improvements in production processes, a new machine that produces more, it comes to recovery by producing more.
Now the number of hours should not be channeled in the form of taxes, was a production time reduction is the benefit that the company has obtained and be penalized with higher taxes in the form of hours delay it in the competition.
Equal taxation is not clear to the people, to discriminate becoming a norm of all that relates to the government that often a person suffers discrimination that is neuralgic point putting.
One with fewer resources and expenditures that can not be discounted carries more taxes than supported, if you live rent and earns the same as it has its own home brings pressure and may soon evade and feed less or take the children to a medical university which is very expensive in Brazil.
This makes tax equality actually means equal sacrifices, distribute the contribution of each person to cover government spending so that it the feel neither more nor less uncomfortable with the dimension it deserves pay, than any other feel paying it. This pattern collection is not perfect in Brazil is generalizing makes feel paying more than others.
Those who pay more think should get more benefits there is a false appearance, in Brazil for property tax (Tax on Land Property and Territorial Urbana) Many of the municipalities adopt progressive tax calculation. "The rate is set by the value of the property."
"The lower the value, the lower the rate" that hinders improvements and expansion of the home and many evade, sometimes it decreases hand allocation work. Of course if it is for rent or trade is expected to increase the rate, however, can not find this policy to only the ownership and protection of people are the only purpose of government, it has amplitude and social union.
Ledo mistakenly think that a person pay 10 times not to police ten times more, want tranquility and peace in the truth, although sometimes require the pass. If we want to evaluate the different degrees of personal benefit earn protection dispensed by the government supposedly would have if such protection to that the weak infallibly be slaves and the weakest question should pay more.
And the act of imposing defined acts and still undefined objects creates a false density that leaves no new technologies to more loose her pregnancy, the inventor or entrepreneur should know how much it will pay tax for goods like the other.
But its production is higher due to new government hand the new technology leaving do, out paperwork that must fill out this is absurd new microeconomic protectionism installed in taxes.
So should voluntary subscription in action order and fair contribution according to its reserves this improvement the contribution instead of a compulsory contribution to compulsory contributions would be the ideal way, compulsory generates operant inequalities and usually ends up in tax evasion.
Fleeing the old maxim that everyone is equal and should contribute to certain rates set by the government, the person compulsorily declare with common sense is clear how it would pay the tax, however, in Brazil there has long established the criteria of gradual tax as it increases the income of the individual find it does not better spent on other services generating jobs and not feeding a large number of employees as the power of police rather than investment power.
However evasion in Brazil is a practice difficult to break this model, as it thinks it does not get 10 times more than 1 times the taxpayer.
The taxation of genres of basic needs should be zero, this exemption in this regard goes to health, in other luxury could be so rates.
However a fixed and clear tax is ideal if the tax was 10% a person earned 10,000 would pay a thousand, 1,000, 100 that the income tax,
If we compare it weighs more who wins 1000. England this running these progressive tax that came out of the European Union that is based on equal to Brazil to smooth out inequalities of wealth.
Taxing higher incomes at a higher percentage than the lowest incomes mean imposing a tax on people for working harder and saved more than their neighbors.
Should be restricted to the public good are the gains earned by work, but those are not won by the work but if bank loan sharks that both increase the interest.
The Brazilian government cooperates to maintain high interest rates that help these aferirem wealth from one night to day, taking three richest men in Brazil and among the top twenty in the world connected to this activity.
A just law and knew would refrain from encouraging the dissipation of what we gain as honest work, encouraging, yes, to save what is gained in this way. Impartiality between competitors would be in demand to make all of them can start with the same chances, and not impose a weight active people.
The error in finding that the progressive tax would poorer a person earns thousand real than a 10 thousand reais, the government wants to show the idea that the importance of the person according to what she spends it is unreal.
The government should see the comfort and pleasure and has the wealth to buy these and take progressivity acts unequal in productive work destímula to gain more due to progressive tax rates, these are long-time errors in the country.
The government should not evaluate the vanity of people, they buy more if they do not pay taxes that are deplorable for the progressive taxes decreased think inequalities.
Taxing higher incomes at a higher percentage than the lowest incomes segnifica impose the initiative and thrift, impose penalty umaa people have pot tralhado harder and nato and economizer buyer.
Impartiality on the merits would be the most significant act more doque instructions and many roles in which the taxpayer sees an unclear tax with regulations that only disturbs the generation of income, the agents of the revenue is nicknamed here Lion literally are waiting to prey withheld or failed to pay with their regulations.
Therefore, income tax differs from the other taxes from interest and no salary.
As for net profits of engajdas people in the trade, knowing beforehand that the tax already clear in the end he would only pay your job to sell the product.
Example: shoe, 15% for education, 15% health, 25% safety (here comes FGTS INSS and other related employee safety.) 10% reserve and contingency stimulus generation technology, the rest of measured profits.
Ai of his salary if one million would pay a million, is for 100 thousand would pay income tax.
However, the government could add if it were a growing and steady income gain, win 1 million a year without the sacrifice of the work that was outlined at the beginning, it could rather increase the rate, but, as has already been paid indirectly, traders and manufacturers of your gain would spontaneously so his income tax, as may apply in the production chain forming new jobs and clear income taxes.
Finally progressive taxes only hinder and are wrong since 1500 as it was in the pouring of gold in Minas Gerais that led to Minas Conspiracy, so far have not learned what liberalism and England the birthplace of this gave clear evidence that will try to penalize less taxpayers without following progressive rules that wants to show generating equality, however, penalizes every productive sector without clarity and the mouth of the "lion" always waiting evasion.
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