All religions and atheists also want a "supposed" peace, however, intolerance and anger expressed by the doctrines model without compassion and benevolence, and even neo-liberalism has not given priority to education, health and security without this there is no political economy. And groups shaped by religious fanaticism make terrorism today in Brazil to meet between wealth and poverty that leads to terrorism although different is the same basis, not full liberalism and opportunity. The professors disciples are very fond of "The Wealth of Nations" of Adam Smith and the "Capital" of Karl Marx , John Maynard Keynes I call intellectual homo economicus liabilities.
The homo economicus liabilities are the trainers of previous ideas, the asset is the present they use and renew ideas.
always sought an outlet in the manuals of these authors have passed several "capitalist crisis", however, there are no crises in capitalism, there are attempts to ideas interests improvements for minimizing what they do wrong or right, so far they have been experiences and by the national economic policy play chess were losers.
Until now the intellectual leaders of ties trained at prestigious universities, a Sorbonne , Oxford , Bonn , Harvard , have failed with their knowledge and many still do not differ from the Islamic religion, there are 1 billion adherents, the group that attacks are modeled by the exclusion seem that do tours when they speak on these issues.
2 Duty Sense of man "active economicus" liberalism.
Keynes, to defend state intervention in the economy helped at the time the reconstruction and rectification of the capitalist system of production. He helped rebuild the formation of Neoliberalism making the same state with the minimum necessary interventionism that was seized worldwide to China changed the route, even with a single party, made reforms leaving center as the EX-Uniãosoviética according to the author , capitalism is the most efficient system that mankind has ever known.
Here Getulio Vargas and implement this policy, sinned in excess of nationalism, Juscelino Kubischek made the target plan named "Grow in 5 years which has not grown in 50 years" only focused national and some international groups, not opened for all international companies, lost the opportunity to practice liberalism, left the Education, Health and Safety sideways.
Only with the military regime there was a breakthrough after 70 and error these were also favor some companies denoting Patriotism Nationalist, with the motto 'Order and Progress' country with investment from outside grew, however again the oligarchy both international and national installed the country benefited.
Keynes said "The goal is to improve the system, so that they join the social altruism (by the state) with individual gain instincts (through free private initiative)." According to the author, state intervention in the economy is necessary because the union does not occur by natural means, thanks to the problems of the free market (disproportionality between savings and investment and "mood" or "[animal spirits]," entrepreneurs). It is also an anti-inflationary economist to declare that inflation is a confiscation of income from the government, many intellectuals were launched in these ways.
These days I played with an ice cream passing in the neighborhood with his geladinho is illiterate, he walks all day whistling and talking:
- "Look geladinho ice cream, gostosinho" tames his harmonica sound that every Brazilian knows and feels geladinho mouth. Said:
- The government will collect his taxes by selling "geladinho". Ira tax 100%.
He put his hand on the head, with furrowed brow, showing the wrinkles of time, His blackness turned yellow, concerned with the said words, he said:
- "Can not, or this may more, how will I support my family, but I have the goods (ice cream) my son is embarrassed to go out selling popsicles and has no job for them, the country has no job, if I lose this little mouth and government charge me ".
He stopped talking and to scare him more, said:
You'll have to open micro company. He answered:
- "That way I will not sell anything, the ice cream will double in price, pull that freedom have?".
I saw the fall of sadness lips. I calmed him.
- "To" playing with you.
He laughed, always primes one with him. This is true hummus economicus want the freedom to achieve a goal with minimum State interference.
The world with its doctrines and ideologies not known so early one equality between people. Clubbed and deaths and recent run over by a psychopath and against the ideology of the intellectuals of religious active both European cultural side.
Increases xenophobia, thinking that all Muslims are terrorists are crossing the historical moment and showed how to make an action based on the feeling of exclusion and duty of emotion may not lead to a cultural war that never had, it would be much worse than a atomic bomb, no joke is not 1 billion Islamic, most are peaceful, only a few modeled groups and distorted that preach terror.
Here Terrorism is on the corner are 650,000 deaths per year by the failure of the economic model of neoliberalism based oligarchies (with Lula socialist false) can not stop such terror that spreads by Brazil and trend is getting worse.
Here Terrorism is on the corner are 650,000 deaths per year by the failure of the economic model of neoliberalism based oligarchies (with Lula socialist false) can not stop such terror that spreads by Brazil and trend is getting worse.
The music below gives an interest of how a man can be free.
Although all religions seek peace there are still reasons for oppressions between them and some fanatic religious groups model and recruit people dissatisfied with the model of economic and religious policy, so is Alcaide, Islamic State that frightens Europe.
In them there is still intolerance, anger that have oppression generate unhappiness, man is a commodity with feelings, emotions and inherited patterns previously by the ruling classes and are modeled to act, this being done without compassion and benevolence that long nonviolence is still at lower levels, combined with spurious wealth increases violence in Brazil killed 650 people each year for lack of compassion, education, health and safety.
In Brazil, the hand of the state benefited spurious wealth, certain "private" or had made spontaneously so this game intellectuals "tie the chair", that is, only to sign papers have settled a long time in power.
Take advantage long ago 171¹ and 155² undertake the distribution of wealth in which some were or get rich that makes spurious nature. a change in the paradigm of Brazilian trickery is required, which is called "Brazilian way".
Thus, an intellectuality that generates the State must take active and distributive mind in the capital of the deal of a nation in which John Stuart Mill says "The right actions as tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to promote the reverse of happiness. "
"The pleasure and absence of pain are the only things desirable as ends and all things are desirable" add the interest to be free. Thus there is a psychological mental law that instructs the social and human character of a people.
In this sense freedom is not filled with joy, missing the main, its capital (itself) becomes a burden and just love each other.
"In all areas of human life, the practice predates much science" ³, where most Brazilians and the media are linked to the propensity to think of easy money, just ask for one of these characters he wanted to win to change the fast life, answer: - preferably Lotteries accumulated Mega-Sena.
It is shown how the knowledge of the people feel the need to have money without the practice and lack thereof, absorbers false beliefs of Political Economy and the State having the provider of this knack. The relationship of this capital damage and interfere where it does not need.
The goods come from the capital that is made by the intellectual work put in practice is efficient moved all production, so the practice is conservative of emotional, psychological gains linked to the distribution of a nation's wealth, there is more pain than joy .
Without the practice of free enterprise as was Brazil so far is, the goods in and out not generating happiness.
Common sense there are only illustrations in the media only to do with "finger in the mouth" on the screens and panels and has always "considered the technocratic 171 and 155" that play and manage for their own benefit or intermediaries that use the State.
Example of past and present has to "heap", today Petrobras is one of the highlights, if listed all, I will not get to the end of this thesis.
3- Social interests and personal passes for free enterprise.
The "human" has its interests, but the earth with its laws not care about them, go empires, powerful nations both religious, atheistic, such as economic, all should have been based on the Safety, Health, Education.
Merchandise knowledge and human capital experiencing peace, it innovates production is art that streamlines wealth who has practiced ally in the knowledge of the practice you can not be an education of "BE" advocated by interventionists of "Technocracy State" .
In the capital the nation's wealth distribution equivalent where the rich and who earn "less" do not feel uncomfortable.
Security not only "weapon bearers," but a place to live, food to ensure good living and leisure quality and free labor.
Rich in Brazil seems to be free, there is always a suspicion in the formation of their wealth by the discrepancy of state functions.
Practical purposes profits search is not as Karl Marx, class struggle, is too much and not relational gives to analyze the economic policy by the shibboleth of equality angle and class struggle by decreases the ability to be free in the sense of duty .
"One thing we all know that one thing is to be rich, another to be cleared up, brave and humane" ² the State that generate philanthropy, duty, class feelings.
Whether religious, social, psychological, and will persist if this economic policy, as the suits "economic model".
The sadness of not having generates atrophied and selfish behavior and inherited not worked in practice of liberalism are doomed to absurd inequality advantage of a minority in conjunction with the State lead to uncertainty of tomorrow.
Interest in duty is detrimental to related to free enterprise, I would point out here that the etymological sense of obligation.
"Free Brazilian initiative" feel that everything revolves in a state's attitude to the point that the central bank becomes parameters for its initiative.
Today in Valor Econômico newspaper (12.02.2016) gave the news: - "Global financial crisis is new risk Central Bank horizon" now, never had previous crisis! Never existed? In any time of crisis there comes the state give a little help in the 171 and 155 that is criminal article in Brazil.
This sense of duty is absurd in a free enterprise society. The Central Bank can not be an extension of these and who always drove has a new "plan" to help. I do not deny, the Central Bank of a 'way "becomes gift of duty of" free Brazilian initiatives. "
NOTE * This product was worked need its own initiative to economically maintain our staff, agency 6511-0, account 34711-0, thank you is not 171 nor 155 is a help to eat, leisure and continue with these articles. Thank you
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