The Ricardian thought and the Keynisiano thought there will be no free competition, the State must not touch companies, we have seen that he is dead, not privatize Petrobras, Eletrobras and other companies always have inefficiency and via the occurrence of a steady state I never come to a pattern of distribution of wealth.
John Stur Mill "" I can try at steady state of capital and wealth that sincere aversion to state interference creating companies, Britain today is what is due to laissez-faire which is manifested in the writings of old school economists.
I think it would be preferable to a new situation where there is no protectionism, linked to commercialism and creating a new atual.Confesso situation that I do not particularly seduces the ideal of life that present in those who think that the normal state of man is to fight endless to go ahead, that this contest where tramples the next, where you give unpleasantness, which is destroyed, where walking wearing heels and that is the model of society.
Where the State should control only security, education, health and housing, the rest of the competition without the Communities and philanthropy to "entrepreneurs" national and international, giving loans or gauging debt to raise industrialization, simply create a most undesirable destination for humanity in place to be just one of the unpleasant phases of the industrial progress of the country "resulting from population growth and the reduction of food supply, even with the growing food growth in unfertile land creates difficulties for any country.
For this reason, the implied increase in food prices and the living wage or natural wage, affecting the rate of capital accumulation, ultimately reducing economic growth.
Ricardo advocated liberal economic measures such as importing food and birth control, reducing pressures on the demand and the rise in natural wages, however, there was a considerable increase in food, in Brazil there is abundant land, but still used shaped style commodities Belt US, but in Brazil it is more Plantation and Claro population growth is still necessary to the fertility control in the country.
The Self exploration microclimate regional with species endemic causes decrease the conversion cycles of the power range of predators and the reproductive cycle in this case appears to pests and current and the mosquito Aedes aegypti.
The economy of the valley as the Republic agents make their plans for people to gain life, get food, housing, clothing and golds goods, whether needed or luxury that generates pleasure. The country so far only sporadically in the periodJuscelino Kubitschek and the military regime which happened industrialization and a golden age of development of the country, with funds invested in infrastructure, had errors, just did not work it was "lazy" as they said "bums" with its oppression of errors today call "left" who think owner of democratization of the country.
It was time that several people still remember with nostalgia and some want them back in the order and "prosperity" of the time, while they left playing assaulting bank and stealing army weapons as Lamarca and receive money from supporters of communism people and the own Ex -Soviet Union.
For over 300 years there is controversy about the role of the state, Adam Smith of course, "markets should be liberated from the tyranny of government controls." In defense of their own interests, business men individually and interference in competition as in Brazil.
Where a Petrobras is said the people, can not compete and need protectionism in exploration and refining, while in the country where there is full competition in fuel prices come at the cost a third of practiced here, raising the cost of goods, ie interference evil to the country, the same thing happens to the banks in Brazil and Nossa Caixa, do not forward or can even reduce the interest they want to keep their selves gains.
A competitive businessman does not enter a country where there is state protectionism that by far is made in Brasil.Acha that their interests did not match a technological advancement and salary increase to its workers, it is a mistake, the more the worker produces more gain, according the new demand theory of large corporations that could vary the benefit monopoly.
Although there are many critics of this conduct, now that the company is competitive to restrict its production to protect dead entrepreneurs and dependent on the state since the beginning of República.A best policy is still the laissez-faire, government intervention often disturbs as we see in country, with Juscelino and both the military government should not protect certain companies from "friendly" countries these were errors, set up the Free Trade Zone of Manaus, far from the major centers of consumption that the logistics prices were even higher should, then, do several within 200 kilometers from the Brazilian coast as did China with EEZs .
The government should rather create well-paid jobs in safety, health, education, the rest let laissez-faire, but be less Keynes, Marx, and be more Smith, that is, less government and opening the country to turn to big business who really want to compete.
Unemployment is demoralizing, society loses is deprived of goods and services, generating price stability, efficiencies because the employee wants to take advantage of the efficiency of Maximo still the old business of the country, oligarchic and which for many in Congress, in addition to the backward ( ex-boyfriends / as Karl Marx, who likes to be called Vanguard, but live in jobs of Trade Unions and are given to maintain their status quo. "). we are depressed there are great today, many do not find jobs when speak unemployment put the current.
The country is a group that lives in absolute poverty without state income reaches 30% of the population
The population increased in birth policy loses up to Paraguay and away from Uruguay, this, because the country does not make a real birth control due to certain religious groups or by poor education, to family allowance increased the population to measure gains and this increases the population, "government is intervening again."
This shows that decreased by 15% but the population in 1982 was 110 million and had a 25% gains that reflected the most abundant food basket today, 210 with even reducing lost at least 300% purchase in the supermarket cart.
The research they do in I PEA and IBGE is per household, in a house for 4 people, one works in the case wins 1300 says that the per capita income of this family is this, and if all the wealth produced in the country was divided as (the avant-garde leftists wanted) would be $ 11,789, or 40,680 reais.
Now, 30% and 210 million are in general compute 60 million unemployed or future where income is still concentrated in a few hands, fell 1% in theory.
Economists make use of these charts to justify the economy goes well or goes wrong
Brazil's growth will only return in about eight years but is applied to full economic freedom, today's new headquarters energetic that reduce pollution, trucks are less polluting, there are electric cars that can every 200 km on a highway like White Castle, being placed stations with wind or compressed gas energy, there are already cars powered by compressed air, however, the cost and maintenance of a company like Petrobras for the Republic serves to by-products and are still expensive.
If Temer continue with this policy of intervention around only 10 years from now will have a probable change, they do not learn from past mistakes.
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